Wednesday, March 26

Month: October 2015

Letter from the Editor, Review Crew

[2015-2016] Vol. 94, Iss.3 The Review Crew

Vol. 94, Iss. 3 Editors Lauren Reeves Editor-in-Chief Anna Belmonte Assistant Editor  Editing Team Lauren Reeves Anna Belmonte In This Issue Sarah Goetze Teagan Schwab Grace McDowell Marquis Cherry Allison Donofrio Alexandria Deiters Lauren Reeves Anna Belmonte The McKendree Review is a student-run organization of McKendree University. The mission of The McKendree Review is to give students the opportunity to learn the news process and publish articles pertaining to their opinions and ideas. The staff does not agree with all statements and opinions, which rightfully belong to their writers. The McKendree Review Office can be found in Eisenmayer 208 on the McKendree Campus, at 701 College Rd., Lebanon, IL, 62254. Staff can be reached by email at
Letter from the Editor

Leditor from the Editor

Welcome to another issue of the McKendree Review! As you know, we strive to be a voice for the students on McKendree's campus. With that being said, I would like to remind all readers that our writers, photographers and interviewees really want to capture McKendree as they see it. In each issue we want to cover everything that is happening on campus at the moment, in the near future or recent past. If you think we have missed anything, please let us know! We always want feedback, so feel free to comment on any of the stories or email us directly. Again, feel free to send all story ideas our way! We want to make this site a safe place for free expressions of thought and discussion. Also, we are always looking for new topics. Feel free to email us if anything comes to mind. We want to make...
Campus News

The Mold that Made them Move

BY ANNA BELMONTE Staff Writer Over a couple weeks ago, seven of McKendree’s faculty and staff were relocated from the main floor and basement of Clark Hall. The problem? Mold. On the walls and beneath the carpeting in Clark, colonies of fungus thrived through years of flooding and poor ventilation. The mold remained undetected for a long time, until it began to show itself in unpleasant and unsafe ways. Brent Reeves, Director of Multicultural Affairs and International Student Services, has worked out of Clark Hall for about 12 years, and he notes how frequently the basement flooded and had to have water vacuumed. “That’s been going on for years,” Reeves says. “There was always a dank, musty smell down there.” Requests to address this issue were reported to Physical Plant and sent up t...
Campus News

McKendree: Justice for all

BY LAUREN REEVES                                                                                                                             Staff Writer This 2015-2016 school year, McKendree University is taking a new approach as they dive into the mysterious waters of diversity. Our university has elected to create the Social Justice and Equity Committee (SJEC). This committee was called into action to help McKendree University take the front lines on all menacing social justice issues that try to step on McKendree’s front lawn. Appointed by President James Dennis, Director of Public Safety Ranodore Foggs was asked to form a “task force” to explore issues of social justice and equity on our campus. Some goals of the committee are to develop strategies for moving forward, support our co...

Think About Your Pink

BY GRACE McDOWELL Staff Writer One in eight women will develop breast cancer in the course of her lifetime. Using those statistics, of the roughly 1,411 female students currently enrolled at McKendree, approximately 176 will develop breast cancer sometime in their lives, roughly 12.5% of the student population. These alarming statistics reveal why breast cancer awareness is important. October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, and you may have noticed more of the color pink. McKendree athletic teams, NFL teams and even the White House are all sporting their pink. National Breast Cancer Awareness Month was founded in 1985 with the sole purpose of promoting mammograms for early detection of breast cancer. Women 40 years and over are encouraged to get a yearly mammogram. As college students,...

Leaves changing means Fall is here

BY ALLY DEITERS                                                                                                                                    Staff Writer There is no doubt that McKendree in the Fall is one of the most beautiful scenes, such as the front lawn, all the fountains on campus, and who can forget about all the beautiful old buildings on campus. Along with the leaves turning, so are all the activities here at McKendree, as well as in the surrounding area. We have Fall Family Weekend coming soon to McKendree, Witches Night Out, haunted houses, and pumpkin picking and apple picking! Fall Family Weekend is quickly approaching. This is Nov. 6-8, 2015 and is when McKendree invites families of the students to come and see what a student’s life at McKendree is, activities for the...

Not Anytime Soon

BY MARQUIS CHERRY Staff Writer When comparing our fitness center on campus to other institutions, like Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, the Director of Recreational Programs here at McKendree, Mr. Kim Smallheer says, “It is just ‘okay.’” About three years ago, there was a plan to completely take out the fitness center and build a brand new student recreational center with locker room space for athletic teams along with a pristine fitness center. This plan was less emphasized when Southern Illinois University Edwardsville opened up their new science building a few years back. McKendree then shifted the funds towards major renovations to the Voigt Science building. This new building would include student research space, large lecture rooms, new labs and lab prep rooms and a grand...
Community Events

Brickstreet Brew: Follow the red brick road to the newest coffee shop in town

BY SARAH GOETZE Staff Writer You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy coffee, and that is pretty much the same thing, right? If you believe so, follow the red brick road, down to the newest coffee shop the historic town of Lebanon has to offer. Located at 218 W St. Louis St., and nestled by its sister business, Brickstreet Arts, a local coffee shop named Brickstreet Brew opened its doors in August and has since been proudly serving coffee, espresso, tea, wine, beer, specialty cocktails and sweets. This quaint coffee shop offers inside seating as well as additional seating in the large, open-air courtyard in the back. Brickstreet Brew also offers Wi-Fi, making it the perfect setting to hang out and catch up on social media or cram for an upcoming test, all while sipping a delicious cup of ...

How you know you are a McKendree Student

BY TEAGAN SCHWAB                                                                                                                           Staff Writer How you know you are a McKendree student... 1.You wish someone in your class would get hurt so you classroom gets switched to PAC. We all dread the email that says our class got switched to third floor of Old Main. Don’t lie to yourself; you are secretly wishing that someone falls down the stairs or breaks their leg so you can move back to PAC. 2.Your favorite color is purple. Even if your favorite color isn’t purple, it will be. You also enjoy saying “We wear purple on Fridays.” 3.You’re not sure what weather to dress for: outside, PAC or Old Main. Dressing in layers is key. It is 98 degrees outside, 60 degrees in PAC and 85 degrees...

The Rocky Horror Picture Show

BY ALLISON DONOFRIO Contributing Writer “Don’t dream it, be it” is a well-known phrase from one of my favorite movies: The Rocky Horror Picture Show. The cult classic has been moving strong since 1975 and it’s no surprise why! The classic has great music, an off-the-wall plot, and very dynamic characters! As of 2015, they are going to celebrate their 40th anniversary! The plot-line of the movie is perhaps one of the strangest yet most interesting plot-lines I have come across. The Rocky Horror Picture Show is more than just a movie. In fact, you can participate in showings where you see the movie in a theater at midnight. I could go on more about what happens there, but why spoil the fun? See for yourself! If you live on campus or near campus, there are several theaters you could attend! ...