Wednesday, March 26

Month: February 2020

Don’t Be Lazy, Take The NSSE!

Don’t Be Lazy, Take The NSSE!

Magdalena Knapp, Editor in Chief First-year and senior students, listen up! Some of you might have received an email during the past week about the “NSSE” (spoken: Nessie) survey. While most students probably have skimmed over it, some have actually clicked on it and taken it. NSSE stands for “National Survey of Student Engagement." During their college time, students are required to take a large number of surveys, which leads to some students having a mental aversion against surveys. This survey is actually one that you should consider taking! McKendree University, such as any other university, tries to serve the needs of its students, which is hard sometimes because the students’ needs are constantly changing. The NSSE was created to assess the areas where universities need improvement,...
She Puts the K in McK
Campus News

She Puts the K in McK

Mikayla Walton, Contributing Writer Featured image: Facebook/ Kaylyn Ruiz Many students here at McKendree know Kaylyn Ruiz as the woman who works while delivering fantastic customer service with a smile in Ames or chatting with students and faculty alike as she helps in 1828. However, you may not actually know her. Kaylyn, or KK for short, is a middle child of four from Belleville, Illinois. She had been working at Mckendree for five years before deciding to attend classes. “I was hired in the 1828 Cafe to be a cashier," Ruiz said. "I never really thought about higher education until I got to Mckendree and was around college students and professors all day.” KK attends classes for a degree in Business Management and is a part-time student here when she isn’t working. Though, when she ...
Music As a Full-Time Job

Music As a Full-Time Job

Claire Jennings, Contributing Writer Kara Grafton, a 21 year old senior at McKendree University, has reached the busiest point of her college career. As a major in Music Education, her final semester at McKendree is spent student-teaching, which includes planning lessons, self-reflections, and execution of lessons that then undergo evaluation. In addition to student-teaching, Kara must work on her application to become a teacher--McKendree can only provide students with the necessary education, but it is up to the state to decide whether she is able to join the workforce. She reflects, “There is so much that is happening this semester that I wasn't expecting. I have to student-teach, apply for jobs, and complete my edTPA (Teacher Performance Assessment) for the state of Illinois to comple...
Remembering Kobe

Remembering Kobe

Jhaidyn Brown, Contributing Writer Pictures: The greatest to ever do it? That question seems somewhat unreal to ask now with this passing 5x NBA champion, 18x NBA All-Star, 2008 NBA’s Most Valuable Player, and 2x NBA finals MVP, as Kobe Bryant has solidified his position as the greatest.  Not only was Kobe an impeccable basketball player, he was also a great mentor, a great husband, and a great father. He had 4 kids, 1 of them, Gianna, passed away with him. The world was devastated and heartbroken over this news. I don’t think I’ll ever forget finding out the day he passed. I didn’t think it was real, my exact words being “this can’t be true, there’s no way” as I’m sure plenty of others said.  Kobe’s impact touched a lot more people than just NBA players. You had kids in the ...
Presidential Affinity for McKendree

Presidential Affinity for McKendree

Katherine Gemmingen, Head Copyeditor Photos from McKendree University Near the end of January, I sat down for a meeting with McKendree University’s new president, Mr. Daniel Dobbins. The campus never really had an official “welcome to McKendree” event for President Dobbins, and I wanted to find a way to introduce McKendree’s newest president to the community. For those of you who have never met or seen President Dobbins around campus, the man is tall. You really don’t understand the concept of an imposing figure until you’re a 5’2 girl walking into the giant space that is the president’s office in Wildy Hall to shake hands with a president who is easily a foot and a half taller than you are, not to mention this is the same man who was the focus of a less than positive piece that you had ...
The Realities of Public Relations

The Realities of Public Relations

Laurynn Davey, Contributing Writer Whenever friends and family ask what my major is, I confidently tell them Public Relations. However, I can always feel that confidence start to dwindle when they ask the following questions: “What’s that?” and “So you just make people look good?” I constantly find myself having to explain the profession to others, and when I think about it, I can’t really blame them for not understanding because once there was a time when I didn’t understand it either. It wasn’t until a teammate of mine suggested switching to the public relations major, back when I was still undecided, that I started educating myself about the job. The field of public relations (PR) is generally described as the ongoing interactions with a target audience that communicate consistent and ...
Working For a Multi-Million Dollar Company From My Room

Working For a Multi-Million Dollar Company From My Room

Kyle Shahenian, Contributing Writer This past summer I was fortunate enough to work for DriveTime, a used automobile company, as a Robotic Process Automation intern at their national headquarters in Tempe, AZ. At the conclusion of the internship program, I was offered the opportunity to stay on through the school year as a part-time employee working remotely here in Lebanon. Without hesitation I accepted, not knowing how it was going to work with the busy year ahead. In a few weeks, I’d be going back to McKendree with something completely new: a real-world job. I was excited about the opportunity but anxious about what having a part-time job would do to my schedule and my sanity. Would I have enough time to get the work done? How will this work with the time-zone difference? What if I’m o...
Advice, Entertainment


Story and pictures by Meredith Geyer, Contributing Writer If Saturdays couldn’t get any better, imagine if they were the one day of the week you could have sugar, carbs, or anything truly delicious. My boyfriend, God bless him, has not only come all the way from Memphis, TN to visit me once a month for the past two and a half years, but also follows a Ketogenic diet during the week. Well, almost every day of the week. On Saturdays I have the honor of partaking in Greg’s epic cheat day, which we have dubbed “Faterday."   Greg’s most recent visit was especially exciting because he had endured an even more vigorous diet with his gym community at home for the entire month of January. Along with a number of strict rules for this new temporary diet, no cheat days were allowed for the entire mont...
What’s the Deal with Coronavirus?
Advice, Campus Events

What’s the Deal with Coronavirus?

Kae Edgcomb, Contributing Writer Pictures taken by Kae Edgcomb in the Office of Health Services, McKendree University You have probably been seeing it on the news. Maybe you have heard jokes about it around campus. You might have discussed the topic in a class. It is hard to escape discussions to some capacity on the coronavirus. But what actually is the coronavirus? Is it really a virus named after a Mexican beer company? To begin, let me explain what a coronavirus is. Coronaviruses were first documented in the 1960s. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, (CDC) the common human coronavirus typically causes a mild to moderate upper respiratory tract illness, just like the common cold or rhinovirus. Most people will have this virus at some point in their lives and h...
Vic’s Tuesday Tunes #2

Vic’s Tuesday Tunes #2

By Victoria Sananikone, Editor Napoleon gif from Google Welcome to the second installment of Vic’s Tuesday Tunes! As a lover of music, I thoroughly enjoy sharing my tunes with others who share my obsession or those who are simply looking for new music to listen to. Please enjoy the music listed below that I have been listening to frequently within the past month. Formula- Labrinth (Euphoria soundtrack) This song is simply a COOL song. Similar to the title of the show that it is featured on, you’ll feel a rush of euphoria when listening. The song begins in an ominous fashion, the beat quickening along with the singer whose voice reaches an impressive pitch. Judging from the lyrics, this song is obviously about drugs, and while I advocate for hugs and not drugs, this song may make you ...