Wednesday, March 26

Month: April 2011


Protestor’s At Fallen Airmen’s Funeral

By Danielle Cooper. Published April 25, 2011 Airmen Zachary Cuddeback, 21, was killed in Germany on his way to serve a tour in Afghanistan. Cuddeback was the driver of an Air Force bus carrying soldiers getting ready to depart for a tour to Afghanistan when the bus was attacked by a Kosovo Albanian. Cuddeback was escorted back to O’Fallon, Illinois by his cousin that was stationed in Germany at the time of Cuddeback’s death. (more…)

"The Big Man on Campus"

By Annie Bierman. Published April 25, 2011. This article, I decided to speak with the man who oversees it all, the one, the only, Dr. Jim Dennis. Dr. Dennis is, if you didn’t know, the president of McKendree University. He is responsible for everything that goes on in or affiliated with the university and works for the Board of Trustees to carry out their policies. (more…)

The Irish Expedition

By Sarah Adams. Published April 25, 2011 I’ve been in Ireland for about three months now (shamefully neglecting any contribution of writings or comics to the Review) but even though it’s getting close to the end of the semester, there’s still a lot going on, so I thought it was worth writing something about the Irish experience so far! I’ve been studying at the University of Limerick and exploring other places in Ireland, and soon I will be venturing off of the Emerald Isle into mainland Europe. The study abroad experience has been great so far, so here are a few of the highlights for anyone who wonders what I could possibly be doing while absent from McK and not doodling comics of monochromatic cats. (more…)

Facebook: The Final Frontier

By Kevin Schaefer, Editor-in-Chief. Published April 25, 2010. What do over one million websites link to? What do approximately 70% of respondents to a recent McKendree Review poll use every week? According to this site, there are over 500 million active users. It can get you into serious trouble with your parents, or destroy your chances of getting a job. If you haven’t guessed what it is, you probably live under a rock. (more…)

“McKendree’s Need for a More ‘Art Friendly’ Environment”

By Kayla Morelan. Published April 25, 2011. McKendree University has established many successes from its talented students. The talent that has prospered from active students has definitely made McKendree University thrive in achievement. Students who have chosen this university have shown great interest in various sports, debate, music, theater, and even a more overlooked activity, art. (more…)

Being Me

By Annie Bierman. Published April 25, 2011. This past year, I have had the opportunity to be President of the student body. The position was something I never thought I would have or even want to have when I became a Senator of SGA my first-year at McKendree. It certainly has been a great adventure, though. (more…)

Wet or dry?

By Vaughn Olson. Published April 25, 2011. The policy of McKendree University prevents any person, regardless of age, from bringing alcohol on campus. This is and has been for numerous years a very big debate at most universities. Many people argue that the campus at McKendree University is essentially “wet” already. It is no secret that many students drink in the dormitory buildings or that they can easily meander a short distance from campus to a party. There are many benefits on both sides of this debate and because of this, it should be looked at as a more logical argument. (more…)

Cumulative Exams: What’s There Purpose?

By Annie Bierman. Published April 25, 2011. I understand that there has to be a way for the professors to evaluate the students on the coursework, but what is the purpose of a cumulative final? What a cumulative final feels to me is a regurgitation of 16 weeks of material that I will not remember in a week. Assessment, or what the final exam seeks to do, is to evaluate the student’s understanding and comprehension of the course goals, outlined by the professor at the beginning of the year. Therefore, it is NOT a test of a student’s ability to reiterate the textbook word-for-word or concept-for-concept. If a student cannot apply the word or concept to a real-life example, what then is the student really learning? (more…)

Recycling your Electronics

By Shawn Printy. Published April 25, 2011. Electronic waste is a big problem, not just in the US, but especially globally. Some of the wonderful devices that we have today often contain dangerous chemicals, heavy metals, and other harmful substances that are a necessary evil in the production process. If these aren’t disposed of properly, these toxins can leech into the groundwater, and get into the environment, which can cause serious harm. (more…)

Advice Column, April 25, 2011

By Jake Bennett and Tavi Sanders 1. I know a person in APO, and I he seems to really enjoy it. However, he really wants me to join, but I feel as though I already have a lot on my plate, so to speak. It seems like APO would be a lot of fun and it is a service organization; I certainly wouldn't mind joining something like this, except I'm not sure if I have time. On one hand, I want to so that I can be apart of something and make friends, but on the other hand, I don't want to take away time from everything else that I do and cause my grades to suffer. I'm really on the fence about this one. What should I do? (more…)