Friday, February 21

Month: March 2016

Global Awareness Week
Campus Events, Campus News

Global Awareness Week

Don’t forget Global Awareness Week is April 4-8! Join faculty, staff and students to learn more about the diverse world we live in. The event’s schedule is packed full of interesting educational sessions, so make sure to stop by some of these events! (more…)
[2015-2016] Vol. 94, Iss.6 The Review Crew
Review Crew

[2015-2016] Vol. 94, Iss.6 The Review Crew

Vol. 94, Iss. 6 Editors Lauren Reeves Editor-in-Chief Anna Belmonte Assistant Editor Editing Team Lauren Reeves Anna Belmonte Teagan Schwab In This Issue Schallon Foggs Cory McCormick Allison Donofrio Logyn Norris Teagan Schwab Anna Belmonte Lauren Reeves With  Speech and debate adviser Joe Blasdel The McKendree Review is a student-run organization of McKendree University. The mission of the McKendree Review is to give students the opportunity to learn the news process and publish articles pertaining to their opinions and ideas. The staff does not agree with all statements and opinions, which rightfully belong to their writers. The McKendree Review Office can be found in Eisenmayer 208 on the McKendree Campus, at 701 College Rd., Lebanon, IL, 62254. Staff can be reached by email at mckr...
Leditor from the editor
Letter from the Editor

Leditor from the editor

Welcome to another edition of the McKendree Review! In this issue, we take a look into a few interesting topics that we are sure will start a few questioning conversations on campus. We support our writers and their decisions when writing about their selected topics. As supporters of the McKendree Review, we urge our readers to keep in mind that we are a student-run organization with individual ideals. These ideals do not always match up to those of McKendree University. (more…)
“Gotta catch ‘em all!”: the Pokemon series celebrates its 20th anniversary

“Gotta catch ‘em all!”: the Pokemon series celebrates its 20th anniversary

BY CORY McCORMICK Staff Writer "Gotta catch 'em all!" I remember the first time I ever heard that infamous catchphrase. The year was 1999, which was a few years after the first Pokemon games were released in Japan. I was six years old, and I was eating my usual breakfast: Eggo waffles. It was Saturday morning, so I was also watching cartoons. Suddenly this new cartoon that I had never seen before started playing. The narrator was describing a world very different from ours, a world filled with these animal-like creatures known as Pokemon, who could be captured and trained to battle!  The minute that the theme song started, and I heard that “gotta catch ‘em all” at the end, I was hooked. (more…)
An inside look: Statham’s win and the crew behind him

An inside look: Statham’s win and the crew behind him

BY SCHALLON FOGGS Staff Writer As we all know, winning is the most important thing when it comes to sports. Ha! Just joking. It's about playing to the best of your ability and hoping to win. Speaking of winning, McKendree University now has one of the biggest winners of all time. Who might this be? Harry Statham, the men’s basketball coach. Harry Statham now claims the title for having the most wins in collegiate basketball history. (more…)
McKendree’s wild things

McKendree’s wild things

BY LOGYN NORRIS Staff Writer For most of us, coming to McKendree is our first taste of freedom.  We stay out late, we drink, we skip class and we make some financial mistakes.  Whether it is spending too much money on a beer run, an expensive new shirt or eating McDonalds at 3 a.m. for five nights straight, we have all done it.  However, some McKendree residents are using their money and new found freedom for other items: animals. (more…)
New organization is ready to take off
Campus News, Community Events

New organization is ready to take off

BY ANNA BELMONTE Staff Writer McKendree junior Jack MacLean is starting a new student organization, “Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations," or SCNO. MacLean wanted a student organization dedicated to building experience and résumés for students, freshman through senior. To accomplish this, SCNO will work with nonprofit organizations in the Metro East. (more…)
Bearcat thoughts: MAP grant

Bearcat thoughts: MAP grant

BY TEAGAN SCHWAB Staff Writer For many of the Bearcats who reside in Illinois, receiving the MAP grant is a make or break deal for attending McKendree. Over the last few weeks, students rallied to try to get Governor Rauner to sign the bill to continue funding for the MAP grant. (more…)
Stressing students from an online perspective

Stressing students from an online perspective

BY ALLISON DONOFRIO Staff Writer As students are settled into their spring classes at McKendree, I, an online student, conducted a survey before, during and after finals to see how students handled stress for the fall semester.  The survey collected data on how many hours he/she studied for finals and how they dealt with stress during finals. A total number of 14 responses were collected. 35 percent of students said they were stressed on a level of 2 for finals last semester, on a scale from 1-10 with 1 being the highest. Meaning, that 35 percent of students were very stressed for midterms and finals. It is also interesting to note that there were 2 responses who said they were hardly stressed at all for finals, with a 9 out of 10 responses. (more…)
The latest on Speech and Debate
Campus News

The latest on Speech and Debate

BY JOE BLASDEL Adviser of the speech and debate team In the last two weekends, the McKendree University Speech and Debate team took home 18 awards, including two team sweepstakes awards at the Missouri’s state tournament. “This team has worked hard throughout the year, and our late season success is a testament to that work,” said Joe Blasdel. “This team has both the ability and discipline to put together some excellent nationals performances.” 15 colleges and universities, including Rice University, the University of Missouri and Purdue University, attended Loyola University’s National Warmup on Feb. 12-14. Representing McKendree was senior Rodney McBride and sophomores Alex Baldwin, Adam Kaul and Gage Simmons. Kaul and McBride posted a 5-3 record, finishing as double-octofinalists. Ba...