Monday, March 31

McKendree Offices Get in Halloween Spirit

By Megan Melone, Writer

Photography by Megan Melone

Title photo: Groovy Bogey in the Clark Hall Lounge. Photo taken by Madison Rohn

Bogey’s Halloween costume in Academic Records.

Mckendree staff was spook-ifying campus last week by dressing up their offices for Halloween as part of a decorating contest during homecoming week. The scariest offices chosen by the judges could win up to $100 in cash prizes. The contest consisted of 19 teams with over 66 staff members and students. The competition was fierce, but the top three winners pictured below all had scary good decorations: 

1st Place- Health Services, 521 Stanton Street

Health Services had a Scooby Doo mystery theme.

2nd Place- Academic Records, Old Main 101

Academic Records combined Halloween decorations with the 1970’s homecoming theme.

3rd Place- Graduate and Online Admissions, Old Main 102

Graduate and Online Admissions decorated their office with a groovy 70’s theme.

Happy Halloween Bearcats!


  • Megan Melone

    Megan Melone is a writer and editor for The McKendree Review. She is an accounting major from Trenton, Illinois. Megan is the secretary of the Student Government Association and plays percussion in the McKendree band. She likes to skateboard, write, and watch TV in her free time.