Wednesday, March 26

Month: February 2014


The Review Crew

Vol. 92, Iss. 3 Editors Kimberly Bennett Co-Editor-in-Chief Natalie VanBooven Co-Editor-in-Chief Mindy Allen Assistant Editor Emily Lucia Assistant Editor / Web Designer Editing Team Mindy Allen Kimberly Bennett Natalie Van Booven Emily Lucia In This Issue Mindy Allen Lauren Apetz Will Basler Kimberly Bennett Donna Bick Joseph Blasdel, PhD Rick Bonsall, PhD Trent Boyer Katie Davenport Emily Lucia Andrew Olden Christyna Phillips Christopher Streetman The McKendree Review is a student-run organization of McKendree University. The mission of The McKendree Review is to give students the opportunity to learn the news process and publish articles pertaining to their opinions and ideas. The staff does not agree with all statements and opinions, which rightfully belong to their writers. The Mc...

Letter from the Editors

Letter from the Editors Hello, We would like to encourage McKendree students and staff to submit articles to the McKendree Review as much as possible! If you’re attending a McKendree-related event, please write about it! The Review wants to learn about it! As a reminder, we welcome opinions such as political pieces, TV show reviews or movie reviews. We also accept news-related pieces (world, US, local), campus-related pieces (sports, events, student profiles, class advertisements or campus announcements), poll-ideas, creative writing pieces, entertainment (original comic strips, Sudoku, original creative writing pieces) and questions for advice! We will be updating the online edition of the McKendree Review every 14 - 18 days. Have any questions? Feel free to send your questions and/or c...

McKendree Speech & Debate Finishes Regular Season with Strong Performances

BY JOE BLASDEL, PhD. McKendree University's speech and debate team finished its regular season with strong performances at the Missouri State Tournament and the Loyola National Warm-Up, taking home a total of 16 awards. “This team has worked hard all year and it really showed this weekend,” said Joe Blasdel. “We had some incredible results, from Spencer Marcum winning three Missouri state championships to Mary Makarishcheva and Rodney McBride beating the top-ranked team in the nation. I couldn’t be more proud of our students and coaches.” 15 colleges and universities, including Truman State University, Webster University, and the University of Illinois, attended the Missouri State Tournament, hosted by the University of Central Missouri on Feb. 14-15. Representing McKendree were juniors R...

McKendree Speech Team Takes 1st Place in Three Events at Murray State University

BY JOE BLASDEL, PhD The McKendree University speech team took home 13 awards this weekend, including Spencer Marcum’s win as the top overall performer at the second half. Fourteen colleges and universities, including Western Kentucky University, the University of Alabama, and Belmont University attended Murray State University’s Jackson Purchase Swing on February 8-9. Representing McKendree were juniors Rebecca Blake, Josh Fleming, and Spencer Marcum; sophomore Cassie Kuberski; and first-year Katie Reining. "This was a small but highly competitive tournament," said Stephen Hagan. "Western Kentucky and Alabama are two of the top teams in the nation and we held our own.  The first day we struggled, but the team did what they have done all year and kept their heads up and had a very strong s...

Can You Say “Clunky,” “Idiotic,” or How About “Bass-ackwards?”

 BY DONNA BICK _______________________Have you ever walked into a room with a look of annoyance written all over your face, and thought, “Are you kidding me?!”I did this a while ago when I walked into Voight’s computer room. I immediately walkedout and thought, “I’m sure glad I don’t have many classes in this building!” Luckily, most of my classes were in PAC or Carnegie, and I didn’t need to use Voight’s computer room, that is…until now. Maybe having a class in Voight’s computer room is considered a rite of passage, just like a hazing; mind you, hazing is illegal, and this room should be illegal as well. I know McKendree is old, but Voight’s computer room is like stepping back into time. The way the computers are set up makes me think this was someone’s first attempt at setting up a compu...

Hidden Treasures

BY ANDREW OLDEN Students at McKendree University join the campus community unaware of becoming part of an institution built on a rich history coupled with a modern flare. Often times the average student overlooks the deep historical connections the university has tucked away within its various buildings and departments. One hidden gem that managed to surface is currently housed in the vertical display case on the first floor of Holman Library. Among other autographed works that are on display within the case, lies the recently discovered copy of the eighth volume of The Library of Living Philosophers, bearing Albert Einstein’s signature. The piece was appraised by Anthony Garnett, a rare book dealer in St. Louis, and was valued at $3,000. As mentioned in the winter 2013 edition of The Mc...

How’s that for Perseverance?

BY KIMBERLY BENNETT _______________________________ Three years ago, I never thought I would be where I am today in my college experience. When I started college at McKendree University in the fall of 2011, I was considering accounting. However, there was just one large problem with that decision. I had never taken an accounting class in my life. My reasoning for wanting (or rather, deciding) to go into accounting was merely because of the salary most accountants are paid yearly. No offense to aspiring accountants, but I quickly learned (after my first accounting class) that accounting was certainly not for me. Needless to say, I changed my major to Secondary Education of Mathematics by the end of the fall semester. Although I love math and excel in it quite well, the amount of math ...