Wednesday, March 26

Month: June 2020

Let’s Talk

Let’s Talk

By anonymous contributing writer Photos from Google, Getty Images “All lives matter.” You’ll hear that from people who feel that the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement somehow discredits other groups of people. These people would likely believe that the message of BLM is “we matter more” or “only we matter” when that could not be further from the truth, a truth most people just ignore. BLM has made it clear several times that their movement is about justice for the black lives lost at the hands of the police, a justice that is almost never rightfully served. But “All Lives Matter” isn’t the only argument you’ll hear against the BLM movement. No, there are plenty others that can easily be discredited. Enjoy. “What about Black-on-Black crime? You don’t care then!” If you ho...
This Is Not The End
Community Events, News, Opinion

This Is Not The End

By Emma Martin-Hilker, contributing writer Photos by ExpectUS I am going to state now that I am a white woman. I will never understand the fear of walking on the streets, or the terror that strikes the hearts of black individuals when they see flashing red and blue lights. I will not understand their feelings, nor will I be able to capture their view. Let me say -- I’m not trying to. I’m sharing what I saw, and what I believe. I refuse to remain silent -- and I’m hoping by sharing my point of view, it will encourage some of you to do the same, especially those of you who are people of color and reading this. The world needs to hear your stories because you matter. Your words and your feelings matter, and no white person (no, not even me) will be able to capture how you feel about ev...
Inside A Peaceful Protest
Opinion, Perspective

Inside A Peaceful Protest

By Haley Rey, contributing writer Photos by Haley Rey Susan Sontag once said: “A writer, I think, is someone who pays attention to the world.” Lately, I’ve been trying to pay more attention than usual, so as to learn about the movement taking place and to try to be a part of it. After what I’ve learned so far, it seems the best thing I can currently do is inform whomever possible about what is happening and why, and amplify the voices I learn from within the POC community. That is what I wish to do in writing this article. Last Thursday, a peaceful protest was held in my hometown, Columbia, IL. It included many students and alumni of Columbia’s school district, friends, parents, local business owners, citizens of neighboring towns, etc. The group marched from Bolm Schuhkraft ...
Thoughts from Nickie and Anthony
News, Opinion, Perspective

Thoughts from Nickie and Anthony

By Nicolette Sanlin and Anthony Francis Photos by Nicolette and Anthony As I sit at home looking for the “right” way to begin, I’ve come to the realization that there is no “right” way. It feels right to be uncomfortable regarding my past, present, and future conversations. It feels right to lean into my discomfort when educating myself and the young lives I impact. It feels right to use the medium of sport to be the stimulus for social change. Sadness and hurt have been reoccurring emotions knowing that, as a country, we have not done enough to create REAL change, to take a stand against systematic racism.  Without a meaningful plan of action from our communities, arbitrary blanket statements serve as an empty attempt to pacify the masses. There have been times I have...
No Justice, No Peace
News, Perspective

No Justice, No Peace

By Abigail Rumpp, contributing writer Photos by Abigail Rump “I’m really nervous.” My best friend Sam’s words rattled around in my brain as we walked through downtown Knoxville, making our way to the gathering protest in Market Square. The city was quiet – a few people ambled around the streets, but there were hardly any cars, noises, or sounds besides some gusts of wind. To be completely honest, I was pretty nervous too. Headlines from the past week kept buzzing in my mind, recounting violence, anger, and police brutality in neighboring states and cities. Tennessee has never had the best track record with progressive ideas, and being a red conservative state in the south doesn’t help either. Even so, I wanted to be part of the national change that was occurring. I have a voice, ...
McKendree, Let’s Stand Together

McKendree, Let’s Stand Together

By Victoria Sananikone, editor in chief Photos from Getty Images and students My desire to speak out against racism and the urgency to address injustice had been plaguing my conscience. This is a problem that is bigger than I will ever be, and for that I choose to stand with the oppressed whose skin color alienates them from the equality they deserve. McKendree University is a melting pot of races with a significant amount of African American students. During this time, it is imperative that we start a conversation about Black Lives Matter, and we must extend a hand to our fellow black students. See them, hear them, stand with them. Yesterday, I learned about the massacre of Black Wall Street. Black Wall Street is located in Tulsa, Oklahoma’s Greenwood District, and it was one of...