Monday, March 31

Month: October 2015


McKendree Powerlifters Welcome Coach Edwards

BY Teagan Schwab                                                                                                                                   Staff Writer Squat night at the performance center marks an inimitable but peculiarly familiar segment for the Bearcat power-lifters. The thunderous sound of thumps and rumbles from heavy weights, hard work and raucous music, like “The Ghost Inside”, while perhaps intimidating to an outsider, fuels the power-lifters’ drive. All the while, Coach David Edwards watches his team with a highly trained eye, helping them to better themselves and push (sometimes pull) boundaries with every straining lift. “The workouts are really tough and push you, which I think will benefit the team,” said second year power-lifter Caresse Hollendoner. “Coach is r...
Local News

Spotlight on Art: Gallery Update

BY BENJAMIN RICHTER                                                                                               Contributing Writer The Gallery of Art had yet another successful event this summer.  The Get Out! Paint Out! showcase featured 74 pieces crafted by 35 artists and was up for public viewing beginning August 15th and was taken down September 26th. McKendree alumni Cory Sellers was the juror for this event, and the winner’s selected were the following: »1st place: Sandy Haynes, Early Morning Lebanon »2nd place: Michael Neary, Horner Park Lagoon »3rd place: Virginia Grass Simmons, McKendree Gateway Up in the Gallery is a show entitled Running Behind the Mosquito Truck by St. Louis artist Kimber Mallett.  The show, featuring large-scale relief prints made from scraps and di...

[2015-2016] Vol. 94, Iss. 1 The Review Crew

Vol. 94, Iss. 1 Editors Lauren Reeves Editor-in-Chief Anna Belmonte Assistant Editor  Editing Team Lauren Reeves Anna Belmonte In This Issue Erica Pour Sarah Goetze Teagan Schwab Victoria Day Whittney Huffines Grace McDowell Jaclyn Cimarusti The McKendree Review is a student-run organization of McKendree University. The mission of The McKendree Review is to give students the opportunity to learn the news process and publish articles pertaining to their opinions and ideas. The staff does not agree with all statements and opinions, which rightfully belong to their writers. The McKendree Review Office can be found in Eisenmayer 208 on the McKendree Campus, at 701 College Rd., Lebanon, IL 62254. Staff can be reached by email at

Leditor from the Editor

Hello everyone. My name is Lauren Reeves, and I am a Speech Communication major and Journalism minor. I was heavily involved in my high school’s news media program, which allowed me to develop skills like news writing, broadcast, web design, photography, and page layout. I hope to put these skills to good use as the new McKendree Review Editor-In-Chief. We are always looking for more writers and photographers to freelance for us. If you are interested please contact me at or just email the Review email. In addition, we have decided to post our issues and submissions online to our website,, every 15th of the month and print a hard copy paper on the last day of the month. Time sensitive submissions will be posted on our website as soon as possible. Pri...

Syrian Refugees

BY JACLYN CIMARUSTI                                                                                                                                 Staff Writer                                                                                                                 It all started back in March of 2011 when a young group of people were arrested for spray-painting a phrase of the Arab Spring on the wall of a school: “The people want the fall of the regime.” They were reportedly arrested and severely tortured. Peaceful protests for the young adults release agitated the Syrian government, so they lashed back and killed four protesters. They even shot at mourners at one of the victims funerals. The country broke out in civil war, and the Syrian people have been fleeting the country eve...

No Longer Flex-ible

BY GRACE MCDOWELL                                                                                                                 Staff Writer Smoothies, Bearcat Burgers, Omelets. These are just a few of the items students love to enjoy at 1828. In years past, off campus students who did not have a meal plan still received anywhere from $50 to $150 a semester in free flex dollars. Beginning this year, those flex dollars were taken away. Only students with a meal plan will receive those free flex dollars. This has changed the way some students plan their meals. Madelaine Zinser ’17 remarked “I now have to spend more money on groceries. Now I either have to plan packed lunches every day or walk back to cook. This takes away homework time I had during lunch.” However, it is not just the f...

Open Door

BY WHITNEY HUFFINES                                                                                                               Contributing Writer There are so many things that you can be worried about as you begin your freshman year of college.Classes.Money.Work.Especiallyif you live on campus, all those things are on your mind, but there is another major concern that’s in the forefront of everyone's minds, ROOMMATES. So many questions fill your head: Will we get along? Will they be noisy, rude or even smelly? What if we don’t become friends?With all those questions in mind, how does one even successfully navigate freshman roommates? If your mind continues to be boggled down with these questions, then here are some things you can do to try and help the situation. First, try talking a...
Defying Gravity

Defying Gravity

 BY VICTORIA DAY                                                                                                                                       Contributing Writer The sky's your limit...does not apply to Jen Bricker. As a young girl, she wanted to prove that the ground was not her limit, even though that is what everyone may have thought.   Jen Bricker was born with a random birth defect; she was born without legs. Without legs, you ask? What can someone do-- what can anyone do without legs? There is a mile long list she has—and it is still growing!––to answer that question. With the help, love, and support of her adopted parents and siblings, she played basketball, softball, and volleyball. Without legs, she even learned to swim! Above all of her other achievements, she became a ...

New Business In Town

BY TEAGAN SCHWAB                                                                                                                    Staff Writer Dr. Roxanne Beard, the new Associate Professor of Management and Director of the Master of Business Administration program, comes to McKendree after working 10 years as a faculty member at Ohio Dominican University. Beard earned her Bachelors of Science degree in Medical Technology, Masters of Business Administration and a PhD in Organization and Management. With all her background, she also brings her a love of students and learning.This love of learning pushed her to earn her doctorate degree to share her knowledge with students. Coming to McKendree was a no-brainer for Dr. Beard. “Many of my colleagues work in and around St. Louis; they alw...
New Master’s Program with a New Mastermind Behind It

New Master’s Program with a New Mastermind Behind It

BY SARAH GOETZE                                                                                                                        Staff Writer “Study something that you really find interesting, something that you really love. You don’t want it to become just a job. You always want to find something about your job that keeps you interested.” A piece of advice that any college student should cherish from Dr. Webster. With Dr. Webster’s help as a new Sociology and Criminal Justice professor, McKendree plans to add a master’s program specializing in criminal justice and criminology. Recently, McKendree has seen a lot of interest in the field of criminal justice, one of the most popular fields of study across the nation. “There are plenty of good job opportunities. We could serve existi...