Wednesday, March 26

Month: May 2019

Adventures of Frisbee Golf
Advice, Entertainment

Adventures of Frisbee Golf

By Daniel Kimmer, Contributing Writer Frisbee Golfing is a leisure inexpensive outdoor activity. A little overview about Frisbee Golf (Disc Golf or Frolf; street terms). Most courses are either a 9-hole course or an 18-hole course, depending on the land and space within the public park it was designed and built at. As a beginner to frisbee golf it is played like normal golf, there are T-Boxes and Fairways on each hole, “Greens” are non-existent in frisbee golf, as the basket location is the goal to get the frisbee to and the “hole” are metal chained baskets to catch the frisbee’s as they are thrown into the basket. In order to complete the hole, you have to successfully make the frisbee within the basket, then onto the next hole. The frisbees are designed for each shot and distance; driver...
A Day in the Life of a Taylor Swift Fan

A Day in the Life of a Taylor Swift Fan

By Ashley Hathaway, Contributing Writer It is 11:58 p.m. on Thursday, April 25th. You are eagerly eyeing the countdown that is up on your laptop. For 13 days you have been trying to decode the daily Instagram posts from your favorite musician, Taylor Swift, in order to search for clues about the upcoming release of new music, and it has all come down to this. There is only one minute and 37 seconds left until the premier of a new song and music video that you have been not-so-patiently waiting for. Each second feels like a lifetime. With 57 seconds left you squirm with excitement and refresh your Twitter feed to see that others are indeed going through the same emotional roller coaster as you are. At 22 seconds, you can’t help but to stand up to try to feed your impatience with slight move...
Athletic Trainers: An Endangered Species at McKendree

Athletic Trainers: An Endangered Species at McKendree

By Andrew Gardewine, Contributing Writer With over 600 student athletes it’s hard to find someone who is not part of a sports team at McKendree. If you step into any classroom and ask if there are any athletes in the class, chances are around half of the them will raise their hand. McKendree boasts 34 different sports teams, but of course with these many teams comes pains and injuries with the athletes. That is where our athletic trainers come in. Our trainers are hard working and dedicated in what they do and each are assigned specific teams to provide therapy. Many of the trainers are given multiple teams to take care of, meaning that in many cases one trainer could potentially have to provide therapy for around  100 different athletes each day. This is due to the fact that we only have...
Why You Should Try Sea of Thieves
Advice, Opinion

Why You Should Try Sea of Thieves

By Andrew Gardewine, Contributing Writer The video game industry has been constantly changing for the last fifty years starting off with the first ever and very simple game, Pong, to more recent, complex games like Red Dead Redemption 2, Fortnite, Overwatch and League of Legends. The most popular genre of games nowadays is multiplayer shooters with linear gameplay: Kill the enemy teams, win the game. Now, I’m not saying these games are bad, I play and enjoy many of these games regularly. However, there is one game like very few others that goes against the fad and popularity today. Released in 2018 on March 20th, Sea of Thieves is considered an action-adventure game. At face value the game is just a simple pirate game dropping you into a tropical world as a simple sailor to go out and sear...


By Caylin Dean, Contributing Writer McKendree University is one of the few schools in the area that offers a pre-professional program for occupational therapy; therefore, attracting much attention from prospective students who are interested in the career. Occupational therapy (OT) is a form of rehabilitation that examines a patient holistically and assists them in recovering from an injury, living with a disability, or participating in everyday meaningful activities that help them lead a life of meaning and purpose. OT is a great field that is very diverse in opportunities and is growing in popularity. Due to some upcoming changes, those interested in the profession may want to consider their options before they commit. Just as physical therapy mandated in 2015, those achieving a degree...
Call Them Ranch ‘Cause They’re Dressing: Fashion on McKendree’s Campus

Call Them Ranch ‘Cause They’re Dressing: Fashion on McKendree’s Campus

By Caylin Dean, Contributing Writer The average college student rolls out of bed approximately 15 minutes before (or sometimes after) their class starts, grabbing a can of caffeine and rushing out the door to catch the Bogey bus. Their uniform is typically a variation of a three-day-old outfit they slept in, its odor becoming a little ripe. Our lady bearcats attire typically consists of a pair of LuLuLemon leggings, a Patagonia pullover, and, depending on the weather, Uggs or Birks for their tootsies. Our male counterparts tend to have a go-to ensemble as well: sweatpants, tennis shoes, and a t-shirt or sweatshirt that dons their respective sports team. Although these are the traditional garb that we often see fellow classmates sporting on campus, there are some hidden treasures in the fas...
How Students are Sabotaging One Another at McKendree
Campus News, Opinion

How Students are Sabotaging One Another at McKendree

By Loren Terveer, Contributing Writer You are laying in bed after a long day of classes and activities. Your eyes slowly shut and your mind wanders. You begin to drift into sleep as the warm blankets cocoon you in comfort. Just as your breathing falls into a sleepy rhythmic beat you hear it. SLAM! Your neighbor comes home and slams their front door. THUMP! THUMP! The students who live upstairs begin to move their furniture into a new feng shui. CLICK! The light claws at your eyelids as your roommate comes into the room and switches on the overhead lamps. The distractions pile up, flooding your ears, and the mere idea of sleep eludes you. You are officially awake for the night. For many McKendree students, this situation is too familiar. One of the biggest frustrations in regards to liv...
Campus Connectivity Crisis: Students Take on the McKendree Wi-Fi
Campus News, Local News, News, Opinion

Campus Connectivity Crisis: Students Take on the McKendree Wi-Fi

By Madeline Cade, Contributing Writer In 2016, McKendree gave up cable in order to enhance our Wi-Fi connectivity. Fast forward to 2019 and we have more Wi-Fi problems than before the fix. There seem to be daily complications when completing or turning in online assignments. Ironically, even as I sat writing this piece, there were three times over the course of a few days where I had to stop due to little to no connectivity. I was genuinely interested in hearing what other students had to say about the McKendree Wi-Fi crisis. I first took to my Instagram to get input directly from students. I set up polls on my story to see what the Bearcats thought about the Wi-Fi. I started my survey by asking if they had ever had a problem with the Wi-Fi. I had 293 McKendree students answer this one.  ...
Coffee with a Splash of Stress
Campus News

Coffee with a Splash of Stress

By Magdalena Knapp, Editor Personally, I believe that one of the most beautiful words the Greeks have given us is “agape.” Agape stands for a kind of love that seeks nothing in return. You love someone or something, simply because you love it. It think it is beautiful. Something like agape is hard to find, but last week at McKendree University students could find it at the Agape Latte. The Agape Latte is a very popular event at McKendree University. The idea is for students to come together, enjoy a cup of coffee or other beverage of their choice and a sweet piece of cheesecake. The speaker this semester was a highly valued member of McKendree University, Mr. Scott Neill, teacher for health and wellness. I was lucky enough to have him as a teacher, so I knew that this Agape Latte presenta...