Wednesday, March 26

Month: May 2014


【McKendree Review】McKendree University || Academic Excellence Celebration Day

BY KIMBERLY BENNETT On April 24, 2014, McKendree University held its first (and now annual) Academic Excellence Celebration Day event in which students, faculty and staff participated in numerous events throughout the day to display and present overall academic excellence. In order to cover as many events as possible, the McKendree Review has made a video as a way to appreciate McKendree University’s hard work and academic achievement. Before presenting the video, a few members of McKendree’s faculty and staff would like to share some words of encouragement regarding the first annual AEC event. And now, the McKendree Review presents the first annual Academic Excellence Celebration Day Video (all given credits will be given at the end of the video): [【McK Review】McKendree Universit...

The Review Crew

Vol. 92, Iss. 6 Editors Kimberly Bennett Co-Editor-in-Chief Natalie VanBooven Co-Editor-in-Chief Mindy Allen Assistant Editor Emily Lucia Assistant Editor / Web Designer Editing Team Mindy Allen Kimberly Bennett Natalie Van Booven Emily Lucia In This Issue Mindy Allen Sharon Beard Britani Beasley Kimberly Bennett (video) Michael Feezer Bryan Gross Kyle Jackson Janelle Jankowski Christopher Streetman Natalie Van Booven The McKendree Review is a student-run organization of McKendree University. The mission of The McKendree Review is to give students the opportunity to learn the news process and publish articles pertaining to their opinions and ideas. The staff does not agree with all statements and opinions, which rightfully belong to their writers. The McKendree Review Office can be foun...

“Leditor” ~Letter from the Editors

Hello, As you all know, this is the last issue for the McKendree Review of the 2013-14 academic year. It has been a blast working with everyone who helped make the McKendree Review happen this year. We hope you enjoy the different posts for the last issue, and if you have any questions about site navigation, please email Kimberly Bennett (, and she will be more than happy to assist. The movie project is underway; it will be the last post of the year and will be uploaded to the site no later than Monday, May 12th as time is needed to create the video. Again, thank you for reading the Review, and we hope to be back next year with even better material. Sincerely, The McKendree Review Team

Why Greek Life is for Every College Student

BY BRITANI BEASLEY “Nothing like you expected, but everything you’re looking for.”  Like most college students coming to McKendree University, I was not only nervous about the new experiences but also excited to start a new chapter in my life. I was excited to join anything and everything in hopes of being just as involved as I was in high school. At the involvement fair, I found myself overwhelmingly signing every paper that seemed fit for my interests, but I overlooked one table that I knew I wanted nothing to do with; or at least that was what I originally thought.  In my sophomore year of college, I decided it was time to explore a new corner of McKendree University I had no prior education about, other than the stereotypical movies and television shows showing excessive party...

A Profile of McKendree’s Model U.N. Program

BY BRYAN GROSS For most of us here at McKendree the time of year when Model U.N. rolls around is nothing more than a time in which we should all run for the scant comfort of the 1828 café while Ames becomes infested with high school students. We stand up in class and let each other know when that dreaded day is coming, and we ask around to find out if we have not been informed. This paints a pretty clear picture of what the general mood of the campus is towards this event, but I have to ask how many people have actually experienced the event itself? Do you really even know what it entails? This semester, I decided to join the ranks of many Model U.N. members. I attended a few training meetings to get the groundwork down for what I would be doing and how to conduct myself over the three...

Do you Feel Safe on Campus?

BY JANELLE JANKOWSKI As stated on McKendree University’s website, Public Safety has the duty to ensure students feel safe on campus:  “In order to ensure the safety of members of the McKendree community, the Office of Public Safety is responsible for maintaining a safe and orderly environment on the campus. Officers work to create an environment where people can feel safe to learn, work, live and visit, and they are committed to providing safety and protection to the entire University community.”  Yet, without any cameras on campus, how are the Public Safety officers supposed to catch everyone? How safe does each student feel on campus without the security of cameras? Cameras located in public areas assist college security personnel, who cannot be everywhere at all times. When report ...

Alarums, Excursions and Politics in Thailand: Part 3

BY NATALIE VAN BOOVEN Sept. 19, 2006 was a watershed day in Thailand. On that day, after crossing the line once too often, Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra was ousted in a military coup. Trouble began for Shinawatra almost from the moment he took office. The first of many disputes—and the first major test for the new constitution—occurred just after his Thai Rak Thai party secured 248/500 parliament seats (three short of an absolute majority) in the 2001 general election. Lauded as Thailand’s most democratic constitution to that date, the 1997 Constitution contained many features designed to protect the people’s increasing power. For example, it mandated an Administrative Court to guard against bureaucratic abuse and a Constitutional Court to deal with constitutional conflicts. Yet th...

The “Kill Switch”

BY SHARON BEARD Every morning, millions of people board the subway paying more attention to their cellular phone than their surroundings. A passenger checks his or her email, and just before the doors close, a thief grabs his or her phone, He jumps onto the platform before anyone could catch him, and walks away with the passenger’s phone as the train pulls away. There were 19,128 robberies in 2013 according to the New York City Police Department. More than 40% of all robberies in New York City involve smartphones and other cellular phones. FCC (Federal Communications Commission) Chairman Julius Genachowski joined major police department chiefs, including New York City Police Commissioner Raymond E. Kelly,and the wireless industry to implement a database called the “kill switch” to preven...

The Voices of Reason

QUESTION:  I am a first-generation student; my parents do not seem to understand the importance of my education. I have been taking out loans to help pay for my tuition each year to pay for what my scholarship does not cover. I'm already swimming in debt, and my parents think I should just drop out and focus on what is "apparently really important": taking on the family business. I've told my parents multiple times that I'm not interested, but they won't take no for an answer because, if I don't drop out, they're just going to have me manage the business after graduating. When I'm not at school nor at home, I work to help pay off my loans a little bit at a time. I'm at my wit's end. Without having the support of my parents for my education, I am constantly stressed (seeing as I commute fro...


A FILM REVIEW BY MICHAEL FEEZER Director Jaume Collet-Serra brings us the suspenseful and nerve-racking film, Non- Stop. This 2014, action-packed movie stars Schindler's List's Liam Neeson along with the lovely, Julianne Moore. The film starts off by giving a small insight into the life of Bill Marks (Liam Neeson), who is an Air Marshall who will do anything it takes to protect the lives of the people who travel by airplane. We quickly discover that Bill is an alcoholic who has a soft spot for children. The audience is forced to question the reliability of Bill as an air marshal when he is seen feeding his addiction on the job. On what seems like a normal flight across the Atlantic Ocean, Bill is called into action when someone texts him through a private phone number from a hidden ph...