McKendree University continues to expand every year with an all-time high of undergraduate students living on campus. In the past years, parking on campus has been a major issue among students, and nothing has changed. One would assume that since the university is growing, the administration would combat this issue, but this has not been the case.

When I asked student Adrian Wentland about what would be his short-term goal about the parking craze here on campus, he replied, “I would love people to start using the Bogey Bus as an alternative or simply walking to class.”
But is the Bogey Bus a trustworthy resource to pick up all the residents from McKendree West and get them to class in a timely manner? Darrion Simmons doesn’t believe so.
“More often than not,” he says, “walking is a faster way to get to campus rather than taking Bogey because of the waiting time.”
According to the McKendree website, one loop takes approximately 20 minutes. “Depending on the driver, Bogey sometimes takes up to 30 minutes to complete a full loop,” says Simmons. By that time, you have to explain to your professor the reason you were 10 minutes late. There are flaws with taking the Bogey Bus.
Many college campuses find success in not allowing freshman to bring their vehicles to campus in order to free up parking spaces. Navarro Cruz agrees with this decision, not only to free up parking on campus, but to improve the social life on campus.
“Freshman would have to get to know the upperclassmen in order to get around on and off of campus, and that will only make this University a better place,” says Cruz.
Students have continued to express their disappointment with McKendree regarding this issue. It is time that the administration provides a reliable way for students to get to class in a timely and efficient manner.