Tuesday, March 11

Month: April 2018

Stronger than Wonder Woman
Advice, Campus Events, Campus News, Opinion

Stronger than Wonder Woman

Editorial by Magdalena Knapp When I was younger, my mom used to read fairy tales to me before bedtime. Almost every story was about a young, beautiful girl who needed to be saved by a strong prince. These damsels in distress have been role models have been promoted to little girls for centuries: the idea that a woman needs a strong man to take care of her or to save her. Really? God, no! Every woman is strong enough to make it on her own, she does not need someone to take care of her. The focus of this editorial, strong women, is also what the first keynote panel of McKendree's 2018 Global Awareness Week was all about. Global Awareness Week is an annual collaboration by faculty, staff and students on our campus to promote more awareness for cultural diversity and global issues. Women in...
Poisson D’Avril
Entertainment, Local News, National News, News, Worldwide News

Poisson D’Avril

By Magdalena Knapp, Editor Yesterday, despite the rain and the sudden snowfall, many of you might have gone on an Easter egg hunt, running all around the house and garden to find the hidden chocolate eggs and Easter bunnies. Some of you might also have used the occasion to prank one of your favorite family members or friends, because yesterday was not only Easter but also April 1st which for many of us means: Ready, Set, Prank! So, where does the tradition of April Fools Day come from? The McK Review team dug into the history books for you and tried to find out! April 1st, also known as “All Fools’ Day” or “April Fools’ Day,” has been celebrated for hundreds of years all over the world. Historians believe that the holiday was ‘born’ in 1582, when France changed from the Julian calendar t...