Wednesday, March 26

Month: January 2021

Disappearing Bearcats

Disappearing Bearcats

By Haley Rey, Head Copyeditor Photos from Google McKendree is a very small university. When it comes to numbers, it better resembles a high school than a university. It’s always been said that we are a family here; in fact, that’s how we draw people in. Our professors know us on a personal level and, as a small community of students, we all know one other quite well—or, at least, of one another. For this reason, it does not go unnoticed when one of our beloved Bearcats disappears. At McKendree, just like any other university, there are plenty of people making an effort to help students feel welcome—recruiters, faculty and staff, student ambassadors, and coaches all try to give the students here reasons to stay. So, why have so many people left? Our school has become quieter and q...
You’ll Be Hooked

You’ll Be Hooked

By Mikayla Walton, Associate Editor Photos from Google If anyone is a big horror fan like I am, then perhaps you have heard of Dead by Daylight. Dead by Daylight is an online asymmetrical survival horror game, meaning there are 4 “survivors” going up against one “killer.” Yes, it is very dark, but the game itself is an interesting concept. Typically, as a player you get to choose whether or not you play as a survivor or a killer, but that isn’t even the best part. The best part is that the game itself has taken horror icons from every corner of the horror verse” and shoved them into one game! Well, maybe not every corner—there are no Stephen King characters making an appearance (yet).  Despite the lack of killer child-eating clowns such as Pennywise, you are liable to face many d...
A “Man’s” World

A “Man’s” World

By Kevin Memminger, contributing writer Photos from Harvard Gazette, Blackburn Center, and Unsplash In the society that we live in today, there is an influx on the importance of inclusion. There are millions of people protesting social issues across the country, whether they are for them or against them. During the late 2010’s the #MeToo movement began, addressing sexual harassment, abuse, and violence that women faced with public figures, as well as average joes. #MeToo produced one of the most prominent feminist movements. The movement addressed and publicized accusations of harassment that women face every day, whether that be in their everyday lives or their professions. The #MeToo movement is faced with constant backlash, as the feminist movements continue to deal with criticis...