Monday, March 31

Letter from the Editors

Letter from the Editors


We would like to encourage McKendree students and staff to submit articles to the McKendree Review as much as possible! If you’re attending a McKendree-related event, please write about it! The Review wants to learn about it! As a reminder, we welcome opinions such as political pieces, TV show reviews or movie reviews. We also accept news-related pieces (world, US, local), campus-related pieces (sports, events, student profiles, class advertisements or campus announcements), poll-ideas, creative writing pieces, entertainment (original comic strips, Sudoku, original creative writing pieces) and questions for advice!

We will be updating the online edition of the McKendree Review every 14 – 18 days.

Have any questions? Feel free to send your questions and/or comments to

Thank you for your patience, and enjoy the the second McKendree Review Review issue of 2014!


The McKendree Review Editors

