Wednesday, March 26

Month: December 2023

The Rom-Coms Were Wrong!

The Rom-Coms Were Wrong!

From Popular Delusions, a blog by Honors Intro to Psychology students The Rom-Coms Were Wrong! | Popular Delusions ( If you have ever decided to spend your Friday night indulging in a romantic comedy, then you know that they are filled with cheesy one-liners, and the main character always ends up with the person of their dreams.  The idea that opposites attract is a focal point in countless movies, TV shows, and books. The smart, shy, standoffish heroine and the outgoing, popular, pretty-in-an-obvious-way type somehow find comfort in the arms of one another (AKA the entire plot to She’s All That). This is the idea that opposites attract. Ross and Rachel, Danny and Sandy, Ron and Hermione, Cher and Josh, and countless others are the rule. The exception are those who ...
EDUrain Off-Campus Housing
Campus Events

EDUrain Off-Campus Housing

By: Grace Gross, Lead Editor Photos collected from EDUrain & McKendree University Off-Campus Living Community It’s required that all full-time, undergraduate McKendree University students live in university housing. Research shows that living on a university campus will bring a student’s learning, growth, and development rates up. Generally, students who live on campus are more satisfied with their college experience. By living on campus and being active within the community, students build stronger ties to the University, typically earn better grades, and are more likely to graduate according to Off-Campus Housing Market | McKendree University (n.d.). McKendree Residence Life gives 3 reasons why living on campus “just makes sense…”  It is convenient to be near t...
Fall 2023 McK Radio Wrapped!

Fall 2023 McK Radio Wrapped!

By Elana Melzer, Head Producer This semester, the McK Radio reached new heights! Two new series were started, and more Bearcats tuned in to listen.  The first episode of McK U Know was published on September 28th. This series, run by Kira Johnson and Rhian Dobinson, is all about getting to know what is going on with sports and clubs at McKendree. In fact, the third episode on women’s soccer was the McK Radio’s top podcast, according to Spotify Wrapped for Podcasters! Go and give this episode a listen! And “McK U Know episode 1 Bowling” was the top episode of the semester on SoundCloud.
Senior Spotlight: Maria Vitoria Salomao

Senior Spotlight: Maria Vitoria Salomao

By Megan Melone, Writer Photography submitted by Maria Vitoria Salomao Maria Vitoria Salomao is a senior international relations major with a management minor. She is from Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Maria is a captain of the McKendree women’s tennis team and was the number-one-ranked junior tennis player in Brazil. She is also a resident assistant, Student Government Association President, and the McKendree Vice Chair of the Illinois Board of Higher Education.  I interviewed Maria about her time at McKendree and her plans after graduation: What’s your home like? SALOMAO: My home is literally my favorite place in the world. It’s beautiful, and we have a huge garden. My neighborhood is full of nice people. We are always making good food; my home is always open to my family frien...