Wednesday, March 26

Month: December 2017

Unpaid Internships
Campus News, Entertainment, Opinion

Unpaid Internships

By Elexis Baltimore, Editor Intern...what? Although internships have been an ongoing opportunity for students to gain first-hand experience, the issues regarding pay have become discussed more often in recent years. The stigma regarding internships has for years leaned towards the issue (and fear) of running errands and getting cups of coffee for your new bosses and, in the end, being no more qualified for that industry than when you began. As the access to education becomes more available, employers have started looking for ways to distinguish between the “go-getter” and the “just get it done” candidates. So how do they do this? According to a survey by The Chronicle of Higher Ed, when evaluating college graduates internships and employment are two of the highest-ranking qualities emp...
The Best Kind of Party? A Star Party.  A beginners guide to finding constellations, spotting planets, and learning moon phases while at McKendree.

The Best Kind of Party? A Star Party. A beginners guide to finding constellations, spotting planets, and learning moon phases while at McKendree.

By Gabrielle Madewell, Contributive Writer One magical thing McKendree has to offer, outside of its great wifi and very organized housing arrangements, is something that does not even factor into tuition: the night sky. While you may just think of stars as a silent backdrop to your everyday life, there is a lot more to learn about them besides just being bright dots scattered across the sky. Stars are bright, luminous bodies of energy that are so large and bright that we can see them down here on earth with just the naked eye. Constellations are groups of stars, forming imaginary lines and creating representations of images, including animals and mythical gods, goddesses and creatures.   Living near a city is drastically different from living in a generally rural town. There is one hu...
Rob Watkins – Being More Than Just a Student
Personality, Profiles

Rob Watkins – Being More Than Just a Student

By Shelby Procko, Contributing Writer McKendree Senior Robert Watkins is both the president and founder of the McKendree chapter of Sigma Alpha Phi, also known as The National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS). He is a business administration major with a minor in leadership studies. When asked what he planned to do with his degree after graduation in December he shrugged and said, "I have no idea, I am still trying to figure that out." Grinning, he added, "If you figure it out, let me know." Rob is active in numerous other roles on campus including student government president, peer mentor, a job working in the IT department, and an intern for the Student Success Center doing data organization. He used to play for the McKendree Men’s Volleyball team but decided to sit his last ye...
Student Discounts
Advice, Entertainment

Student Discounts

By Sophie Jeffery, Editor It’s a given that college is expensive, but the good news is every other aspect of our lives doesn’t have to be!  Many businesses, local and nationwide, provide opportunities for students to save a little extra cash.  One of the biggest and newest student discounts is from Spotify.  They have recently teamed up with Hulu to offer an amazing deal:  for just $4.99 per month, college students can enjoy a Spotify Premium account and a Hulu limited commercial plan.  Head here to sign up for this amazing offer!  Good luck deciding which show to binge first.  Might I suggest The Handmaid’s Tale? I’ve highlighted some other deals for students below, but of course this list is not comprehensive.  Whether you’re looking to eat, shop, or binge watch your favorite shows, you...
Allora McCullough: Uncomfortability, Sculpture, and Accessibility

Allora McCullough: Uncomfortability, Sculpture, and Accessibility

By Brent Nicholson, Contributive Writer (All pictures by Allora McCullough) “The honest truth,” Allora McCullough reveals, “is that I had transferred four times and McKendree was the fastest way to graduate.” Allora McCullough graduated from McKendree, but she attended Belmont University, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, and St Louis University prior to settling into the Economics and Finance program at McKendree. Along the way, a dual program in arts and business condensed down to the business half. She remembers sitting in the admission office at McKendree feeling burned out and ready to graduate. As a result, she finished at McKendree only a few classes short of a minor in an art program. But McCullough's interest in art did not stop in that admissions office. Her degree p...
Almost a Quarter of a Century of Commitment – Our President Dr. James Dennis
Personality, Profiles

Almost a Quarter of a Century of Commitment – Our President Dr. James Dennis

By Magdalena Knapp, Editor Many McKendree students only know Dr. Dennis as the person who stands in front of the Bearcat Statue and hands out a cool cone of ice cream on a hot spring or autumn day. However, our President is much more intimately involved in the everyday life of his students and the minute-by-minute running of the university than most could ever imagine. Working at McKendree University for him is not simply a job, it is his Lebenswerk: A mission he has successfully been working to fulfill since 1994. After growing up in Los Angeles, California, and getting a degree in Education, JD - a nickname Dr. Dennis received in college - worked for seven years at the University of Southern California. In 1994, he was offered a job in the beautiful and historical city of Lebanon, Ill...
McKendree Buckles Down on Parking Violations
Advice, Campus News, Local News, News

McKendree Buckles Down on Parking Violations

By Merisa Ashbaugh Most students groan and indignantly pay (or procrastinate paying) their parking tickets they are issued on campus. However, paying up is becoming more of a challenge since the tickets have exponentially increased from $20 to $35 just last year and from $35 to $50 this school year. Some students make the case that because parking is limited on campus more so than other universities that the price is far too high. “The cost of college alone is a pretty penny and not many college students have 50 bucks just laying around. That’s someone’s budget for groceries right there,” says McKendree junior Caitlin Roche.   However, others argue that because students are not charged a parking fee to have their vehicles on campus, the parking citation cost is not unreasonable. “...
When at McKendree….| A Student Experience in Pictures
Opinion, Profiles

When at McKendree….| A Student Experience in Pictures

By Essence White, Contributive Writer       When at McKendree, I go on my daily hike to the West Clubhouse from my apartment. Then I wait for the Bogey Bus which decides to take its sweet time to get here. One bus, out of the two that run every day, is supposed to arrive every 10 to 15 minutes. The real way they operate is when one bus shows up, the other bus shows up right behind it.   When at McKendree, I go to 1828 for a quick bite to eat. It’s only a 30-minute wait for five chicken wings and some fries. So. Convenient.   When at McKendree, I rush to get to class on time. Five minutes before the class I am rushing to get to, I get an email that class is canceled and the bus leaves right at that moment. This means I have to wait for the bus in the ...
Call the Fire Department! Mckendree Students Are Cooking Again!
Campus Events, Campus News, Entertainment, News

Call the Fire Department! Mckendree Students Are Cooking Again!

By Emily Davis, Contributing Writer (photo courtesy of creative commons) In the early hours of the morning your pager begins to sound. The pager and the base it is charging on are vibrating violently on your nightstand, and the sequence of tones specific to your fire department come blaring through the speaker. You leap out of bed, run to the garage, throw on your bunker gear (sometimes with the help of your spouse), turn on your blue light, and drive to the firehouse or scene as quickly as possible. While you are driving, a check list begins running through your head as the dispatcher goes over the information for a second time. What trucks will need to be on scene? What equipment will I need for this call? Do I grab a truck, or head straight to the scene? The list goes on and on. When...