Wednesday, March 26

Month: January 2018

The State of Ames
Campus News, Perspective

The State of Ames

By Victoria Sananikone, Contributing Writer Ames Dining Hall is one of McKendree University’s central hubs where students can go to mingle with their friends during a break from class while indulging in the solace of food. Not merely a haven for the starved student, it also serves as a relaxation zone away from the stressful dimension known as the classroom. A dimension where some professors become wary at the sight of you pulling out a Nature Valley bar to assuage your hunger. Food is imperative for a college student to thrive within their university. It aids in fueling their brains to apply their knowledge and provides energy to walk to and from classes. This being the case, most students purchase a meal plan throughout their undergrad years that will allow them to fulfill their needs o...
WANTED: Banner Vandal!  Reward Offered!
Campus News, Local News, News

WANTED: Banner Vandal! Reward Offered!

The wrap-around banner at McKendree University's tennis courts was vandalized over the weekend when a thief made off with a rather odd section of the banner: part of Bogey's face.  If our hunch is correct, the vandal probably has it hanging up in their dorm, hoping to garner some cool-points.  Keep your eyes peeled as it could net you a cool reward! All joking aside, this is a serious issue and the campus is treating it as such.  There is a $500 reward to anyone who reports information leading to the apprehension of the vandal. Of course, the reward does not apply if the vandal turns themselves in. All reports can be filed with Public Safety in person or on the phone at: (618)-537-6911
Trash in a Jar

Trash in a Jar

By Magdalena Knapp, Editor According to the Environmental Protection Agency in 2016 the average American produced about 1600 pounds of garbage, which is around 4.4 pounds of trash a day. Much of this trash then ends up in the ocean, killing millions of animals each year. The true extent of the problems caused by garbage is as of yet unknown, but we will find out shortly if people do not cut their production of trash back. The zero waste lifestyle started as a way to combat this issue.  Zero waste started with the idea to produce as little trash as possible in one year and soon became popular through social media platforms such as Twitter and Instagram. People who follow the zero waste way of thinking, otherwise known as zero wasters, collect the trash they have produced in a marmalade ja...
They Think They Have All The Time in The World: A Mini Rant

They Think They Have All The Time in The World: A Mini Rant

By Victoria Sananikone, Contributive Writer Disclaimer: the topic I am soon going to vent about I fall prey to as well. As a mere mortal, I am far from perfect, and the last title I want my character to be granted is that of a hypocrite. The topic at hand is one that reigns high in my hierarchy of pet peeves. Those who actively seek out tasks or distractions to further procrastinate on activities that they find daunting or are merely too lazy to do have the ability to leave me fuming. Once again, at times I find myself making excuses to get out of something I don't want to do or merely chop down the amount of time that I have to do it, but resolving this concept will astronomically benefit my life, as well as anyone's life. So I'm on the pool deck, stretching and mingling until coach asse...
Edibles on Campus; Where to Find Them
Advice, Campus News, Entertainment

Edibles on Campus; Where to Find Them

By: Brad Wyss Disclaimer: Eat wild food at your own risk McKendree University is a dynamic campus that has much to offer from a fruitful education to a smorgasbord of personalities on campus.  One may be a resident of McKendree’s landscape for years yet not realize resources that are omnipresent.  You can find these resources in many different forms on campus from the middle of the quad to right in front of the library and even the edges of our overgrown plot of land formerly known as the golf course.  Edibles are everywhere, and the best way to get hold of them is to go out and get them yourself.  Also, you had better make sure you find the right ones or you could be in for a the nurse’s office. The first example of an edible on campus that is often overlooked is the presence...
Squirrel, Who Do You Know Here?

Squirrel, Who Do You Know Here?

By Brad Wyss Pictures:,, Whether you’re parking in Dr. Dennis’ front yard or five football fields away on the back side of MPCC; while trekking across campus there is often a chatter that is nearly impossible to ignore. The perpetrator may be watching you from afar, above, or around the trunk of a tree. They are always there. The gray squirrel and the fox squirrel are some of the most cunning and active beings on campus day in and day out, and they often leave their impact in unwelcomed ways. There are distinct differences between the gray squirrels and the fox squirrels in spite of their shared domiciles.  The fox squirrel (pictured below on the right) weighs on average two pounds and can reach up to 40 inches long.  The gray squirrel (...
For the Love of God, Legalize It!
Advice, Entertainment, Opinion

For the Love of God, Legalize It!

By Andrew Gardewine, Contributive Writer The United States houses over 20% of the world's prisoners. According to the FBI, there are an estimated 1,488,707 people imprisoned for drug related crimes annually. And of those arrests, 52% are marijuana related. Of this 750,000, 38% are based on possession of small amounts of marijuana (usually under an ounce) rather than the actual usage or trafficking. In contrast, there were an estimated 1,089,171 arrests for driving under the influence of alcohol, something that is demonstrably dangerous, yet the possession and consumption of alcohol is not illegal. In 2015 over 10,000 people died due to people driving over the legal limit of alcohol consumption and there were approximately 88,000 deaths caused by alcohol in general. On the other hand, ther...
Sometimes, Politics Should End a Friendship

Sometimes, Politics Should End a Friendship

By Sophie Jeffery, Editor Thomas Jefferson famously wrote in a letter to William Hamilton, “I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend.”  I saw this quote plenty of times over the course of the 2016 election, shared by well-intentioned friends and family on social media.  Here’s the question though: Is there a point when politics SHOULD end a friendship?  Or is Jefferson correct in believing a person’s political beliefs should be excluded as a limiting factor of a friendship? The 2016 election season was a mess.  I don’t know how else to describe it, and unfortunately, we’re not doing much better as we approach the end of President Trump’s first year in office.    The President's approval rating is consisten...