Wednesday, March 26

Month: February 2016

[2015-2016] Vol. 94, Iss.5 The Review Crew
Review Crew

[2015-2016] Vol. 94, Iss.5 The Review Crew

Vol. 94, Iss. 5 Editors Lauren Reeves Editor-in-Chief Anna Belmonte Assistant Editor Editing Team Lauren Reeves Anna Belmonte Teagan Schwab In This Issue Sara Radae Nicole Calleja Fung Grace McDowell Teagan Schwab Anna Belmonte Lauren Reeves The McKendree Review is a student-run organization of McKendree University. The mission of the McKendree Review is to give students the opportunity to learn the news process and publish articles pertaining to their opinions and ideas. The staff does not agree with all statements and opinions, which rightfully belong to their writers. The McKendree Review Office can be found in Eisenmayer 208 on the McKendree Campus, at 701 College Rd., Lebanon, IL, 62254. Staff can be reached by email at
Leditor from the Editor
Letter from the Editor

Leditor from the Editor

Welcome to another exciting edition and a new semester of the McKendree Review! We are happy about being back in the swing of things. We would like to thank all of our readers for keeping up with the McKendree Review as we have moved online. All of our stories and announcements are posted to our webpage and linked on Facebook. Be on the lookout for some interesting stories about campus life and other events geared for McKendree students. Also, we are always looking for new topics and writers. Feel free to email us if anything comes to mind. Also, if you are interested in helping us in any way, please contact a member of our staff! We want to make sure students and staff members feel like this is an appropriate reflection of what is happening on campus, so again, don’t be shy to give feed...
Alone in your 20s: a tale of single hearts

Alone in your 20s: a tale of single hearts

By GRACE McDOWELL Staff Writer Oh great, another one of my Facebook friends is engaged. Wait, when did that couple get married? Wow, she’s in a relationship again?  You may have had these thoughts when scrolling through your news feed from time to time and finding that many of your classmates are engaged, married or even just in a nauseously cute romantic relationship. (more…)
Homesickness is okay: here’s how to deal with it
Advice, Perspective

Homesickness is okay: here’s how to deal with it

BY NICOLE FUNG CALLEJA Contributing Writer Imagine your excited, panting dog, your little sister with a glimmer in her eyes, your parents welcoming you to your already familiar surroundings: the streets, the driveway, the smell of your favorite dish wafting from the kitchen, the bang of a door slamming, the yelling of the next-door neighbor, the poster-filled walls and the creaking of your bed. These are the noises that cheerfully announce that you’re home. The place where you are most relaxed, the place that has seen you grow and that now, as a college student, you value much more. (more…)

Textbook Takeover

BY SARA RADAE Contributing Writer With a new semester beginning, the dreaded process almost all college students have to go through is just around the corner: buying textbooks. For some college students, they have decided to skip this experience and just go without books. Why do some students do this, you ask? Because the prices for the books are outrageous. (more…)
What’s Up Weather?

What’s Up Weather?

BY TEAGAN SCHWAB Staff Writer As if dressing for the polarized temperature in Old Main and PAC isn’t enough, Mother Nature seems to have other plans. One day, the proper attire for the freezing temperature is a snowsuit and mittens and the next, sandals and shorts. Even if it is cold outside, by the time you speed walk up the hill and climb the stairs of Old Main you feel as though you just made it to the top of Mt. Everest and found the Sahara desert. Forget everything your common sense tells you; no matter how cold it is, you will be drenched in sweat by the time you make it up to 301 Old Main. You won’t be able to shed your layers fast enough. (more…)
BSO brings culture to campus
Campus Events, Campus News

BSO brings culture to campus

As we all know, Black History Month is upon us so we should take a step back and reflect on how we have changed and grown as a society. To help us do this, McKendree's Black Student Organization (BSO) is going to lead activities all month. Check out the events and broaden your eyes to history. EVENTS: African-American Dance Night February 16th in the Eisenmeyer Auditorium at 6:30PM This event is lead by an West Africa dancer, he will teach the participants about the importance of African Dancing and how therapeutic it is, and also teach all participants some of his famous dance moves. Movie: Retribution February 19th in PAC 116 at 6PM Filmmaker David Kirkman from Webster University, will come to showcase his film and have an open discussion about the film and the film industry, and also...
Save the MAP: a call to action

Save the MAP: a call to action

As many Illinois college students know, funding for the MAP program has not been going well in Springfield. Governor Rauner and his colleagues have created a serious issue for higher education in our state. Hundreds if not thousands of MAP eligible students who depend on those funds to make their college education possible at McKendree University and other instate institutions may no longer be able to make their college dreams a reality. This is a letter to encourage students and others in our state to urge our governor to save the MAP. Below we have collected some interesting information to help everyone interact with a handful of important people who have it within their power to make a difference on this issue on our behalf. In addition, if you have friends at other universities who b...
Coming Soon: Academic Excellence Celebration

Coming Soon: Academic Excellence Celebration

Save the Date! This year's Academic Excellence Celebration will be on Thursday, April 28, 2016. Students will be presenting and performing their semester's work to parents, staff and other students. If you would like to be a part of the day, don’t forget to fill out the appropriate applications by Friday, March 11. Applications are separate for presentations/performances and displaying research posters. If you have any questions, please contact Chris Bahr at or 537-6810. Student application to give a presentation or performance: Student application to exhibit a research poster:
Ash Wednesday: remembrance and repentance
Campus News

Ash Wednesday: remembrance and repentance

BY ANNA BELMONTE Staff Writer Last Wednesday, Feb. 10, dozens of McKendree students, faculty and staff came together to celebrate Ash Wednesday, the 40 days of preparation before Easter. Opening the season of Lent, Ash Wednesday became a symbolic day on which early Christians remembered the 40 days leading to Christ’s resurrection on Easter. Traditionally, worshipers observe Lent with fasting, study of the Scriptures, self-examination, confession and prayer, according to Reverend Tim Harrison, who lead the Ash Wednesday service at Bothwell Chapel. At the commencement of this period of remembrance, all are called to reflect on their own mortality and repent of their sins in the light of the salvation purchased by Christ. (more…)