Wednesday, March 26

Month: September 2022

Campus News, Local News, News

Renovations at McKendree!

By: Jasmine Gage, Writer Mckendree University is undergoing a few renovations around the campus, and students cannot wait until each refurbishment is complete! Currently, the only places on campus closed for renovations are our beloved Lair and the Fitness Center. As a student here at Mckendree, I cannot wait to see what the new renovations bring, but why wait when we can find out right now? I interviewed Grace Gross, Student Government Association Secretary, and she provided me with the following details: Why are the Lair and Fitness Center closed?  “There was a leak in the roof of the fitness center. This caused it to flood, and black mold came up. Similar things happened to the Lair.” What improvements can we expect from these renovations? “The Lair is going to b...
Senior Spotlight: Madeline Trinity

Senior Spotlight: Madeline Trinity

By: Madison Rohn, Editor Madeline Trinity, the last theater major at McKendree, is directing a scene in this year’s fall play as a part of her senior project. The play, Months on End by Craig Pospisil, is a comedy that follows a group of friends in one calendar year with one scene for each month. Madeline is directing the October scene, which involves a couple on the verge of breaking up over The Beatles.  I recently sat down with Madeline to discuss her thoughts on directing, McKendree’s theater program, and her plans for the future.  During her time at McKendree, Madeline has been deeply involved in theater productions by making props, building sets, acting, and now directing. Out of all these components of theater, Madeline says that being a part of the crew and work...
St. Louis Deemed Best City for New Grads, Lebanon Ranked Charming Small Town in IL
Campus News, Local News, News

St. Louis Deemed Best City for New Grads, Lebanon Ranked Charming Small Town in IL

By: Chloe Gamber, Head Academic Writer Previously, Josie Blasdel, the director of Undergraduate Admissions, has given St. Louis some praise by sharing various articles. The first one I would like to discuss is how St. Louis is ranked 100/100 for being one of the best places for undergraduates to start their careers! “Since college grads tend to earn less earlier in their careers, an analysis by insurance provider Insurify ranked cities in the U.S. by employment opportunity and affordability, as well as transit costs and livability. The rankings were narrowed down to the best city in each state and based on an ‘overall appeal’ score out of 100, with 100 being the most appealing. Here’s a look at the 10 best cities for new grads to start their careers, according to the article:&nbs...
Behind the Scenes: Bogey the Bearcat
Campus News, Personality, Profiles

Behind the Scenes: Bogey the Bearcat

By: Kristina Ferry Bogey the Bearcat has been the face of McKendree University since the 1960s. The mascot has evolved over the years from a simple bear mask to a full-fledged suit. This month I have sat down with the dance team’s coach and Bogey’s caretaker, Sara Miller, to delve into the behind-the-scenes of who Bogey is, what his schedule is like and what students adore about him. Without spoiling the magic, Miller has provided more about who has the opportunity to play Bogey. She revealed that the privilege of playing Bogey differs from year to year but this year he is played by two students. These students are usually on the dance team but that is not a requirement to be Bogey. All that is required is for a student to participate in the work-study program and to sit down for an...
Meet the Editor in Chief
Letter from the Editor

Meet the Editor in Chief

By: Grace Gross, Editor in Chief Hello, my name is Grace! I am the new Editor in Chief for the McKendree Review. I am a second-year communications major and this is my second semester working for the Review. I have greatly enjoyed my time writing and editing. During my time in high school, I was on the newspaper team. I was a writer as a sophomore and co-editor for my junior and senior years. My time working on the paper greatly impacted my decision to join the McKendree Review. Picture taken by Nat Wilk (Pictured: Nat Wilk, Grace Gross, Marisa Ortega and Chloe Gamber.  Aside from being the new Editor in Chief, I am involved in a plethora of extracurricular activities outside of the classrooms. I am the Secretary for McKendree's Student Government Association (SGA). Getti...
Get Involved!
Campus Events

Get Involved!

By: Chloe Gamber, Head Academic Writer This article may be a little late but it is never too late to get involved on campus! If you were unable to attend the career fair, it is something to go to before you graduate to get a glimpse into what exactly goes on here! Not only does it showcase campus organizations but local restaurants and others are also there to help you with perks and advertisements! An example of a great food chain that was recognized is Raising Canes. I have made special trips just for a taste of their chicken. Some other campus organizations that may not have been in the spotlight are the Nurses and Health center. When it comes to the involvement fair, it is not only for student organizations but for overall information and insights into everything related to McKendr...
Catfish & Pike Research
Following the Faculty

Catfish & Pike Research

Dr. Michael Louison had two papers accepted for publication in the peer-reviewed journal Fisheries Research. Dr. Michael Louison is an Assistant Professor in the Biology Program at McKendree University The first is the major one to highlight, as (now former/graduated) McKendree Students Emma Knoebel, Riley Ross, and Nathan Brand shared first-authorship on the paper, which was done with me and Dr. Robb VanPutte co-advising. The citation is here: Brand, N.R., Knoebel, E.M., Ross, R.M., VanPutte, R.D., and M.J. Louison (2022 in press). Post-release physiological disturbance in channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus caught by recreational anglers. Fisheries Research. The second recent publication was from some data I collected along with John Bieber of the University of Illino...
Health Equity: Growth and Understanding for Rural Communities for the National Rural Health Resource Center
Following the Faculty

Health Equity: Growth and Understanding for Rural Communities for the National Rural Health Resource Center

Dr. Richelle Rennegarbe, Nursing Division Chair/DNP Program Director/Professor of Nursing developed and implemented a four-part series focusing on Health Equity: Growth and Understanding for Rural Communities for the National Rural Health Resource Center. Professor Richelle Rennegarbie is a Professor in the McKendree University division of Nursing The four two-hour sessions focused on the following: Session 1 - Health Equity - What Every Rural Resident Deserves Session 2 - Health Equity - Using Cultural Intelligence in Rural Settings Session 3 - Health Equity - Addressing Social Determinants of Health in Rural Settings Session 4 - Health Equity - Evidence-Based Strategies to Address Health Equity This has an excellent opportunity to partner with a national rural health orga...