Wednesday, March 26

Month: March 2011


Crisis in Japan

The earthquake, the ensuing tsunami, and the nuclear disaster that Japan has had to deal with in the past week have had devastating consequences. Millions of Japanese citizens are without electricity and water, while dealing with frigid temperatures. (more…)

How to stay Healthy during College

By: Maegan Hafley. Published: March 14, 2011. New college students have heard the theory about the “Freshman 15”, where supposedly incoming freshmen will gain 15 pounds within their first year. In most cases, this is not true; the majority of students do not gain the whole 15 pounds, and usually not all in their first year. Students are expected to gain weight; however, it is spread out gradually. (more…)

Settled In: New Faculty at McK

By: Annie Bierman. Published: March 14, 2011. Dr. Adam Tournier is an Assistant Professor of Physics who teaches physics and physical sciences which include earth science, astronomy, and concepts in science. He likes physics because it explains how the universe works and from there, a person can integrate that into the specifics. He became a physics major because it was his hardest class and saw it as a challenge. What made him continue to graduate school was a graduate assistantship that then lead him into an accidental career. A position opened up because a professor went on sabbatical, and from then, he decided he wanted to teach. (more…)

VPs with Ph.D’s

By: Annie Bierman. Published: March 14, 2011 A moment with Dr. Mary Bornheimer and Dr. Joni Bastian, two women who make an incredible difference at McKendree, but aren’t necessary as visual on campus. Both within the past year have completed their Ph.D’s. (more…)

Spring Break of Service

By: Annie Bierman. Published: March 14, 2011 This spring break while many students spent their week long break on the beach or relaxing, one group of students opted for an alternative spring break service global outreach project to Jamaica. During their ten-day stay there, thirteen students and three faculty will be traveling to Kingston and Morant Bay, Jamaica to provide service to communities deep in crippling poverty. (more…)

Passwords: Why “Password” just doesn’t cut it anymore.

By: Kevin Schaefer. Published: March 14, 2011 What’s your password? No! Don’t answer that; chances are, with a little time and maybe the use of some software, your passwords could be cracked. So, should you say “good-bye” to online banking, Facebook, or email? Of course you don’t! (more…)

Microsoft Kinect: Redefining what a controller is.

By: Shawn Printy. Published: March 14, 2011. The Microsoft Kinect is Microsoft’s way of bringing video gaming to the masses. The Kinect is a motion sensor controller for the Xbox 360. It is essentially an array of webcams, infrared projectors, and microphones which provides 3D motion capture, as well as facial and voice recognition. (more…)

Poll-March 14, 2011 Issue

Published: February 11, 2011 Official results of this poll will appear in the next issue of the McKendree Review. (more…)

Advice Column, March 14, 2011

By: Jake Bennett and Tavi Sanders. Published: March 14, 2011 My boyfriend is thinking about joining the army. I’m not going to lie: I think the army is a great thing to join, and I think he is up to the challenge. The problem is I don’t want to find out one day that he was killed or something. I want to be supportive, but I’m scared to death that I’m going to lose him. What should I do? (more…)