Monday, March 31

A.L.P.H.A.- A Great Organization!


Once again the ladies of A.L.P.H.A., also known as Amazing Ladies Pursuing Holistic Appreciation are in full swing. Several ladies turned out to at their latest meeting see who would be the new President of A.L.P.H.A. and Denise Adams-Jones was elected. CONGRATULATIONS! Denise Adams-Jones is a Health and Wellness Major here at McKendree University and you can see her in between classes at 1828 where she works part-time. For those of you that are new to campus, A.L.P.H.A. is a registered student organization (RSO) comprised of mainly African American females, but males as well as ALL ethnicities, both male and female, are welcomed and highly encouraged to attend meetings and group events. Jessica Fort, who has since graduated, was on hand to offer friendly advice for the newly elected President and to promote this caring and friendly group.

The women of A.L.P.H.A. are known as a group of intelligent, compassionate ladies who are there for each other to help a fellow sister with the many trials that come with life for the African American female and to help with the many difficulties and struggles that come with being a college student. What exudes from this group is friendship, camaraderie, fellowship, advice and so much more. If this sounds like something you would be interested in, then join this group of ladies and make lasting friendships. Here are a few names of the ladies present at this meeting: Deshawnta Houston, Aimee Dancy, Lauren Reeves, Jessica Fort, Shanell Griffin, Rhoda Warner, Azieonnia Snow, Payton Harris, Denise Adams-Jones, Abby Lowman, and ,of course, Mrs. Clarissa Melvin.

One issue discussed at the A.L.P.H.A. meeting was that Rhoda Warner received a grant from the United Way that she intends to use for a health-fair related event in PAC that will exhibit topics such as breast cancer, diabetes, high cholesterol, and other health issues. If interested in this issue or helping out, talk to Rhoda Warner. After meeting Rhoda for the first time at this meeting, she definitely exudes knowledge, confidence, approachability, and friendliness; these are just a small fraction of character traits you will find in an A.L.P.H.A. member.

Lauren Reeves, who looks suspiciously like Brent Reeves, Head of Student Affairs, (hmmm…I wonder if they are related) mentioned team-building and recruitment for the A.L.P.H.A. organization. Clearly the A.L.P.H.A. organization has focus and a healthy desire to reach out to other campus ladies who would like to be part of something honorable and uplifting.

A.L.P.H.A.’s next meeting is scheduled for March, 19th at 5PM in the Clark Lounge. You don’t want to miss it.




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