Monday, March 17

Call Them Ranch ‘Cause They’re Dressing: Fashion on McKendree’s Campus

By Caylin Dean, Contributing Writer

The average college student rolls out of bed approximately 15 minutes before (or sometimes after) their class starts, grabbing a can of caffeine and rushing out the door to catch the Bogey bus. Their uniform is typically a variation of a three-day-old outfit they slept in, its odor becoming a little ripe. Our lady bearcats attire typically consists of a pair of LuLuLemon leggings, a Patagonia pullover, and, depending on the weather, Uggs or Birks for their tootsies. Our male counterparts tend to have a go-to ensemble as well: sweatpants, tennis shoes, and a t-shirt or sweatshirt that dons their respective sports team. Although these are the traditional garb that we often see fellow classmates sporting on campus, there are some hidden treasures in the fashion world on McKendree’s campus.

Mindy Ritchey, my roommate and self-proclaimed fashionista is one homegirl who’s sense of style never disappoints.

Photo via Mindy Ritchey

Question: What stores do you tend to shop at the most?

Answer: I can typically be found shopping at Glik’s, Francesca’s, CoCo Grand Boutique, and J. Crew; my style is very boutique oriented.

Q: What is your go-to outfit?

A: Definitely something that is comfy but cute- typically jeans and a trendy top and cute shoes, or a dress, depending on the occasion.

Q: What inspires your clothing?

A: Mostly what I feel comfortable in and personally think I look good in, as well as trends that I see while working in fashion retail, and various fashion blogs.

Q: How would you describe your style?

A: Comfy but stylish.

Q: What article do you tend to buy the most?

A: Shirts and dresses, as well as shoes: they can elevate any outfit.


Aron Durant is another rarity on campus: he often takes risks with his unique style.

Q: What stores do you tend to shop at the most?

A: Express, Super Dry, and Nelson’s are a few of my most visited stores.

Q: What is your go-to outfit?

A: A simple pair of chinos (for you fashion-challenged individuals, chinos are a lightweight, slim fit type of shorts/pants that resemble khakis), a pair of boots, and a button down top.

Q: What inspires your clothing?

A: My major, linguistics, has gotten me interested in different trends from Japanese and European cultures.

Q: How would you describe your style?

A: Simple and CLEAN.

Q: What article do you tend to buy the most?

A: Pants, button downs, and underwear (okay, Aron, TMI).


My last fashionista is not a student at all, but a professor: DR. J.L. Kemp stays serving the looks in and out of the classroom.


Q: What stores do you tend to shop at the most?

A: I don’t have particular stores that I tend to shop at per say, my style is a combination of years of things that I’ve collected that I like and that fits my body shape. I choose clothing that fits my body, and then what fits my personality, and is unique. I like places like Macy’s and Dillard’s, but also places like Kmart and Walmart, it just depends what I see and like as I’m roaming through stores.

Q: What is your go-to outfit?

A: Probably something Sigma Gamma Rho colors (blue and gold), but my first thought is always comfort and then cute. My caftans (African dresses) are always a go-to because I can dress them up or down, they’re colorful, comfortable, and people like them. And pearls, they can make any outfit “wow.”

Q: What inspires your clothing?

A: Comfort, how my clothes compliment my body shape, my mood, and the weather; if it’s gloomy outside, I’ll probably put on something gray.

Q: What article do you tend to buy the most?

A: My buying is often dictated by the season and what I’m doing. When I first started working, all I bought was suits and dress clothes, so all things business professional.

As someone who loves all things fashion and style myself, I have a word of advice for those who are unsure of their individual flare: find out what inspires you. If you love nature, find a floral blouse, if you’re into prints, scoop up a pair of leopard shoes to take your outfit to the next level, and if you’re old school, take a trip to a thrift shop and unearth a hidden treasure for your wardrobe. Whatever it is, make sure that it’s “you,” and that it makes you feel all the more confident.


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