Tuesday, March 11

Month: May 2018

McKendree Graduate Series- Meghan Dohogne

McKendree Graduate Series- Meghan Dohogne

By Elexis Baltimore, Editor From Graduate to Business Owner Welcome back to the McKendree Graduate Series! With the excitement of graduation all around us, we at the McK Review want to showcase the endless possibilities of graduating from McKendree. As graduation steadily approaches, I think it is safe to say that many of us are nervous about what lies after we walk across the stage. However, as these McK Alumni will tell you, everything will be alright! So grab your stress ball and listen to what McK graduate Meghan Dohogne has to say! As Meghan went through her first year of college, she was unsure exactly what she wanted to do. “I took classes in various disciplines to see what I was most interested in,” Meghan said. “Like most people, I was very interested in many subjects.” From th...
Don’t be silly, protect your w****
Advice, Campus Events, Entertainment

Don’t be silly, protect your w****

Photos and Article by Magdalena Knapp, Editor There are still some topics in our 21st century society that make people feel uncomfortable, like disabilities, mental illnesses, stomach issues or the little itching “down there”.  We have to start somewhere to break the silence, and there can be no better month to do so than April, International STD awareness month. So let’s do it, let’s talk about STDs! We all know what STDs (sexual transmitted diseases) are, but not everyone knows exactly how many STDs exist, how one can get infected, and what the symptoms are. Dr. Tami Eggleston, professor of Sport Psychology at McKendree University, tries to educate students every year about STDs in a funny and refreshing way. Her “Sex Skits” are always a highlight in the spring semester. Dr. Egglesto...

McKendree Graduate Series- Krystin Major

By Elexis Baltimore, Editor Welcome back to the McKendree Graduate Series! With graduation less than a week away, we at the McK Review want to showcase the endless possibilities of graduating from McKendree University. As a graduating senior, I am not going to lie, graduation is one of the happiest and scariest moments of my life thus far. Not all of us know what we want to do next, or if we are traveling on the right path, but these McK Alumni have some words of advice and a story to tell. So grab some popcorn and listen to what graduate Krystin Major has to say. Krystin Major knew when she started at McKendree University that she wanted to go into business. Although she began and ended her time at McK as a Business Administration major, she did think about changing majors once or twi...
Finals Week Survival Guide
Advice, Entertainment

Finals Week Survival Guide

By Sophie Jeffery, Editor It's that time of the semester we all dread: finals week!  It seems so far away on the first day of classes as we flip through the syllabi for our new classes, but as much as we'd like to put it off, it's here.  This can be a stressful time of year for many college students; managing an ever-growing pile of papers and assignments while somehow finding time to study for exams is stressful enough alone, but many of us are also athletes, working, and/or raising a family.  In the spirit of this cloud of general stress and anxiety that has descended upon McKendree (along with the pollen; anyone else sneezing as much as I am?), I thought I'd put together a few pointers for how to survive this week. Verify dates and times of your finals/due dates  Classes are over, s...
Advice, Profiles

McKendree Graduate Series- Neil Berkel

By Elexis Baltimore, Editor Welcome back to the McKendree Graduate Series! With graduation slowly creeping its way around the corner, we at the McK Review want to showcase the endless possibilities after graduating from McKendree. Graduation can sometimes become daunting, as some of us are trying to combat the “what happens next” questions and balance job searches and finals. However, as these McK Alumni will tell you, everything will be alright! So buckle in and listen to what our next graduate Neil Berkel has to say! Neil Berkel began his undergraduate career at Lewis and Clark Community College as a chemistry student and tennis player. “I started with chemistry at LC because I enjoy math, but I didn't want to do just math,” he said. Laughing, he continued: “but now there's so much to ...
Depression as a College Student
Advice, Opinion

Depression as a College Student

By Jawaun Jackson, Contributing Writer Depression is much more than just being sad, it is a wave of emotions crashing into an unstable rough and rocky shore. Some days are good while others could be sad; some days you can spring out of bed while other days you’re chained to it. However, most times a person feeling depressed just feels like meh. From my experiences dealing with depression, there is no reaction to most things; it is being in a daze, often being swayed by your emotions in two directions. There is no lightness, it is from one extreme to the other with a responsive medium. It's mind-boggling to go from waking up happy, bright, and ready to 'carpe diem' to 'leave me alone' and wanting to stay in this room, on this bed, under these covers until a better day comes. Within the glo...
A Pawsitively Cat-Tastic Afternoon at Mauhaus

A Pawsitively Cat-Tastic Afternoon at Mauhaus

  Photos and Article by Sophie Jeffery, Editor Strong coffee, scrumptious desserts, a comfortable chair near a warm, sunny window, and 18 adorable cats lounging around in a cozy room…is there any better way to spend a Saturday afternoon?  Recently, I spent an hour visiting the cats at Mauhaus, the first cat café in the St. Louis metropolitan area.  Located at 3101 Sutton Blvd in Maplewood, Mauhaus opened its doors in November 2016 and has been busy ever since.  This is great news for the cats, since Mauhaus works directly with Stray Haven Rescue, a no-kill shelter dedicated to finding homes for St Louis’ stray and feral cats.  In addition to helping stray cats, the shelter also rescues cats from high-kill shelters, giving them another chance at finding a loving home.  The adoption p...
Campus News, Personality, Profiles

When Maya Angelou Came to McKendree, and What Became of Our Gift to Her

By Greg Kassen, Contributing Writer On Feb. 4, 2003, Dr. Maya Angelou, a St. Louis native, spoke as the keynote speaker at McKendree’s Founder’s Day celebration honoring 175 years of operation. At this time McKendree was not yet a university. Angelou, who is arguably the most influential literary voice to speak at the college, drew in a packed crowd of 2,600 listeners in the Statham Center. Dr. John Greenfield, a retired professor who taught for 33 years at McKendree, attended that day.  He recalls: “It was in the big gym and was totally packed. She was very moving and powerful when she related how she had the strength to persevere in the face of many obstacles --abuse, poverty, racism. It was probably the best attended speaker event since I've been here.” Angelou died a year later in May...