Friday, March 28


Stories from the classrooms of McKendree University.

Career Services

Career Services

By: Chloe Gamber, Head Academic Writer Hopefully most, if not all, students who are reading this have visited Career Services. If you have not, you need to do so as soon as possible! Both Director of Career Services Jennifer Pickerll and Assistant Director of Career Services Katie Schuetz are very passionate about helping every student. They both recommend that students not wait until junior year to get involved in career services for many reasons. First of all, around 80% of students change their major at least once. This occurrence is not necessarily bad if these students end up having a career they enjoy. But, getting guidance from Career Services about your interests and needs for your future career can help make this process easier. Katie explained how planning takes multiple step...
Best Spots for a Midterm Study Session

Best Spots for a Midterm Study Session

By: Kristina Ferry, Writer Photos taken by Phoebe Mccutcheon Midterm season can be hard on college students, and McKendree is no different. During this time of year a lot of students take their studies seriously, either to help them not fail a class or to maintain their high grade. Especially around midterms, it is important to know what the best study spots are on campus and how well they work. The three main study spots on campus are the Hub, the library, and 1828 Café. The Hub is a relatively new place on campus, but it is a great spot to study with a group of friends. Several rooms can be reserved that have whiteboards or projection screens for students who want to study on the big screen. Unlike other locations that can get noisy or require students to stay quiet, the Hub en...
Find Your Dream Job!

Find Your Dream Job!

By: Chloe Gamber, Head Academic Writer Photos taken by Chloe Gamber When it comes to finding a job, it may be easier than expected. When it comes to your dream job, it is definitely a bigger journey. RippleMatch is one of the evolving ways to find your dream job. RippleMatch’s mission statement easily sums up a great future in paving career paths for many: “RippleMatch is the career matching platform that brings your dream job or internship to you. Finding your next opportunity is simple: get matched with top employers and fast-tracked to the interview. No more getting ghosted after spending hours applying on job boards – RippleMatch is the new way to find work.” From my experience and many others, being ghosted when applying for jobs can be a constant occurrence. This is one thing ...
2022 Academic Excellence Celebration
Academics, Local News, News

2022 Academic Excellence Celebration

By Grace Gross, Head Culture Editor Photos taken/collected by Grace Gross The 2022 Academic Excellence Celebration took place throughout campus on Thursday, April 28. Students were able to present their scholarly and creative work to the McKendree community. In addition to this, many students received academic achievement awards for excellence in their programs. Several honors societies inducted new members.  This busy day started at 8:30 a.m. with poster presentations in the library. Breanna Sampo, with sponsor Dr. Guy Boysen, presented their research on motivated reasoning and the influence it has on faculty interpretations of research on gender bias in student evaluations.  Breanna Sampo presents her research Peyton Osgood, Colby Price and Aliyah Rollins also c...
Meet Professor Guida!
Academics, Campus News

Meet Professor Guida!

By: Chloe Gamber, Head Academic Writer For this week, Professor Guida shared some insight about her time as a professor at McKendree. When asked about what she enjoys the most about teaching she said, “I love that I’m able to meet such a diverse group of students each semester. I remember one staff member used to have a map in her office that she would have students she worked with pin their hometowns on. It was such a great visual reminder that we work with students from all over—rural areas, major cities, various countries. For me, that has really pushed me as a teacher in the best way possible. How do I teach a short story, or cover letter writing or the argumentative essay to a group of students from all walks of life?” She continues, “I also love the community at McKendree. Whe...
Join Us At Academic Excellence Day!

Join Us At Academic Excellence Day!

By: Chloe Gamber, Head Academic Writer This upcoming week is Academic Excellence day and there is a large variety of exciting events to go to! Academic Excellence day will have presentations from students, Honor Society inductions along with other special events such as music performances and art exhibits! The celebration will be held this Thursday, April 28, 2022.  Here is a video featuring some great clips of what you could attend: Photo taken from: Instagram account @mckaec “The Academic Excellence Celebration (AEC) is a day-long academic extravaganza. Student presenters will share their work publicly in one of three formats: posters, F2F (face to face) or virtual presentations and prerecorded (from gradu...
Ready, Set, Study!

Ready, Set, Study!

By: Chloe Gamber, Head Academic Writer Music is a subject that everyone at least has some personal connection to. Music spans throughout history and cultures for many uses such as for entertainment of different sorts. It is very well known that classical is a prominent source of music to help with focus when studying. But really, any form of music can help focus depending on the person.  According to, studies have shown that music helps stimulate the brain. When asking Emily Croxton about how music helps her focus, she responded by saying, ”Believe it or not I tend to listen to very upbeat music when I’m writing papers. I honestly use the same music I work out to. Something about my work out playlist gets me very determined to get things done. When I study I tend ...
Always Know The Right Tools
Academics, Local News

Always Know The Right Tools

By: Marisa Ortega, Editor This past Tuesday, April 5 McKendree University’s Career Services hosted a Dining/Professional Etiquette Seminar for students to learn about what could happen in a business dining atmosphere.  The description provided by Career Services to inform students of this event stated, “Enjoy a multi-course meal while you learn about proper dining and professional etiquette, explore what business casual means and have the opportunity to participate in a networking exercise”.  Photos provided by Jennifer Pickerell This took place within the Hett and all students were told to dress in business casual clothing to create the business dining atmosphere. Once they arrived, students interacted with others to create a safe, open business atmosphere before s...
Briefing on Government Jobs and Resume Advice

Briefing on Government Jobs and Resume Advice

By: Chloe Gamber, Head Academics Writer Pictures taken/collected by Chloe Gamber and Nat Wilk, presentation screenshots by Mr. Lance Davidson and Ms. Brianna Schneider Ms. Brianna Schneider and Mr. Lance Davidson, taken by Chloe Gamber Have you considered looking into the military as a civilian? If not, here is some easily accessible information to get a brief understanding of what these jobs consist of. Not only did the speakers provide information about the Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC), but there were also some tips about constructing a resume that anyone could benefit from. Ms. Brianna Schneider briefly explains, “They are in charge of transporting those in the military to the right place at the right time”. Ms. Schneider resides at the headquarte...