Friday, February 21

Month: November 2015


Are we “Lost”?

BY MARQUIS CHERRY Staff Writer Being unable to find one’s way or not knowing one’s whereabouts would perfectly define this television show. Over six seasons, critics have ranked Lost consistently among the top television series of all time. During the summer, I took a chance on this show and have no regrets. Through the suspense and drama, I began to wonder if they would ever escape the island. The plotline can be misleading at times, but it provides plot twists that are unmatched by other television shows. Lost follows survivors of a commercial plane crash and how they landed on a mysterious tropical island in the Pacific Ocean. The show implements flashbacks and foreshadowing to explain more about the survivors. Throughout each season, the survivors try to find a way to get off the isla...
Community Events

Cultural Cuisine from Noodles and Co.

BY SARAH GOETZE Staff Writer “Throw a fork on the map and we’ll take you there,” Noodles and Company claims on their menu, but you know what? If I closed my eyes, I very well could have drifted off to Indonesia and pictured myself eating the Indonesian Peanut Sauté dish while riding atop an elephant. Okay, so maybe that’s a stretch, but it was pretty damn good. Noodles and Co. is a restaurant that opened its doors in Shiloh, Illinois. Nestled in the Target area and next to Jersey Mike’s, Noodles and Co. was created with a modern and open layout. With floor to ceiling windows acting as the main walls, customers can enjoy a delicious dish in their choice of seating at a booth, table, outdoor or banquette seating in a well­lit area. Noodles and Co., a new and healthier take on fast food, p...

Blood Drive this Thursday in MPCC!

A Red Cross blood drive is coming to campus this Thursday, Nov. 12. The blood drive will run from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the Intramural Gym in MPCC. To reserve a time to donate blood, either contact Dr. Ann Collins at or use the Red Cross scheduling form online. To schedule online, go here and click the “Schedule a new appointment” link. Then either log in to your Red Cross account or create one. From there, you can schedule your appointment. Don’t miss this opportunity to donate blood and possibly save lives!