Wednesday, March 26

Month: November 2015

[2015-2016] Vol. 94, Iss.4 The Review Crew
Review Crew

[2015-2016] Vol. 94, Iss.4 The Review Crew

Vol. 94, Iss. 4 Editors Lauren Reeves Editor-in-Chief Anna Belmonte Assistant Editor Editing Team Lauren Reeves Anna Belmonte Teagan Schwab In This Issue Sara Radae Teagan Schwab Grace McDowell Nicole Erica Pour Alexandria Deiters Lauren Reeves Anna Belmonte The McKendree Review is a student-run organization of McKendree University. The mission of The McKendree Review is to give students the opportunity to learn the news process and publish articles pertaining to their opinions and ideas. The staff does not agree with all statements and opinions, which rightfully belong to their writers. The McKendree Review Office can be found in Eisenmayer 208 on the McKendree Campus, at 701 College Rd., Lebanon, IL, 62254. Staff can be reached by email at
Letter from the Editor

Leditor from the Editor

Welcome to another exciting edition of the McKendree Review! We are very excited about this issue! We would like to thank all of our readers for keeping up with the McKendree Review as we have moved online. As a special treat, we have an exciting announcement. Our next issue will be a printed edition! It will contain articles from past issues along with a few new articles. It will be a semester in review! Since we will have a printed issue around the time of school breaks, we will not post an online issue until we return after the new year. We will still post stories that require special attention when need be. Look for the printed edition on newsstands in December! (more…)
Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week 2015
Campus Events, Campus News, Local News

Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week 2015

Don’t forget Nov. 15 - 21 is Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week! The Lyn Huxford Center for Community Service is putting on many events throughout the week. Nov. 13 - 19 Canned Goods Sculpture Contest - Campus-wide Build a beautiful sculpture for a good cause. All proceeds will be donated to a local food pantry. Monday, Nov. 16 Faculty Fashion Show - At noon in Ames Dining Hall Check out your favorite faculty member modeling outfits that will be donated to a local shelter as a full set. (more…)
A Further Look into the Mold in Clark
Campus News

A Further Look into the Mold in Clark

BY ANNA BELMONTE Staff Writer Sally Mayhew, Vice President of Administration and Finance, provided a closer look at what conditions in Clark Hall posed a health hazard and what was done to clean the building and make it safe for faculty and staff to move back into. In old buildings, like we have at McKendree, deteriorating foundations are not uncommon. As they age, cracks form imperceptibly, which allows water to leak inside the building. Around Clark Hall, outside drainage improvements helped move water away from the building in heavy rains, but even this measure wasn’t enough to ensure water-tightness during heavy rainfall. Cracks in the foundations may have been responsible for letting in damaging amounts of water that led to the mold issues experienced in Clark. The first indicator...
McKendree Role Models: A look inside

McKendree Role Models: A look inside

BY LAUREN REEVES Staff Writer Captain. Resident Assistant. Coordinator. Peer Mentor. Those are just a few leadership positions that McKendree students have the honor of holding. These elect few walk around campus and shine in these roles. But, what is it really like to be a student leader here at good ole McK? According to sophomore Matthew Roberts, “It’s a lot of fun. And it’s enjoyable. You get to help those younger than you and those who are older than you strive for greatness. It feels nice to have people look up to you.” Roberts is one of the drum majors in the Marching Band, a choral captain in the Show Choir, and the student director of first year Student Ambassadors. With all of those activities, he really knows how to stay organized. “It’s enough to keep you busy. I have thoug...

Thankful Thursday vs. Black Friday

BY GRACE McDOWELL Staff Writer It is the American tradition. Stuff your face with turkey on Thursday while feeling thankful with family, and then push others out of your way on Friday to steal a deal on a 60-inch flat screen TV. According to, Black Friday, the shopper’s holiday, is the biggest shopping day of the year. In recent years, stores have opened their doors at earlier times than ever before. Last year, Macy’s and Target opened at 6 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day. Some families may still be having Thanksgiving dinner at this time! This year, however, there has been a recent trend of stores refusing to open on Thanksgiving. A list of the stores announced so far can be found on Some major stores on the list include Barnes & Noble, Ikea, Staples an...

McKendree reads the summary, not the book

BY ERICA POUR Staff Writer On Monday, your professor assigns 80 pages of reading due Wednesday. Instantly, you come down with the Monday blues. With other homework, that big paper due and early morning workouts, you have no time to read 80 pages on something you’re not sure you will be tested on. You decide to skip the reading and opt for a quick skim of SparkNotes before class begins Wednesday morning. This begs the question: how much do McKendree students actually read? The answer: they don’t read much at all. Of 22 McKendree students who participated in an online survey, a shocking 21 students admitted to “cheating” on their reading assignments from time to time. Even for English majors, nightly reading can be out of control. Kris Buckman, a senior English major, agrees that the rea...

Women’s Volleycats: The Road to Postseason

BY GRACE McDOWELL Staff Writer With a record of 15-8 and a conference record of 9-2, the McKendree women’s volleyball team is “digging” their way to postseason. In last year’s postseason, the team made it to the GLVC championship and lost, but they were still qualified for nationals before falling to Truman State in the first round. The bearcats are hoping for an ever better postseason this year. Sophomore Maria Rasch comments on how the team is preparing: “Our team is prepping for postseason by getting stronger in the weight room to be able to last for all the tough five match sets, all the way until the end of the NCAA tournament.” Comparing to last year, Rasch believes the team will clinch the GLVC conference and advance to the elite eight in the NCAA tournament this postseason. So,...

Easy College Recipes

BY ALLY DEITERS Staff Writer What college students have time to cook? We have sports, clubs and events that we are all part of, and no one really has time to cook. So I guess it’s fast food for dinner…again. However, what if you could do all your activities and have dinner waiting for you when you get home? Now you can! There are easy recipes that you can prepare in less than 20 minutes to make your nights easier when you come home late at night. These recipes will tell you exactly what you need and exactly how to mix and cook them. These recipes include Kristian’s Crockpot Tacos, BBQ Green Beans and Puppy Chow. Kristian’s Crockpot Tacos Ingredients: Chicken or Beef Onions Peppers Taco Seasoning Salsa Sour Cream Cheese Lettuce Taco shells In the morning, put your meat, oni...

Are Eustressed?

BY TEAGAN SCHWAB Staff Writer As the semester wanes, students find themselves drowned by stressors like classes, relationships, finances, extra-curricular activities and graduation. According to Dr. Laura Harrawood, Associate Professor of Counseling, “Stress is your body’s response to a demand that is placed upon it.” To each student, stress shows itself in different ways. Intense emotions, headaches, muscle strains and not being yourself are just a few. Stressed students are not hard to find on this campus. Trey Schlieker, Economic Finance major says stress, however, can sometimes be beneficial. “To be honest, I think stress is what kinda keeps you motivated,” states Schlieker. “You want to be unstressed so bad, you’ll just eventually saddle up and get your stuff done.” The type of ...