Monday, March 31

Leditor from the Editor

Welcome to another exciting edition and a new semester of the McKendree Review! We are happy about being back in the swing of things.

We would like to thank all of our readers for keeping up with the McKendree Review as we have moved online. All of our stories and announcements are posted to our webpage and linked on Facebook. Be on the lookout for some interesting stories about campus life and other events geared for McKendree students.

Also, we are always looking for new topics and writers. Feel free to email us if anything comes to mind. Also, if you are interested in helping us in any way, please contact a member of our staff! We want to make sure students and staff members feel like this is an appropriate reflection of what is happening on campus, so again, don’t be shy to give feedback in the comments.

As always, we are looking for photographers to freelance for us. If you are interested, please contact me at or email the McKendree Review staff email at

Thank you for all of your support!

Happy Reading,

Lauren Reeves
