Wednesday, March 26

Month: October 2014

Review Crew

[Vol. 93, Iss. 5] || The McKendree Review Crew

  Vol. 93, Iss. 5 Editors Kimberly Bennett Editor-in-Chief Mindy Allen Assistant Editor Emily Lucia Assistant Editor / Web Manager Editing Team Mindy Allen Kimberly Bennett Donna Bick* Emily Lucia Jenna Teetor* In This Issue Kaleigh Admire Lauren Apetz Kimberly Bennett** Elizabeth Crabtree** Katie Herath Mariah Logan** Jenna Morris Erica Pour Morgan Roscow Jodi Short** * volunteer ** Those who sent "Campus Oddities" photos to the Review The McKendree Review is a student-run organization of McKendree University. The mission of The McKendree Review is to give students the opportunity to learn the news process and publish articles pertaining to their opinions and ideas. The staff does not agree with all statements and opinions, which rightfully belong to their writers. The McKendree Rev...
Letter from the Editor

[Iss. 5] || Leditors | A Letter from the Editors

Hello everyone, In this issue, you will be reading about Edwin Edgar Voigt from the Archives, the problem with event parking at McKendree University, McKendree haunted stories and more! The next deadline is this Monday, Nov. 3, and the articles submitted by that deadline will be printed in the paper edition. So please, send your submissions to as soon as possible to make the deadline. We are in need of new staff members for the Review. Two of us will be leaving and will not be able to work for the Review. That being said, there are two spots open for the spring semester. In order to apply for this paid position, you must have been involved with the Review for at least one semester. Look for an email from Gabriel Shapiro ( regarding furthe...
Campus News

[Iss. 5] || From the Archives… President Edwin E. Voigt

BY KATIE HERATH Staff Writer Everywhere you look, McKendree continues to grow. For example, attendance for undergraduates has reached an all-time high; we also have a new entrance, an athletic building as well as the expansion of campus housing. Edwin E. Voigt Science Hall, which opened in 1965, is one of the most anticipated renovations on campus, and the building was named after the president of McKendree at the time. Edwin Voigt’s connection to the college spans a few years before his presidency; since 2014 marks 50 years since his first year serving, now is the perfect time to honor his historical legacy. Edwin Edgar Voigt served as a pilot in World War I; later in 1924, he was ordained as an elder in the Methodist church. His impact on the denomination was significant because he he...
Campus Events

[Iss. 5] || Events Parking at McKendree: Is This an Issue?

BY MORGAN ROSCOW Contributing Writer Parking at McKendree University has grown into a bigger issue in the past few years due to the increasing influx of first year students since 2013. When McKendree holds specific events such as game nights (mainly football), parking becomes an even bigger problem. However, game nights are not the only events at McKendree in which parking is an issue. For example, consider the events held at Hett or even Family Fun Weekend. While some students believe that there is enough parking at McKendree during event days, some believe otherwise. One student - a senior who we will call Ted Miller because he wished to remain anonymous - said, “There are lots of parking spots available during events actually, but there's the lower level of The Hett; it's like first co...
Campus News

[Iss. 5] || To Yak or not to Yak?

BY JENNA MORRIS Contributing Writer College students spend a large part of their days on social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat and Pinterest.  Developers have created Yik Yak, a new social network that is becoming widely popular within college campuses, nationwide.  Yik Yak acts as a local bulletin feed that shows posts based on your location being tracked from your phone.  Because users are anonymous, they can post statuses without fear of judgment or consequences. “Similar to how Facebook uses a “like” button, Yik Yak uses up-votes and down-votes for users to agree or disagree with original posts. Users are able to comment or reply to an original post as well.” Not only can users see what is going on at their schools, but they can also “peek” at other universities’ ‘yak...
Campus News, Entertainment, Opinion

[Iss. 5] || There May Be a Few Uninvited Visitors Within McKendree’s Walls

BY LAUREN APETZ Staff Writer Have you ever heard unexplained noises while you sleep? Do you feel as though you are being watched? If you have ever had any of these experiences at McKendree University, you may have witnessed one of the many spirits already residing on campus. In case you didn’t know, McKendree is ranked in the top ten haunted universities of Illinois. Sophomore Taylor Rossi had a run in with a spirit last year in Residence Hall East. “I was in my dorm, the new dorms I might add, and I swear, I heard a child laughing in my ear.”Rossi’s experience is not the only instance of hearing a child’s voice or feeling one’s presence in the new halls. Some students believe this spirit belongs to a little girl. Past Residence Director of Residence Halls East, Jen Stueck, shares her e...
Campus News, Entertainment

[Iss. 5] || Campus Oddities

COMPILED BY THE MCKENDREE REVIEW The following images were sent by fellow faculty, staff members and students of McKendree University. We did not receive many photos; therefore, there were not enough pictures to create a video. Please enjoy what we have in stock.
Advice, Opinion

[Iss. 5]|| Help Fight Off STRESS!

BY KALEIGH ADMIRE Staff Writer Stress is something every college student goes through. If you have not been stressed yet this year, consider yourself lucky. As the middle of the semester approaches, papers, exams, presentations, reports and projects will all be assigned and due at lightning speed until the end of the semester. Here are a few healthy tips for managing your stress levels before you have a mental breakdown from thinking about all the things you have to complete before the semester is over: TRY NOT TO WORRY about things that are out of your control. Focus on the things you can. PREPARARATION AND PRACTICE is the way to go if you are worried about a presentation or an interview. The more prepared you feel, the less stressed you will be. MAKE CHANGE YOUR FRIEND! If a profes...
Advice, Opinion

[Iss. 5] || Where to Shop for the Fall: McKendree Style

BY ERICA POUR Contributing Writer We all love new clothes, but if you’re like me, you've already realized that trying to find the latest fashions for fall within the borders of Lebanon is a little tricky. While most girls at McKendree would openly list St. Clair Square for their “go-to” place when it comes to fall fashion, our beloved mall unfortunately offers very few student discounts. In fact, one of the only female clothing stores within St. Clair Square that offers a student discount is Charlotte Russe, a popular store among young women which gives a broad choice of unique and trendy fashions. When checking out at the register, show your student ID card for a 10% discount off your purchase. However, this does not include items on clearance. If you prefer a more professional look, T...
Entertainment, Opinion

[Iss. 5] || Sleepy Hollow: A Show You Cannot Miss

A Television Series Review BY KIMBERLY BENNETT Editor-in-Chief Last fall, Sleepy Hollow made its way to Fox and after three episodes, the show was renewed on Oct. 3, 2013 because the pilot, alone, appealed to a total of 10.1 million viewers. The first season premiere started on Sept. 16, 2013, and its finale ended last Jan. 20, 2014. Although the second season started Monday, Sept. 22, 2014, it is crucial to have a general picture of the first season in case there are people who have not seen the television series at all. First of all, Sleepy Hollow is based off of Washington Irving’s famous short story, “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” but with a modern twist. In case you aren’t familiar with the short story, Irving’s story takes place in 1790 in Tarry Town (historical Tarrytown, New York) ...