Monday, March 31



Dr. Greenfield's Office
Dr. Greenfield’s Office

Does this image to the left depict chaos? Yes, it does! But according to The Psychological Meaning of Chaos: Translating Theory into Practice, “[c]haos is seen as a healthy and essential part of the creation process.” Despite his chaotic surroundings, Dr. Greenfield has a mind like an organized rolodex when it comes to the stimulating topics he teaches. His repertoire includes topics in many different genres, such as: Romantic Literature, Victorian English Literature, and World Literature. He also instructs the Nature of

Dr. Greenfield
Dr. Greenfield

Language course, English Grammar as well as Honors courses and General literature courses. Do not let this threatening, menacing, and overwhelming stockpile to seemingly nowhere scare you; in it are shelves, rows, and heaps of English language learning texts, English language origin and transformation books, videos, and learning tools as well as novels, short stories, and poetry of brilliant authors’, literature masterpieces stockpiled on the floor and shelves behind the accomplished, brilliant, and creative mind of Dr. Greenfield.

Dr. Greenfield received his bachelor’s, masters and doctoral degree at Indiana University. He won the Exemplary Teaching Award in 2002-2003 from the United Methodist Higher Education Board; he is the advisor to the National English Honors Society; Sigma Tau Delta; has edited five volumes in Dictionary of Literary Biography Series and two volumes of The Dictionary of British Literary Characters; has published several journal articles and presented numerous conference papers on nineteenth century English writers. His teaching philosophy states that he enjoys working with interesting and motivated students at McKendree University and Dr. Greenfield has been doing this for over twenty years. One can honestly say that Dr. Greenfield is WELL READ!
