Wednesday, March 26

Month: November 2014

Review Crew

[Vol. 93, Iss. 6] || The McKendree Review Crew

Vol. 93, Iss. 6 Editors Kimberly Bennett Editor-in-Chief Mindy Allen Assistant Editor Emily Lucia Assistant Editor / Web Manager Editing Team Mindy Allen Kimberly Bennett Donna Bick* Emily Lucia In This Issue Britani Beasley Kimberly Bennett Kappa Lambda Iota Justin Kennon Emily Lucia Lyn Huxford Center for Community Service (CPS) Morgan Roscow Chelsey Wheeler Courtney Winkler, M.A.T. * volunteer The McKendree Review is a student-run organization of McKendree University. The mission of The McKendree Review is to give students the opportunity to learn the news process and publish articles pertaining to their opinions and ideas. The staff does not agree with all statements and opinions, which rightfully belong to their writers. The McKendree Review Office can be found in Eisenmayer 208 on ...
Letter from the Editor

[Iss. 6] || Leditors | A Letter from the Editors

Hello everyone, In this issue, you will be reading about an interview with Dr. Dennis in regards to the recent hate crime on campus. You will also get a chance to read the inside scoop on McK Radio's B-Dub and Laurie Lou and their show, "Back to the 80s." Find out more on National Diabetes Month, and read a film review on Annabelle. There is a variety of creativity in this issue including two poems and a comic.  The next deadline is this Monday, Nov. 21, and the articles submitted by that deadline will be printed in the paper edition. (Because we want the bulk of the printed edition to have as many articles as possible, we decided to publish this issue online with fewer articles and then publish the rest of our submissions in the printed edition which will be distributed on Dec. 2, 2014...
Campus News, Local News, News

[Iss. 6] || McKendree University Responds to Hate Crime on Campus

BY CHELSEY WHEELER Contributing Writer Last month, the community of McKendree University was shocked by the e-mail announcement informing the campus that one of our fellow students had recently been the victim of hate crimes - criminal acts which are motivated by biases against someone’s gender, race, ethnicity, appearance, religion, sexual orientation or perceived membership in other stigmatized social groups. The female student involved was targeted twice in sexually explicit and racially prejudiced incidents that are believed to have been motivated by her involvement in Confront the Roots, a new student organization at McKendree dedicated to encourage open communication about black/white racial issues. Public safety was notified that she was verbally assaulted on campus and shortly ther...
Campus News, Entertainment, Local News

[Iss. 6] || Back to the 80s

BY BRITANI BEASLEY Staff Writer" Interviewee: Brent and Lauren Reeves (B-Dub and Laurie Lou) Father/daughter duo, B-Dub and Laurie Lou, known regularly as Brent and Lauren Reeves, have started their own piece of history at McKendree University. Not only are they the only father daughter duo on the McKendree radio station, but they are the only father and daughter 80’s internet radio show in the country! Their journey is only beginning, and we are here to give you the 411 on this groovy pair!  Why an 80’s show?  “I obviously lived through the 80’s and spent half of the 80’s in Europe (specifically the UK) and this was the time of the ‘Second British Music Invasion.’  The first was when the Beatles and other UK performers’ music came to the U.S.  So, I was ‘lucky’ to be able to experien...

[Iss. 6] || Spread the Awareness of National Diabetes Month

BY EMILY LUCIA Assistant Editor November is National Diabetes Month, and diabetics around the world are raising awareness. On social media, organizations like Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) and American Diabetes Association are creating posts and hosting other events to raise awareness as well as crush the many misconceptions surrounding diabetes. First of all, there are two main types of diabetes: Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 occurs when the pancreas stops producing insulin; whereas, Type 2 because it produces too much insulin. Another misconception is that you can get diabetes from eating too much candy. This is not the case. There are many causes to each type of diabetes. While Type 2 is largely credited to an unhealthy lifestyle, Type 1 is caused largely by genetic factors. ...
Campus Events, Campus News

[Iss. 6] || Rhonda Tibbs & Her Cloud

BY COURTNEY WINKLER, M.A.T. Adjunct Instructor On Veterans Day, local author Rhonda Tibbs spoke at McKendree University about her novel Song of the Snowman.  As a young girl, Tibbs was fascinated with the clouds in the sky and asked her father for one of her own. He not only gifted her with a “cloud,” but, more importantly, he sparked her imagination. Giving her a mason jar, he told his daughter inside the jar, was her cloud. Tibbs explained she would occasionally see rain falling from the clouds onto green pastures or dusty fields in need of quenching. Other days, she would see a village full of people beneath this cloud. The possibilities inside this jar were limitless. Thus, the creative mind of a writer was conceived resulting in an author who is working on her sixth novel.  As a devo...

[Iss. 6] ||Kappa Lambda Iota Presents Fun Obituaries from their Fundraiser

PROVIDED BY KAPPA LAMBDA IOTA  These obituaries are from a fundraiser presented by Kappa Lambda Iota. Students, faculty and staff were invited to donate one dollar and fill out a MadLibs obituary form. The form presented options for cause of death as well as property they left behind. The purpose of this fundraiser was to get people more into the Halloween spirit as well as encourage them to read the McKendree Review. We thank everyone (those who participated and those who donated) for their support for this fundraiser and Kappa Lambda Iota. Andrew Tolbert, a freshman at McKendree University, suffocated under a pile of homework on Oct.Oct. 31, 2014. Andrew was from Chicago, Ill. and is survived by Mr. Cuddles, Mrs. Fluffy and his 48 other cats.  AJ, a freshman at McKendree Universi...

[Iss. 6] || “Annabelle” Fails to Raise the Bar

A FILM REVIEW BY MORGAN ROSCOW Contributing Writer The newly released horror flick Annabelle, a spin-off of The Conjuring which is about the demonic porcelain doll, brought in a little over $37 million its first weekend in the box office. The film takes place in 1970 where John (Ward Horton) and Mia (Annabelle Wallis) Gordon, go through a series of mishaps, encountering objects that go missing, unidentified noises and a red-eyed demon. Annabelle’s first appearance was in the film, The Conjuring at the very beginning when Debbie (Morganna May) and two of her friends explain to Ed (Patrick Wilson) and Lorraine (Vera Farminga) Warren about the problems they have had with Annabelle. The doll somehow gets out of her cage and horrifies Ed and Lorraine’s daughter, Judy (Sterling Jerins). With Pe...
Campus Events, Campus News

[Iss. 6] || Kicking Off Hunger & Homelessness Week

PROVIDED BY LYN HUXFORD CENTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICE (CPS)   From Nov. 13-22, CCS will be sponsoring Hunger and Homelessness Week. Don’t miss out on the events below!! Nov. 13-19 get a group to participate in the Canned Good Sculpture contest to win a copy of Orange is the New Black (up to 10 copies, announced at Empty Bowls) Contact for more information. Monday, Nov. 17 participate in Change for Change around campus from 9-10:30 PM.  Sign up in the CCS Office or e-mail us! Tuesday, Nov. 18 join us for The Sleep Out in the quad from 6 PM-7 AM, view and discuss The Pursuit of Happyness in the Lair, and do a variety of other activities to learn about homelessness and opportunity. Wednesday, Nov. 19 at noon, join us in PAC 222 for Empty Bowls Brown Bag,...