Wednesday, March 26

Month: September 2020

An Unusual Love Story

An Unusual Love Story

By Victoria Sananikone, Editor in Chief Photos from Netflix “When you have that connection with an animal and have those experiences, it’s absolutely mind-blowing. There’s no greater feeling on earth."- craig foster, My Octopus Teacher The connection between humans and animals is extraordinary. Sometimes we bring them into our homes where they become our best friends, companions for life, or beings of support through our dark times. In other circumstances, we simply observe them in their natural habitat. The ways in which animals interact with one another, how they defend themselves, how they hunt for their food, their mating rituals, and how they care for their offspring—these are so easily overlooked. As we watch these animals, we are exposed to the true beauty of what it m...
Pisoni’s Path to Play

Pisoni’s Path to Play

By Paris Suzuki, contributing writer Photos by McKendree Athletic Department March 20, 2019 would change the football career of McKendree University’s sophomore cornerback, number 32, Tony Pisoni. Headed into the spring season with junior year approaching, Pisoni was listed as a player to watch out for.  “Pisoni is going to go crazy and be undefeatable this year,” players would say.  His hard work and dedication during the off-season paid off and it was now his time to shine. Pisoni was covering a wide receiver during spring ball practice for the Bearcats. The receiver was running a dig route, an offensive play where the receiver runs 10 yards forward and then makes a 90-degree cut to the inside. When the receiver caught the pass from the quarterback, Pisoni was ...
The Impact of Understanding

The Impact of Understanding

By Laurynn Davey, Assistant Editor Photos taken by the McKendree University Communication and Marketing Office On Thursday Sept. 17, members of the McKendree community gathered together on the front lawn for a peaceful rally and marched in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. Student body president, Shelby Benn, began the rally with a few opening remarks. Devon Myles, a player on the McKendree University football team, then led the Black Lives Matter march through campus. Students followed Devon to the fountain then marched down College Road before making their way back to the front lawn. Families from the town of Lebanon joined with McKendree’s faculty and students to participate in the march for justice and inclusion.  The march down campus Organized by Shelby Benn, D...
The Truth About (Sleep) Walkers

The Truth About (Sleep) Walkers

By Mikayla Walton, Associate Editor Photos from Google A body shambling around with glassy eyes, outstretched arms, and clumsy movements... It sounds a little creepy, doesn’t it? Rest assured, this isn’t the next episode of The Walking Dead,  but rather Hollywood’s interpretation of a phenomenon: sleepwalking. If this is the common interpretation and often people’s thoughts on it, then what is the reality? Well, we should start first with this question: what is sleepwalking?  Sleepwalking or parasomnia is a sleep disorder where the person basically straddles the border between being asleep and awake. Sleepwalking begins during the REM cycle, more commonly known as deep sleep. Though, it is an important thing to know, sleepwalking is not just limited to walking. A sleep...
Purple Politics: Should We Settle for Biden?

Purple Politics: Should We Settle for Biden?

By I.S., contributing writer Feature photo from Getty Images Welcome back, Bearcats, to the second installment of Purple Politics. I’m sure by now you’ve read, seen, or scrolled past something in regard to the presidential race of 2020. You’ve probably noticed that we, the people, are once again devastated by the lack of leadership and preeminence the pool of candidates is offering. This year, the Republican candidate is Donald Trump and his opposition, Joe Biden (Obama’s VP). The other notable candidate is Jo Jorgenson, a Libertarian. Despite coming out to be a well-rounded, fantastically moderate and sensible candidate, Jorgenson may not be able to muster enough mojo to ultimately defeat the Donkey and Elephant this time around. In the first installment of this column, we...
Rocky Horror ‘Rona Show

Rocky Horror ‘Rona Show

By Haley Rey, Head Copyeditor Photos by Haley Rey, Matt Halloran, and EllenTrinity Hear the wedding bells! Toss your rice into the air! You’ve been rightfully sacrificed to the almighty lips, and it’s time for the Rocky Horror Picture Show! ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK!! During a time like this, it’s difficult to find ways to feel normal and human. Going shopping, playing sports, popping a tire and being drawn into a castle that contains aliens and transvestite scientists—these are all great options for anyone looking to feel like the pandemic hasn’t taken everything away. While I don’t know if it actually qualifies as normal, I think the best way I’ve taken back my life during COVID-19 was attending a midnight showing of the “Rocky Horror Picture Show.”  The show was held ...
The Lack of Concern

The Lack of Concern

Written by an anonymous student Feature photo by McKendree University Disclaimer: This anonymous student loves McKendree and its faculty and staff, but students deserve to have a voice during this pandemic. McKendree University has become a hot spot. Not just with Covid-19 cases, but also with stress. For most students, classes started in person on August 17. While talking to other students, they expressed how fearful and uncertain they all were. Part of this fearfulness is due to the students having to sanitize their own desks before and after they use them. In all honesty, only a small number of students actually do this. So, this plan is not doing shit. Also, on most days the trash cans around the dorms and Ames are overflowing with garbage, attracting bugs and other wildlife...
The Editors of Your favorite Newspaper

The Editors of Your favorite Newspaper

Editor in Chief: Victoria Sananikone Hey there! My name is Victoria Sananikone and I am a senior on the McKendree Women's Swim and Dive team. I am majoring in Professional Writing and Rhetoric with two minors in Journalism and Public Relations. I have been writing for the McKendree Review since I was a freshman and I have loved every second of it. I am excited to announce that I will be your Editor in Chief this year! In my free time, you'll likely find me hanging with my homies, listening to weird music, or engrossed in a novel. Writing also consumes much of my time, which has helped me to grow into the writer I am today. I have always had a passion for writing and storytelling. I hope to continue doing both of these things in my future endeavors after I graduate. Writing about ...