Monday, March 31

Recycling your Electronics

By Shawn Printy. Published April 25, 2011.

Electronic waste is a big problem, not just in the US, but especially globally. Some of the wonderful devices that we have today often contain dangerous chemicals, heavy metals, and other harmful substances that are a necessary evil in the production process. If these aren’t disposed of properly, these toxins can leech into the groundwater, and get into the environment, which can cause serious harm.

At McKendree, the Green Team recycles cell phones, printer cartridges, and rechargeable batteries. Once a year, there is a major electronic recycling drive where students are encouraged to bring in their old electronics. This helps keep electronic waste out of landfills and helps promote more efficient use of materials.

The company that McKendree uses to recycle electronic waste is called Web Innovations and Technology Services, and a lot of the recycled materials are reused and brought into needy communities for those who cannot afford computers or other electronics. In addition, they provide jobs for low-income people who work with WITS and help them handle the old electronics.

Fortunately, the McKendree recycling drive is coming up soon! A recycling company will be here on campus on Thursday, April 21 from 8am-5pm. They will have a truck which will be parked in the fitness center lot. The company will provide help unloading materials, and people are encouraged to drive up at any time. So, load up your car with all the old monitors, computers, cell phones, batteries, anything that has a power cord is fair game.

Not only will you be doing the Earth good by recycling, you may also be giving someone in need a chance to have things they could have never had otherwise. And it’s free. There’s no downside!
