Wednesday, March 26

Month: March 2018

Extra! Extra! Write All About It!
Campus News, Local News, News

Extra! Extra! Write All About It!

By Sophie Jeffery, Editor Are you a student with a knack for being in the right place at the right time?  Have you ever considered a career in journalism?  Are you looking for ways to create a digital footprint by publishing your written work?  Are you intrigued by a particular phenomenon and long for the platform to investigate the matter more fully?  Do you know an interesting person or group on campus that deserves more attention?  Have you visited a cool place recently that you wish more people knew about? Come write for the McKendree Review!  We are always looking for new submissions from students and faculty about anything from book/movie reviews to sports recaps to the latest drama on campus.  We want it all! The McKendree Review has been publishing content online since 2011, cove...
Global Awareness Week
Campus Events, Campus News, Community Events, Local News, News

Global Awareness Week

By Sophie Jeffery, Editor Next week is McKendree’s annual Global Awareness Week and the Center for Faith and Spirituality along with the Lyn Huxford Center for Community Service have organized a full week of activities and opportunities for students and faculty to engage with and learn about other cultures and communities.  Colleen Smyth, program coordinator for the Lyn Huxford Center for Community Service, says, “This year, our keynote panel focuses on the empowerment of women and will feature three of our own community members.” Also new this year is McKendree’s own ‘Humans of’ project!  Appropriately titled ‘Humans of McKendree’, Smyth says the project will “feature pictures and stories of students in our community” and “will be launched both on campus and online.”   The schedule...
One Leg, No Limits
Campus News, Personality, Profiles, Sports

One Leg, No Limits

By Alexis Porter, Contributing Writer   I was walking back from the cafeteria at the Colorado Springs Olympic Training Center in the summer of 2017, carrying a to-go box of leftovers to enjoy later, when I first met Jacob Waters. He sped past me on his bike like a NASCAR driver and popped the longest wheelie I have ever witnessed in my life. My mouth dropped open in disbelief. I was instantly impressed and intrigued. “Hey, wait!” I called out after him. He circled back around and pulled up next to me. I glanced over his face quickly and then took a long look at his bike. It was bright green, rugged, with large treaded tires. I figured it had to be special if this kid could ride it on one wheel for so long. “Sorry didn’t mean to fly past you like that,” he said hopping off his bike...
Changing Perspective
Entertainment, Opinion

Changing Perspective

By Nathan Ploense, Contributing Writer Driving through Lebanon on a late fall afternoon usually yields little to no excitement. During summer the brick-laid road can feature fairs, car shows or families heading to Dr. Jazz or the surrounding stores, but a street which usually has vibrant colors and an essence of life becomes grey-washed as winter sets in and the temperatures drop. There is not much to see during these days except maybe a stray cat or someone contemplating donning a jacket to compensate for the wind-chill. With a passing glance while I drove the bland roads one day, a man appeared on a street corner, standing with a full canvas and easel, painting in the transitioning season, morning through the afternoon, wearing a ushanka hat and covered with oil paints. As 2017 wore ...
Campus News, Personality, Profiles


By Magdalena Knapp, Editor “I got run over by a baby elephant, and wow, even a baby elephant is huge and powerful! […] But it was fun!” Whether she gets run over by a baby elephant in Thailand, detained at the Israelian border, invited by an American Jew in Jerusalem to join Shabbat dinner in a tiny room full of people, or snuck out from a Jewish hostel in Jerusalem to join a three-people Palestinian tour of Bethlehem and discuss political tensions – Professor Capron has done it all. Portugal, Spain, France, Switzerland, India, Israel, Mexico, Peru, Machu Picchu, Puerto Rico, Canada, Vancouver, Thailand, Jordan and more – the list is endless. There is hardly any place in the world that she has not stepped on and somewhat explored yet. Aurélie Capron is who I would consider a real Marco Po...
Being a Student Parent: The Juggling Act
Advice, Campus News, Entertainment, Perspective

Being a Student Parent: The Juggling Act

  By: Sophie Jeffery, Editor Original art by Benjamin Richter On my drive to McKendree, I'm distracted by both Karen and Georgia from My Favorite Murder talking about Ruth Thalia* and the to-do list that is constantly running through my head, so when the van in front of me comes to a dead stop at the railroad tracks just inside Lebanon, I have to stop short to avoid hitting it. Something tumbles forward from between my kids’ captain's chairs in the middle of the van.  “Please don’t be a lunchbox, please don’t be a lunchbox,” I whisper to myself. At the stop sign, I take a quick peek and there it is: my son Beckett’s blue lunchbox settled upside-down behind the center console. Crap. I flip around in the McDonald’s parking lot and head all the way back to Mascoutah, mentally attempti...
Geeky Women Stand Up
Campus Events, Campus News, Community Events

Geeky Women Stand Up

By Elexis Baltimore, Editor In the world of Geekdom women have faced animosity and distrust for years, becoming the butt of jokes, experiencing harassment, and being asked various demeaning questions like ‘Do you actually know how to game?’ After finally getting tired of constantly being questioned and rejected from geeky spaces, women across the world have decided to take a stand and band together to create safe spaces in which they can explore their interests without worry.   So what is this amazing, geeky safe space? Geek Girl Brunch (GGB)!   According to an interview with writer/editor Kendall Ashley, in 2012 Geek Girl Brunch co-founder Jamila had lunch with a fellow geeky woman and blogger and deemed it Geek Girl Brunch. Over the next few brunches the women continued to...
Dr. Mario Livio – The man that gives curiosity a face
Campus Events, Campus News, Local News, News, Opinion, Profiles

Dr. Mario Livio – The man that gives curiosity a face

By Magdalena Knapp, Editor “Knowing that Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble, great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her husband's death.” (Kate Chopin - "Story of an Hour") - You can hardly introduce a short story with a better sentence than this, in my opinion. This sentence makes you curious, wants you to continue reading and to discover more about Mrs. Mallard, the death of her husband and how she is going to live with it. Curiosity - this has been Dr. Mario Livio’s field of interest for the last five years. Dr. Livio shook my hand with the heartwarming words “La vita è dura” (Italian for “Life is hard”) and introduced himself to me before his big speech. “I’m not actually Italian,” he says, “but people think it because of my name, so I mi...