Wednesday, March 26

Month: April 2018

Between Books and the Pool
Campus News, Entertainment, Sports

Between Books and the Pool

By Magdalena Knapp, Editor Do you ever wake up naturally from one of those restorative sleeps? Where you can feel the sun's rays on your face, hear the birds sing, and feel the warm air coming through your slightly opened window? Well, I do not. I usually wake up when the birds are still sleeping, the sun is still hidden behind the endless cornfields and the outside temperatures are around 30 degrees Fahrenheit. My alarm clock starts yelling at me every morning at 5 and I crawl out of bed with my eyes barely open, take my backpack, and walk with the rest of my team to the cars. Our destination is the same every morning: the swimming pool. This is part of my life as a student athlete. I usually share a lane with one other person, and we swim next to each other. Practice starts every day wi...
Campus Events, Campus News

A Night of Networking and Celebration

By Merisa Ashbaugh, Contributing Writer Students, faculty, and alumni of McKendree University gathered in the Hett on Wednesday, April 18th to network with communication professionals and celebrate the accomplishments of those being inducted into Lambda Pi Eta. Lambda Pi Eta is the National Communication Association’s official honor society. The honor society represents what Aristotle described in Rhetoric as three ingredients of persuasion: logos (Lambda), meaning logic; pathos (Pi), relating to emotion; and ethos (Eta), defined as character credibility and ethics. Lambda Pi Eta has more than 500 active chapters at four-year colleges and universities nationwide, and the purpose of the organization is to recognize, foster, and reward outstanding scholastic achievement in communication stud...
Advice, Campus Events, Campus News, Community Events

Ask, Receive, Repeat: The Art of Donations

By Nathan Ploense, Contributing Writer “Class of 2018! Are you ready to make a difference at McKendree before you graduate? Please give as a way to say thank you for your amazing four years at university,” exclaims email after email arriving in the inboxes of graduating seniors. At the tail end of the Fall semester of 2017, emails and announcements started to fill inboxes and the goal marker sign went up. With a continuous stream of emails, sometimes within an hour of one another, some students ask why these gifts are so important and why they should even consider the request. “We ask students to make gifts to McKendree through Give Big to the Pig and the Senior Class Gift programs to teach the impact and importance of philanthropy at McKendree and help build on our culture of philanth...
A Dedicated Life of Numbers: Questioning Dr. Ryan
Campus News, Personality, Profiles

A Dedicated Life of Numbers: Questioning Dr. Ryan

  By Quinn Polaski, contributing writer   Dr. Dennis Ryan is a professor of Mathematics at McKendree University. He currently holds three degrees: a bachelor’s, master’s, and a doctorate of applied mathematics. These were all earned at the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC). Here at McKendree, he has taught every mathematics course that is offered; some of his favorites are Complex Variables, Calculus, and Statistics. When he was working at a larger university, he taught entry-level math courses, with class sizes that would range anywhere from 60-80 students.  In contrast, the largest math class that I have taken at McKendree had about 18 students. These UIC math classes were not by any means difficult for Dr. Ryan to teach content-wise.  They did contain students who were n...
Academic Excellence Day 2018
Campus Events, Campus News, Local News, News

Academic Excellence Day 2018

By Mackenzie Auten, Contributing Writer McKendree University’s 5th annual Academic Excellence Day Celebration will take place on Thursday, April 26, 2018. On that day, students will have an opportunity to celebrate their scholarly and creative work in ways which include the following: research presentations, poster presentations, honor society inductions, art shows and performing arts recitals. There will be no classes held on the Lebanon campus this day, and all students are encouraged to attend or participate in the celebration. The schedule for the day’s events can be found on AEC webpage. To stay updated and get some helpful tips for the 2018 AEC, follow the McKendree Academic Excellence Celebration Twitter account. For questions, contact Dr. Chris Bahr, provost, at cmbahr@mcke...
We Told You This Was Melodrama
Entertainment, Opinion

We Told You This Was Melodrama

By Victoria Sananikone, Contributive Writer Screams and cheers from hundreds of people engulfed my ears and prompted my voice to join. The bellowing thud of the bass was a behemoth that vibrated up my legs and into my chest. From the stage, vibrant lights blasted their rays throughout the sea of fans hungry for music and the presence of the artist who concert tickets were so expensive, they sold their soul for them. For a split second I was blinded by the intense lights that suddenly disappeared to reveal a stage masked in smoke. Plainly dressed dancers creeped through the smoke’s embrace, performing an intricate dance of slowly swaying arms and twisting bodies that was mesmerizing to the eye. A familiar melody began to play, triggering the audience to simply go mad with excitement, myself...
McKendree Graduate Series – Jenna Ritzheimer
Personality, Profiles

McKendree Graduate Series – Jenna Ritzheimer

By Elexis Baltimore, Editor So you got your cap and gown in the mail, maybe sent out graduation announcements, and have probably been asked about your “next step” more times than you can count… with graduation just around the corner some of us are wondering what happens next. In order to help answer this question and maybe give everyone a little peace of mind, I decided to check in with a few McKendree Alumni in what I am calling the McKendree Graduate Series! When Jenna Ritzheimer, then Jenna Wood, transferred to McKendree University she had no idea what she wanted to do. During her first few years in college Jenna realized that she had an interest in psychology and pursued her bachelor’s with that interest in mind. “I had no idea at the time if I would even work in that field,” Jenna sa...
The Man Behind the Conducting Baton
Entertainment, Personality, Profiles

The Man Behind the Conducting Baton

Merisa Ashbaugh- Contributing Writer Plato once said, “Music is the movement of sound to reach the soul for the education of its virtue.” Driven by a love for music and his students, Adam Pulver brings a fresh, upbeat spirit to the McKendree University community and dazzles those he encounters with his gifted abilities. You’ve probably seen him walking around campus dressed to the nines or like a student, or perhaps passed through the lower level hallway of Clark and wondered where the alluring aroma of apple from a Scentsy warmer came from. If you happened to guess the show choir office, you would be correct. Pulver was born in Jacksonville, FL and raised in San Diego, CA until the age of fourteen. For as long as he can remember, Pulver had a passion for music. His mother got him invol...
Entirely Improbable – Gilson Nyrimana
Campus News, Personality, Profiles

Entirely Improbable – Gilson Nyrimana

By Zach Breeding, Editor   The sheer impossibility of finding another person in the same situation as Gilson Nyrimana is a better opener than any that I could ever think of. The statistic I searched so long for is athletes who have zero experience in a sport walking onto their college’s team and being able to compete. Up until late in the second semester of his freshman year, Nyrimana had never swam extensively. It was then that he registered with the NCAA and began training doubles with the McKendree swim team, a top 15 team in the nation. Nyrimana is from a Kigali, Rwanda, a small country that many only know exists because of the genocide which occurred there. Even more interesting to note is that the country does not have a national swim team except for the one person they sen...