Wednesday, March 26

Month: October 2016

Fall fun is finally here!

Fall fun is finally here!

The season for sweaters, bonfires and pumpkin spice lattes is finally here! If you're an autumn enthusiast, take the poll below and tell us what makes fall fun for you! Thanks for voting! Now, get out there and enjoy the beautiful weather! Photo credit: Anna Belmonte    
What to make of McKendree’s 40-7 win over Missouri S&T
Campus News, Sports

What to make of McKendree’s 40-7 win over Missouri S&T

BY GRANT RIGGS Staff Writer As I first sat down to write this article, I struggled with naming it. On one hand, McKendree had its unusual amount of ups and downs in a blowout victory over Missouri S&T, with most of the “down” moments coming because of injury. “Why we should take McKendree’s win over Missouri S&T with a grain of salt” first came to mind. To take something with a grain of salt means to view something with skepticism about its truth. This was my initial thought because, while Saturday’s win was undoubtedly a great one, it brought some skepticism along with it, skepticism that made me question if McKendree could maintain that level of play because of the injuries they sustained during the game. That same skepticism continued to grow because McKendree’s conference title...
Seeing the big picture: McKendree’s win against St. Joseph’s
Campus News, Sports

Seeing the big picture: McKendree’s win against St. Joseph’s

BY GRANT RIGGS Staff Writer At first glance, McKendree’s football game against St. Joseph’s College (SJC) on Oct. 15 seemed like a relatively unimportant game for the Bearcats. Despite it being Homecoming, McKendree was coming off of two straight conference losses and looked to be out of the race for the GLVC conference title. If McKendree would have lost this game to SJC, who was 3-1 in conference play before Saturday, it would have dropped their overall record to 3-4 and 1-3 in the conference, thus effectively ending McKendree’s hopes of winning conference. All throughout the season, McKendree has faced adversity. In the game against SJC, they were tested once more in the final minutes of the game. Statistically, a McKendree comeback to defeat SJC, who lead the majority of the game, se...
Parking needed on campus!
Campus News, Opinion

Parking needed on campus!

BY EMILY CONSEVAGE Contributing Writer Parking at McKendree University has been an issue among students and faculty for the past few years. Though the university has not made any drastic changes to resolve this problem, President Dennis and administration are well aware of this issue. There are currently eight parking lots for students, not including Stanton Street. The faculty members have four parking lots that are off-limits to students during the week. However, faculty can essentially park anywhere they want. Additionally, many McKendree students and faculty have noticed that the city of Lebanon has taken away many of the parking spots on campus. Merrill Street was another parking option for the McKendree community, but now the city of Lebanon has established “No Parking” signs, for t...
Campus Events

Panel discussion this Tuesday: The rise of Donald Trump and what it means

The 2016 presidential election has many Americans questioning who they want to represent them to the world. Many question if the two primary candidates can lead their country effectively. Many feel like there are questions that still need to be answered. Luckily, McKendree University can help answer some of those questions. On Oct. 18, everyone on campus and in the surrounding area are welcome to join political science professors Dr. Brian Frederking and Dr. Ann Collins along with journalist/author Sarah Kendzior (The View from Flyover Country, The Globe and Mail, Foreign Policy) for a lively discussion about the current state of U.S. politics, the success of Donald Trump’s campaign and what it could mean for future elections. The panel discussion will be held in the Hettenhausen Center f...
Yes, I was homeschooled. No, college doesn’t scare me.

Yes, I was homeschooled. No, college doesn’t scare me.

BY ANNA BELMONTE Staff Writer I was homeschooled my entire life. And as a former homeschooler that is now in college, I’m familiar with the usual misjudgments about both my academic and social life. Right now you’re thinking I must be quiet, scared of college life, overwhelmed by the homework load and uncomfortable being in contact with so many people. You’re right. I’m quiet. If you’ve ever been baffled by the existence of homeschoolers (and asked yourself “What do they even do? Do they really stay home all day?”), then let me clarify the topic by talking about my experiences as a homeschooler, including the ever-so-daunting transition to college. One big misconception is that college students from a homeschool background try to avoid human interaction. However, we generally don’t try...
“Stretch yourself” in yoga
Campus Events, Campus News, Community Events

“Stretch yourself” in yoga

BY LAUREN REEVES Staff Writer This Saturday you have the opportunity to experience yoga like you may never have before. All day you, and those close to you, can practice free yoga classes led by McKendree University Professor Adam Tournier and other yoga instructors. However, it is important to know what yoga can mean for you. It means a lot for myself and other students. Originating in India, the practice of yoga has been around for thousands of years. Many yoga practices allow participants to achieve their own personal goals or embark on a physical and sometimes spiritual journey. Because there are so many intensive studies and beliefs on yoga, I will focus on only one ideal for this story: yoga as a meditative means of discovering perception and cognition. It also works as a positive r...
McKendree adds water polo as 34th sport
Campus News, Sports

McKendree adds water polo as 34th sport

BY ALEXIS PORTER Contributing Writer As part of a University-wide initiative to attract a more diverse student population, the McKendree University Athletic Department has added two new teams for the 2016-17 season. This year a variety of new bearcats will compete for the men and women’s water polo team. Water polo is a team water sport. The game consists of four quarters in which the two teams attempt to score goals by throwing the ball into their opponent's goal, with the team with the most goals at the end of the game winning the match. Greg Emde, who has over twenty years of experience in playing and coaching water polo, has been selected to lead both the men and women’s teams as head coach. "This is an exciting time," says Emde. "It's exciting to be a part of a brand-new venture at M...
McKendree’s sandwich artist, with a side of happiness
Campus News, Personality

McKendree’s sandwich artist, with a side of happiness

BY AUSTIN LAGESSE Contributing Writer Most students know her simply as “the sandwich lady.” Others know her by her name, Stephani Stark. One thing is for sure: you are guaranteed to see her Monday through Friday at the deli station in Ames from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Being part of the Ames Dining Hall cooking staff for five years now, Stephani’s deli area has become her second home. “I want to make every kid feel like that is a place where they can come and be comfortable,” said Stark. The length of her lines during the rush hour lunch is a testament to her superior sandwich skills. A quickly extending line is no problem for the sandwich lady, who knows over 50 different sandwiches by heart. Stark’s journey that landed her at McKendree lends to her enthusiastic work spirit and compassion t...
FAFSA: What you need to know
Campus News

FAFSA: What you need to know

BY LAUREN REEVES Staff Writer Money for classes. Money for books. Money for food. Money plays a big role in a college student’s life. Students are constantly reminded about how much money is needed for college. Luckily, there is one money reminder that all students should be aware of that could help them relax about money for college. This helpful reminder is that the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) deadlines have changed. Starting with the 2017–18 FAFSA, students are now able to submit the application earlier. This new modification to the application can change the way students budget for college. By having this change, students can relax a little more and not stress over money. To clarify what has changed, the FAFSA committee stated the following: “Students are able...