By Sophie Jeffery, Editor
Are you a student with a knack for being in the right place at the right time? Have you ever considered a career in journalism? Are you looking for ways to create a digital footprint by publishing your written work? Are you intrigued by a particular phenomenon and long for the platform to investigate the matter more fully? Do you know an interesting person or group on campus that deserves more attention? Have you visited a cool place recently that you wish more people knew about?
Come write for the McKendree Review! We are always looking for new submissions from students and faculty about anything from book/movie reviews to sports recaps to the latest drama on campus. We want it all!
The McKendree Review has been publishing content online since 2011, covering topics such as food waste at Ames, parking (or lack thereof) on campus and everything in between! We publish articles every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and accept comics or digital advertisements for campus events.
Send your articles and any questions to mckreview@mckendree.edu. We can also help you come up with article ideas, too, if you’d like to write but aren’t sure of a topic!
-Your McKendree Review Editors
Would you all be interested in students who have written blogs and other media to “guest” write for the review. Say if a student is a gaming blogger, could they write a guest spot for the review and cross-post on both this site and their blog? Just an idea!
That is a fantastic idea! If you know of any student bloggers, send them our way! -Sophie