Wednesday, March 26

Month: January 2020

What happened to Recycling on Campus?
Community Events

What happened to Recycling on Campus?

Annika Beal and Hayley Luster, Contributing Writers As many may have noticed, recycling on campus has been discontinued. Many different theories and questions have come up regarding the reasons for the termination. Where has it gone? Does McKendree actually care about the environment? Well, we are here to set the record straight. McKendree is in the process of developing new ways to cut back on our waste, and to utilize reducing and not just recycling. Recently, recycling on campus has ceased due to the amount of money the previously contracted company was charging McKendree. The previously contracted company, Always Green, was a single-stream recycling company that covered the entire McKendree campus. Single-stream recycling is a system in which all recyclables, including paper, plastics...
Brightspace – McK Writes History
Campus Events

Brightspace – McK Writes History

Magdalena Knapp, Editor in Chief Pictures provided by Magdalena Knapp and Mckendree University January 22nd 2020, time 11:50 a. m., PAC Lobby: McKendree writes history. The year 2020 has already been a year full of changes for McKendree University. Not only have we now officially found a new president, but McKendree University has decided, after almost 15 years of collaboration, that Blackboard will no longer be our affiliated online program for classes. On January 22nd 2020, the PAC lobby was decorated in bright orange, the color of our new program provider: D2L Brightspace– Desire 2 Learn. George Kriss, Erin Campbell, and Tami Eggleston were in charge of organizing the big D2L Brightspace reveal party. “D2L Brightspace is more modern and user-friendly. When you open Facebook you get ex...
Here’s What You Missed: Iran & the US

Here’s What You Missed: Iran & the US

Katherine Gemmingen, Head Copyeditor Featured image from CNN What better way is there to start off the spring semester than with a talk about the impending doom that describes the current state of foreign relations between the United States and Iran? Through the first Brown Bag lecture of the semester on last Wednesday, January 15, Dr. Brian Frederking did his part to shine the light of understanding on what exactly is the relationship between Iran and the US. For those of you who are unsure of who this professor brave enough to dive into the Iran issue is, Dr. Frederking is a political science professor here at McKendree. As a political science major myself, I have had many classes with him and (rather unfortunately) find myself enthralled by all things political. Dr. Frederking typical...
When Student-Athletes Retire

When Student-Athletes Retire

By Magdalena Knapp, Editor in Chief Picture courtesy of the three interviewees and Magdalena Knapp Every athlete knows this moment will come eventually: One day we all are going to put on our goggles for the last race, tie our shoes for the last penalty shoot-out, and walk off the field one final time before we are officially done with our senior season as a collegiate athlete. To be honest, this moment seemed to be so far in the future just a few years ago. After middle school, athletes continue their sport in high school, after that they move on to college athletics, and after college – well, what is going to happen after college? I love swimming so much that I moved from my hometown in Italy to a different continent. For almost four years I have been swimming now in a pool that is 7,6...
Vic’s Tuesday Tunes

Vic’s Tuesday Tunes

By Victoria Sananikone, Editor Photos and gif from Google Hello, fellow Review readers! Welcome to the first installment of Vic’s Tuesday Tunes, a new column that will be featured on the first Tuesday of each month (with an exception to January). As a lover of music, I thoroughly enjoy sharing my tunes with others who share my obsession or those who are simply looking for new music to listen to. The music listed below is what I have been frequently listening to within the past month. Not to tickle my own pickle, but I’d say that my taste in music is pretty fire. I can’t resist rewarding myself with a personal high five after creating a playlist, a masterpiece that will bless the ears of my fans (all of my 5 followers on Spotify). On the contrary, some of my friends, who I would rather re...