Dear Bogey: The Angry Elf
Dear Bogey, I have a friend who gets mad over the littlest things. This person is always moody, and it is getting to the point where I can't stand to be... Read more.

Dear Bogey: Seasonal Student Worker
Dear Bogey, I have been working at a country club in my home town for two years. I am a student-athlete at a university that is three hours away. With my... Read more.

Dear Bogey: A Semi Normal Friend
Dear Bogey, I am writing to ask for your advice regarding friendships and how to stay true to myself in those friendships. I have often struggled with... Read more.

Dear Bogey: Smirky Jerky
Dear Bogey, I have been working at Walmart for the past three years. I have done anything and everything the boss has asked of me. My co-worker Brian has... Read more.

Dear Bogey: Muddled McKendree Bearcat
Dear Bogey, I am very confused and conflicted about how my roommate and I are acting. We've been rooming together for the whole first semester, so about... Read more.

Dear Bogey: Struggling Younger Sister
Dear Bogey, Families can be hard to deal with sometimes, and I am having a hard time connecting with my older sister recently. We used to be very close... Read more.

Dear Bogey: Loyal Worker
Dear Bogey, I am a recent college graduate who just started my dream job a little less than three months ago. I absolutely love working for this company and... Read more.

Dear Bogey: Illinois Miss Independent
Dear Bogey, My boyfriend and I have been together for two years and we both decided to come to Mckendree as we both live within an hour of the school. We... Read more.

Dear Bogey: Tired Mediator
Dear Bogey, My sister and her best friend, who I am also friends with, have gotten into a fight and haven’t spoken to each other for a few weeks now. My... Read more.

Dear Bogey: Friend in a Pickle
Dear Bogey, Since moving to college, I have had no trouble finding friends. I have found multiple groups of guys and girls that I like to hang out with. My... Read more.