Monday, March 31

Letter From the Editor: Review Anniversary!

By Haley Rey, Editor in Chief

Photo from

Good afternoon, Bearcats! This week is a special one for McKendree Media. Today, November 15, marks the 100th anniversary of the McKendree Review! Our celebration of this event will include special articles, a donut sale fundraiser, and a donation opportunity.

This Wednesday, you’ll be able to read about some of the school paper’s history. You can find out how the Review began and how it became what it is today. On Friday, there will be an article including stories and quotes from previous Review staff. The best way to celebrate 100 years of the paper is to learn about its history!

Wednesday at 12:30 p.m., McKendree Media will be holding a donut sale outside PAC. If it rains, location may change, so keep an eye out for announcements on our Instagram! Donuts will be sold at a dollar a piece, or $10 for boxes of a dozen. You can pay with cash, but we will also have virtual options of payment: Venmo and PayPal. You will soon be able to find QR codes on social media, if you’d like to pay in advance or make a donation. Please describe the payments as either “donut” or “donation.” 

In addition to the sale, there will be a donut-eating challenge attempted by Daniel Duggan. He will be attempting to finish 100 donuts, one for each year the McKendree Review has existed. Come out and watch the challenge to see how many donuts he can eat!

We are happy to be able to celebrate this important anniversary with our loyal readers. Thank you to our audience for 100 wonderful years of McKendree’s student-run newspaper.


1 Comment

  • I had no idea McK Review was nearing such a milestone! Grats to the editorial crew and all writers past and present. I hope Health Services has a bed ready for Daniel after his dount-eating attempt 🙂

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