Monday, March 31

Meet McKendree’s Student Academic Mentors

By: Grace Gross, Editor in Chief

This year at McKendree, a new position opened up in Residence Life and Student Success. Student Academic Mentors, or SAMs, are fellow McKendree students who are in each of the resident areas and have structured study and assistant time in the Active Learning Center (ALC). These fellow Bearcats are here to help you study, give academic resources, time management assistance and peer support. 

Each SAM has designated hours throughout the week to help students with their academic work. The hours are as follows:

Sunday 6-10 p.m. with Ryan Haynes

Monday 6-10 p.m. with Breanna Sampo

Tuesday 6-10 p.m. with Brooke Henry

Thursday 6-10 p.m. with Sean Harper

Let’s meet the student mentors!

Ryan Haynes is a junior at McKendree. He majors in Mathematics with Emphasis in Finance and Actuarial Science and is on the wrestling team.

Photo retrieved from McKendree Marketing and Communication Office

Breanna Sampo is a senior this year. She is a Psychology major and is minoring in Clinical and Counseling, along with Communication Studies. Breanna is captain of the color guard team with the Spirit of McKendree and is the president of Psi Chi and McKendree’s Psychology Club. 

Photo provided by Breanna Sampo

During Breanna’s SAM hours you can enter the ALC to some chill study beats playing in the background and friendly faces there to support you as you work in a warm study space. Breanna says, “I am always there to answer any questions you have, from academic assignments to life problems; together we will figure out the right way to help you work through the problem.”

Brooke Henry is a sophomore. Her major is Elementary and Special Education. “I have always had a passion for helping motivate and encourage others to succeed. I am on the dance team and a member of Phi Eta Sigma’s National Honor Society. In my free time I like to hang out with friends, go on car rides, and be outside in general.” Brooke continues, “The best thing about being a SAM is being able to help others with their academics. It is very rewarding to see the growth and success of those that I mentor. It is satisfying being able to share my knowledge, wisdom, and advice with those who are willing to listen and to see them apply it to whatever they are pursuing. I also love getting to work with the other SAMs while planning programs and brainstorming ideas to help be the best mentors we can.”

Photo provided by Brooke Henry

Sean Harper is also a sophomore this year. He is majoring in Music Education. 

Photo retrieved from McKendree Marketing and Communication Office

McKendree’s Student Academic Mentors have put together two awesome programs so far this year. In September, they hosted an event called “Poppin’ Planners.” Here, they provided planners and purple caramel popcorn to encourage students to use a planner to organize their schedules and work on time management. Earlier this month, they also hosted another event called “Tricks, Treats & Tests.” Just in time for midterms, they provided test-taking tips and tricks as well as sweet treats!

Don’t miss their upcoming event: “Burnout Bonfire,” where they will provide yummy s’mores on Monday November 14th starting at 7 p.m. outside of Ames at the firepit. They will also be talking about ways to relieve stress and push through until the end of the semester. Be on the lookout for free giveaways such as stress balls and Pop-Its. 


  • Grace Gross

    Grace Gross is one of the Lead Editors for the McKendree Review. She is a third-year Communication major, pursuing a minor in Clinical and Counseling Psychology. Grace is heavily involved in extracurricular activities on and off campus. She is a Student Academic Mentor for Student Success and Residence Life. She holds the position of Public Relations Officer for the Psychology Club. In addition, she plays the clarinet in the McKendree Concert Band. Grace is also the Color Guard Captain for the Spirit of McKendree. Grace enjoys spending time with her friends and listening to music and reading in her free time. She is very excited for all of the upcoming opportunities McKendree has to offer.