Wednesday, March 26

Month: January 2015

Review Crew

Volume 93, Issue 8- The Review Crew

Vol. 93, Iss. 8 Editors Emily Lucia Editor-in-Chief Donna Bick Assistant Editor Taquisha Drisdell Assistant Editor  Lauren Apetz Media Editor Editing Team Emily Lucia Donna Bick Taquisha Drisdell In This Issue Blasts From the Past The McKendree Review is a student-run organization of McKendree University. The mission of The McKendree Review is to give students the opportunity to learn the news process and publish articles pertaining to their opinions and ideas. The staff does not agree with all statements and opinions, which rightfully belong to their writers. The McKendree Review Office can be found in Eisenmayer 208 on the McKendree Campus, at 701 College Rd., Lebanon, IL, 62254. Staff can be reached by email at
Letter from the Editor

“Leditors”- Letter from the Editors

Reporting the news is difficult. Here at The McKendree Review, we believe that no matter what kind of news it is, there is a story that needs to be told. Our goal this semester is to deliver news for McKendree by McKendree. Meaning, we want to tell your stories! In this age of technology, it is hard to understand what the difference between “the news” and our news-feeds. There also many benefits; the news is literally at our fingers with the various news apps and search bars at the ready on our mobile devices. As a student run paper, it is our job to deliver campus and related news to you, just as effectively as news organizations do through apps and social media. With this “Throw-Back-Thursday” Issue, we hope to provide examples of the kinds of stories that were in the news for McKendre...