By: Kristina Ferry, Writer
Photos taken by Phoebe Mccutcheon
Midterm season can be hard on college students, and McKendree is no different. During this time of year a lot of students take their studies seriously, either to help them not fail a class or to maintain their high grade. Especially around midterms, it is important to know what the best study spots are on campus and how well they work. The three main study spots on campus are the Hub, the library, and 1828 Café.
The Hub is a relatively new place on campus, but it is a great spot to study with a group of friends. Several rooms can be reserved that have whiteboards or projection screens for students who want to study on the big screen. Unlike other locations that can get noisy or require students to stay quiet, the Hub encourages students to talk amongst their peers. Its location is also perfect for those who may not want to walk much, being right under the 1828 Café. While this is not the most popular study spot on campus, it is not a location to be underestimated.

Holman Library is one of the places most tailored for studying on campus. To compliment its cozy, quiet atmosphere, the library has several places for a person to set down their stuff and get serious work done. The library is the perfect place for someone who wants to study alone and not be bothered by other groups or loud noises. Many who enter the library find their own little corner, couch or chair to curl up in and stay there for hours on end. Having so many diligent students around can influence you to do your best work, and you might even influence them in return.

The library has two floors, both providing different services to students. The lower floor of the library has a research librarian, Claire Reinert, who can help you find quality materials for papers, which can be useful for studying. Also, a printer is located on the right side of the lower level, from which students can print assignments, notes, and more. With some students preferring to have physical study materials rather than digital ones, the “relatively” free access to this machine can be invaluable. All you need is your ID number and password to use your print credits.
The second floor of the library is freshly redone and has turned into one of the best study spaces to go to focus on your work. With the variety of seating offered, from tables of four to shut-off cubicles of one, this space has something for everyone. If you need a place to go and escape from the rest of campus life, this place was built for you. The loudest sound heard is a cough, and there are easily accessible bathrooms and a pleasant minimalistic appearance. So, there is little to distract you from your tasks. The library is also open late at night, meaning it is perfect for the night owls cramming in some late minute studying or doing a forgotten assignment. Holman Library is open until midnight Sunday through Thursday and until 5pm on Friday.

The last study spot on campus is the 1828 Café. Located between Clark and Carnegie Hall, the café offers food and drinks to its customers as well as a cozy atmosphere. While the café can get crowded at times, it is a perfect location for those who want a little bit of noise while they work. While not designated as a study spot, the café offers plentiful seating, from a table of two to a table of ten. This spot is perfect for catching a quick ten-minute study session between classes or meeting up with a large group in a more casual, lighthearted way.
While there are more niche locations around campus that certain students may enjoy, these three are by far the most popular, except for students’ own dorm rooms. So, this semester, take advantage of all the spaces McKendree has to offer and find your favorite study site.

Where do you like to study?