Monday, March 31

[Iss. 6] || Back to the 80s

Staff Writer”

Interviewee: Brent and Lauren Reeves
(B-Dub and Laurie Lou)

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Father/daughter duo, B-Dub and Laurie Lou, known regularly as Brent and Lauren Reeves, have started their own piece of history at McKendree University. Not only are they the only father daughter duo on the McKendree radio station, but they are the only father and daughter 80’s internet radio show in the country! Their journey is only beginning, and we are here to give you the 411 on this groovy pair!

 Why an 80’s show? 

“I obviously lived through the 80’s and spent half of the 80’s in Europe (specifically the UK) and this was the time of the ‘Second British Music Invasion.’  The first was when the Beatles and other UK performers’ music came to the U.S.  So, I was ‘lucky’ to be able to experience first-hand a lot of great performers like Phil Collins, Duran Duran, Simple Minds, Tears For Fears, Lisa Stansfield, U2 (Bono), Sting, Soul 2 Soul, SADE, etc.  Plus, the 80’s music set the tone for many current artists music through sampling!  The 80’s is one of the most prolific music decades ever! Somehow, my love for the 80’s got transmitted to my daughter.”

What are your goals with this radio show?

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1)  Share our love of a music genre to the current generation – people who lived through the 80’s already know about it and love it.

2)  My daughter is a communication and journalism major and needs the experience on her resume to get into the “business”.  She eventually wants to have her own radio/TV talk show like Oprah or Wendy Williams.

3)  After my life at McKendree, I would like to become a Sex and Relationship Therapist and have my own radio/TV talk show.  So, I need the experience as well!”

Have you always had an interest in radio and broadcasting?

“No…not until I knew my daughter was leaning that way and I thought that it would be neat to share a love (The 80’s music) with someone I love (my daughter) and we could do something unique to McKendree and possibly the entire country being a father/daughter radio duo!”

80s showHow do you feel about being the first father daughter duo on the McK Radio?

“I love being a trailblazer and doing interesting and unique things.  I have done this my entire life.  While it may be a challenge and sometimes a bit scary, I think this is one way to enjoy life and help others as well by being a leader/role model.”

How do you feel about having a daughter going to McKendree?

“Secretly, it has been a desire of mine since she was born!  Being a divorced father of two, I have practically raised her and her brother “on-campus” being that since they were born, I spend many nights and weekends working on campus; they have been by my side for most of it.  She was originally planning to go to another school in Chicago (I didn’t want to force her to go somewhere she didn’t want to be).  Being a former admissions director, I have seen firsthand how disastrous it could be by making a kid go to your alma mater or some other school that they didn’t want to attend.  When things turned around and it looked like McKendree was her best option for a college education, I was thrilled to know that she would be close to me a little longer.”

What goes into preparing for a set?

“I am the musical consultant and historian, to give myself a title, on the team.  So, I just have to select and download the songs that we play.  I have a pretty extensive and diverse music library that I collected over the years from the 80’s.  Lauren usually loves all the songs that I like.  Then, she handles all of the technical stuff during the show, such as running the mixing board, powering up the broadcast computers and mics and doing some background research on our transitions from songs to announcements and vice versa.  Once we get the show going, we basically have FUN, FUN, FUN, as a father and daughter can, while playing great music.  Shhhhhhh!!!!  We usually BLAST the in studio speakers while doing the show!”

Favorite 80’s musician/band? Song?

“For me it would definitely be Prince!  Followed closely by Michael J. Jackson!

Prince- 1999; Raspberry Beret; Kiss; Let’s Go Crazy!

Michael Jackson- Thriller; P.Y.T.; Smooth Criminal; Working Day and Night


The duo hopes to keep the show going as long as their listenership is still up. At the end of the interview Brent added that he loves working with his daughter, going on to say that she is a beautiful and intelligent kid that he is very proud to be able to work with in such a fun way! To listen to this entertaining pair, tune into their radio show on Friday evenings from 6-7 PM at  from your mobile device or computer.


Peace, Love and Soul.




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