Monday, March 31

[Iss. 7] || McKendree University Bearcat Rotaract News

Group Advisor
First row left to right:  Tasha Doerr, Rachel Kaltwasser, Tiffany Somerville, Malika Knox Second row left to right:  Ambrocya Burge, Amanda Flowers, Darnee Baker
First row left to right: Tasha Doerr, Rachel Kaltwasser, Tiffany Somerville, Malika Knox
Second row left to right: Ambrocya Burge, Amanda Flowers, Darnee Baker

The Bearcat Rotaract Club met recently to carve these pumpkins as a community service project.  The pumpkins were donated to Lebanon care centers, elementary school, and day care center, and to offices on campus.

During Homecoming Week and in conjunction with Rotary International’s World Polio Day they conducted a “Purple Pinkie” fundraiser to support Rotary’s campaign to eradicate polio world-wide.  (When children are given the polio serum, their “pinkies” are dyed purple so children can be easily identified who have not received the serum.)

At their meeting on October 27, four new members, Lucindia Adams, Tasha Doerr, Jessica Fort, Rachel Kaltwasser, were inducted and given membership certificates and Rotaract pins.

President Amanda Flowers representing the Rotaract Club, receiving the Presidential Citation Award, 2013-2014
President Amanda Flowers representing the Rotaract Club, receiving the Presidential Citation Award, 2013-2014

The Past District 6510 Rotary Governor presented the club with a Presidential Citation Award for the last school year for completing projects in the local and global communities, participating in a vocational project and fundraising for the End Polio Now campaign by Rotary International.  President Amanda Flowers accepted the certificate on behalf of the club.

Rotaractors will participate in the Angel Tree project by purchasing two gifts and then reconvene next semester.  Watch in January for information regarding day, time, and meeting place or contact Amanda Flowers or Mrs. Martha Eggers, advisor, for more information.

Rotaract is the university branch of Rotary International, a service organization of professional men and women.  World-wide there are 6,867 Rotaract clubs and 158,401 members.  The Bearcat club is open to all university men and women who enjoy socializing as they complete service projects and helping others.
