Monday, March 31

Leditor from the Editor

Welcome to another issue of the McKendree Review! As you know, we strive to be a voice for the students on McKendree’s campus. With that being said, I would like to remind all readers that our writers, photographers and interviewees really want to capture McKendree as they see it.

In each issue we want to cover everything that is happening on campus at the moment, in the near future or recent past. If you think we have missed anything, please let us know! We always want feedback, so feel free to comment on any of the stories or email us directly. Again, feel free to send all story ideas our way! We want to make this site a safe place for free expressions of thought and discussion.

Also, we are always looking for new topics. Feel free to email us if anything comes to mind. We want to make sure students and staff members feel like this is an appropriate reflection of what is happening on campus, so again, don’t be shy to give feedback in the comments.

As always, we are looking for more writers and photographers to freelance for us. If you are interested, please contact me at or just email the Review email at .

As a reminder, we have decided to post our issues and submissions online to our website,, every 15th of the month and print a hard copy paper on the last day of the month. Time sensitive submissions will be posted on our website as soon as possible. Print editions will also be mounted on the web. In addition, is now synced to our Facebook page to allow quicker sharing of articles.

Thank you for all of your support!

Happy Reading,
Lauren Reeves
