Monday, March 31

Leditors | A Letter from the Editors



The McKendree Review is starting something new this year; for the first time in forever, we will be publishing twice a month instead of only once a month. There will be an online issue published around the fifteenth of each month and a print and online issue published at the end of the month. This is certainly a challenge considering it hasn’t been done before, but we are convinced we can make it work. But, we need your help in order to do so! Please keep submitting articles to the McKendree Review as much as possible. We will publish anything written by McKendree faculty, staff, students and alumni. The first deadline for the print edition is Wednesday, Sept. 17. If you plan on writing an article or two, please submit them by then.

If we will not have enough articles to create a printed issue, the editors will notify the campus otherwise.

Again, keep sending in articles. We are much obliged.

Have a great day!
