Friday, March 7

Month: November 2018

What Are You Thankful For?
Advice, Opinion

What Are You Thankful For?

By Victoria Sananikone, Assistant Editor Picture your Thanksgiving break. Not only do you get to escape the dorms and the classrooms, you are granted a halt to the stresses of school and are welcomed back to a refuge of home cooked meals and fireside warmth. You come back to a home with a smell that instantly overwhelms you with security, and you choke back tears at the sight of a bed with comfort is unlike any other. An ecstatic dog who has been wondering where their person has been all this time attempts to tackle you to the ground in a fit of excitement, while the cat simply rubs its body against your leg and purrs from the happiness of your return. The aroma of a steaming turkey invades your nostrils, which triggers your salivation glands, in turn, sending your brain a message that yo...
More Than Just A Game
Opinion, Sports

More Than Just A Game

By Blake Johnson Photo: Blake Johnson There are many wonders and joys in life, whether it’s a shiny day, a smile from someone’s face, or in this case, playing a sport. Most of the time, we as athletes grow our love for a sport in our early stages of life. From growing up with a ball in my hand before I could walk, the time has now come where I must say goodbye to the game. It never seems real to even think that something that has been a part of our lives for 20 plus years could ever be taken away. But, there will come a day where the uniform will be put on, goggles tightened, and cleats laced up one last time. It has always been a dream for many athletes, including myself, to play professionally because everyone wants to play the children’s game. Now, there are many reasons as to why th...
A Conversation with Dr. John Greenfield

A Conversation with Dr. John Greenfield

By Greg Kassen, Contributing Writer When I first entered Dr. John Greenfield’s home just a few blocks away from the university to interview him for this article, I was welcomed by a set of cats named Darcy and Janey. As most of his students know, Dr. Greenfield is a big fan of the European rugby leagues and named his pets after the players Darcy Lussick and Cory Jane respectively. Not really. What his students will actually attest to is his love for Jane Austen and how he shows that love by naming one cat after the author herself, and the other one after the Pride and Prejudice character Mr. Darcy. “They’re usually not so friendly to strangers,” he told me as they approached. I spent the rest of the interview concerned that I may have smelled like food. For those who may not know him, Dr....
Honoring National Veterans Day
Campus Events, Campus News, News

Honoring National Veterans Day

By Magdalena Knapp, Editor On Sunday, November 11th, the United States of America stands still for a day to honor all men and women who served in the military for their country. Most of us have someone in our family who has either served as an active member in one of the many wars, or was somehow involved in the military. Once a year on the same day, America unites and pays their respect for those who have served, lost their lives in the war, and dedicated everything they had to their country. McKendree University does the same. Since Thursday of last week we can observe an enormous amount of miniature American flags draping the walkways on our campus. Dr. James Dennis gave the order to lower the flag between the PAC building and Voigt Science Hall to half-mast in order to honor our veter...
Reflections: McKendree survivors
Campus News, Local News, News, Perspective

Reflections: McKendree survivors

By Nathan Ploense, Contributing Writer A year at McKendree cannot go by where Residence Life holds its famed Sex in the Dark program. While usually aimed at freshman, it offers the opportunity for students to ask sex and gender questions, in a judgment free area, and receive general answers back. Though proven to be a popular program on campus, many students feel that it has started to run its course and become stale. Not even the offer of free food is necessarily enough to get people out of their room or break from their busy schedules to participate. However, a new program was put in the works when Resident Assistant Elizabeth Graham wanted to re-create the old program into something that explored heavier, less talked about topics. The beginning of the event – Michael Calhoun When...
Hidden Victors – Forgotten teams of McKendree
Campus Events, Campus News, Opinion

Hidden Victors – Forgotten teams of McKendree

By Jackson Jawaun Pictures: McKendree University In the shadow of the mainstream sports at McKendree live some successful programs. Programs that are not too known to the student body. From the outside looking in McKendree sports is much more than Football and Basketball. There is Bass Fishing, Bowling, Swimming, and many others who are all very successful yet unknown to the population of McKendree. These programs do not receive the same exposure as more popular sports, and for some their only platform is the athletic site which is expected but football is exposed to students through mediums of social media and McKendree email. Every person with a email receives a message about McKendree football coming almost a week in advance. It is known across campus rather if the team ...
Governor #42: Bruce Rauner
National News, Personality, Profiles

Governor #42: Bruce Rauner

By Victoria Sananikone, Assistant Editor With the midterm election peeking over the horizon, some may say that governor Bruce Rauner has a storm coming for him. The candidates running for governor are strong and unique within their stances on how to further the success of the state of Illinois. However, Bruce Rauner has already succeeded in fulfilling this concept. Currently serving as governor number 42 of Illinois, his greatest mission was to improve all of the education systems across Illinois. He has been victorious with this goal in multiple different ways, but this success only came after he climbed to the top of the latter. Born and raised in Illinois, Rauner is a self-made businessman whose goal is to transform Illinois because it is his home, and “home is worth fighting for.” Hi...
Illinois’ Republican Candidate -Mike Bost
National News, News, Profiles

Illinois’ Republican Candidate -Mike Bost

By Kenneth Spisak Mike Bost is from Murphysboro, Illinois and has represented Illinois as a member of the Illinois House of Representatives, on behalf of the 115th district from 1995-2015. Now, Bost is a representative for Illinois’ 12th congressional district after emerging victorious in the 2014. Mike Bost likes to be known as one of the people and not just a politician by being a “passionate voice of the people of Southern Illinois.” A solid example of him being “one of the people” is his background of being in the United State Marine Corps, a firefighter, a small business owner, and working for his uncle and dad’s trucking business. Mike got involved in the local politics in his hometown of Murphysboro but was irritated with the federal government’s way of treating small town businesse...
The People’s Governor – Inside the political campaign of JB Pritzker
National News, News, Profiles

The People’s Governor – Inside the political campaign of JB Pritzker

By Justin A. Smock On Tuesday, the general midterm election will be in full swing. Illinoisans will be faced with the challenge of electing a new governor. Sitting Governor, Bruce Rauner, arguably has been given a run for his money. On this midterm ballot, Illinois Democrats have produced a candidate that shows passion and commitment to the state in ways of financial and educational withstanding. Born to a Jewish family in California, JB Pritzker is an active entrepreneur and philanthropist. Pritzker acquired his Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from Duke University and soon after studied law at Northwestern University School of Law. Staying in Illinois, Pritzker became an attorney and member of the Illinois and Chicago Bar Associations. JB now resides in Chicago with his wife and...
Angela Craven – An Insight Into Human Behavior
Campus News

Angela Craven – An Insight Into Human Behavior

By Alec Deyong “What makes him do the things he does?” This is a question that many ask about Kanye West, but for Board Certified Behavior Analyst Angela Craven, it is actually her job. Figuring out what causes behaviors and how to modify them is the focus of her career as a behavior analyst and was the focus of her Brown Bag. Craven defined behavior as “everything we think, say and do.” If this seems like an awfully large field to cover, that is because it is. She explained that a behavior never comes “out of the blue.” There is always a reason, a cause. Her job is identifying an environmental cause for a specific behavior and developing a plan to change it. At this week’s Brown Bag in PAC 222, Angela Craven spoke to the audience of students and faculty about her career as a behavior ...