Sunday, March 30


More Like Neighboring States!

More Like Neighboring States!

From Popular Delusions, a blog by Honors Intro to Psychology students More Like Neighboring States! | Popular Delusions ( Have you ever heard the phrase “Men are from Mars, women are from Venus?” Or do you ever just feel when communicating with someone of the opposite gender that you are two very different people from what feels like two very different planets? Like Mars and Venus? American pop psychologist John Gray popularized the idea of women and men using different types of communication. He created the Mars and Venus series of self-help books, which began with Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus that advanced the belief that men and women have entirely different styles of communicating their needs. Gray wrote, “Not only do men and women communicate differe...
Are You Prepared for the Career Fair?
Advice, Campus Events

Are You Prepared for the Career Fair?

By Madison Rohn, Lead Editor Cover image of Career Services from 2023’s career fair retrieved from McKendree’s online photo albums. McKendree’s annual career fair is back and larger than ever! Almost 90 employers and graduate schools will be ready to meet with students at the Hettenhausen Center for the Arts this Valentine’s Day from 11:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M.  Find more information about the career fair at Career Services' webpage. Image retrieved from Career Services. To help students make the best out of their time at the career fair, I interviewed Jennifer Pickerell, the director of Career Services. She gave me helpful advice for students considering going to the fair. In summary, her most helpful piece for students is to “prepare ahead of time.” Jennifer listed five actio...
The Rom-Coms Were Wrong!

The Rom-Coms Were Wrong!

From Popular Delusions, a blog by Honors Intro to Psychology students The Rom-Coms Were Wrong! | Popular Delusions ( If you have ever decided to spend your Friday night indulging in a romantic comedy, then you know that they are filled with cheesy one-liners, and the main character always ends up with the person of their dreams.  The idea that opposites attract is a focal point in countless movies, TV shows, and books. The smart, shy, standoffish heroine and the outgoing, popular, pretty-in-an-obvious-way type somehow find comfort in the arms of one another (AKA the entire plot to She’s All That). This is the idea that opposites attract. Ross and Rachel, Danny and Sandy, Ron and Hermione, Cher and Josh, and countless others are the rule. The exception are those who ...
Major General John Bartrum Shares Insight with Students
Advice, Campus Events, Campus News

Major General John Bartrum Shares Insight with Students

By Madison Rohn, Lead Editor Title photo retrieved from McKendree online photo albums Major General John Bartrum spent last Thursday speaking to students as a part of the Hett’s annual Lanter Lecture Series. The Lanter Lecture Series gives McKendree students a chance to hear insight from influential business leaders. As the Mobilization Assistant to the Surgeon General of the Air Force and Space Force1, Major General Bartrum is certainly influential. Major General John Bartrum1 In addition to his military service, Major General Bartrum is the founder and CEO of Brightstar Innovations Group, LLC, which is a strategic advising and consulting solutions firm2. He also served as an Associate Director of the National Institute of Health as its Budget Director for its over $30 billio...
A Campus Full of Love Part 2

A Campus Full of Love Part 2

When continuing to discuss the different kinds of love, one you should not forget is familial love. With many of McKendree’s students living away from home, it is easy to forget to spend time with those who love you. As we get older, it’s more difficult to spend time with our families when our  lives get busy and we move away. However, some actions can help us stay close to our family. Calling your parents once a week or sending a funny video to your sibling are small but easy ways to keep in contact with your loved ones. As humans grow up, our ideas of family change, which is why it is important to stay close to the ones we call family. Staying connected with family members can help people feel love even when they are away. Another type of love is platonic love, which is commo...
A Campus Full of Love
Advice, Campus Events

A Campus Full of Love

Photos taken by Kristina Ferry As we are in the season of love, it is important to remember all the different kinds of love we can implement into our lives. Implementing love in our lives is incredibly important to help us live the healthiest life possible. Many types of love are ignored in our society, and it is important for all types of love – not just romantic love – to get the recognition they deserve. Self-love is one kind of love that is often not given the importance it requires. One of the smallest examples of practicing self-love that happened on campus recently are the flowers the McK Green Club sold for Valentine’s Day since it was not necessary to buy one for a romantic partner. Many people, including myself, bought a flower to celebrate self-love on a day all about rom...
Dear Bogey: Struggling Younger Sister

Dear Bogey: Struggling Younger Sister

Dear Bogey, Families can be hard to deal with sometimes, and I am having a hard time connecting with my older sister recently. We used to be very close when we both lived at home, but ever since I moved away for college, it has been hard to stay close. I don’t want to lose the relationship that I have with my sister, but she is making it hard for me to want to keep our relationship. She is my older sister, so she thinks that she has to be a mother to me when that isn’t what I want at all. I just want to have a sister that I don’t feel like I have to hide stuff from. The last time we hung out we had the biggest fight that we have ever had, and things haven’t been the same as before. She got mad at me because I didn’t tell her that I was going somewhere, and as her younger sister, she t...
Dear Bogey: Loyal Worker

Dear Bogey: Loyal Worker

Dear Bogey, I am a recent college graduate who just started my dream job a little less than three months ago. I absolutely love working for this company and have made some great friends along the way. My manager has been asking me to help her steal money for a couple of weeks now. I know that it is wrong of me to help her, but I don’t want to lose my job by refusing to help her steal money for her personal benefit. Bogey, should I turn in my manager to a higher-up official in the company or just continue to do what she is asking me to do, in hopes that she eventually stops asking me to assist her with these actions?  Sincerely, Loyal Worker Dear Loyal Worker,  Thank you for coming to me for advice on this very sensitive topic. While this may feel like a tough situat...
Dear Bogey: Illinois Miss Independent

Dear Bogey: Illinois Miss Independent

Dear Bogey, My boyfriend and I have been together for two years and we both decided to come to Mckendree as we both live within an hour of the school. We are both freshmen this year. Since we got to school my boyfriend has been very clingy to me, which in the past I have never minded, but now I want to do some things on my own. He is with me nearly nonstop. I am struggling to make friends because of it and I always want to go do things on my own now. I want to be able to grow at college and make a lot of new friends because all of my friends from home went to a different school. Our relationship is really strong and I do not want to lose him but I also want to be independent sometimes and have time for myself. I love him but I am learning that independence can happen when in a relation...
Dear Bogey: Tired Mediator

Dear Bogey: Tired Mediator

Dear Bogey, My sister and her best friend, who I am also friends with, have gotten into a fight and haven’t spoken to each other for a few weeks now. My sister jokes a lot with the people she cares about, and our friend is very sensitive. So, from my understanding, the fight started from a joke my sister made about our friend that she took personally. My sister doesn’t want to apologize because she doesn’t think she did anything wrong, and our friend has been ignoring her and avoids her at school. I got the two of them to talk to each other for one night when we went out to eat together, but I think that was only because I was there because they stopped talking to each other again afterwards. Their fight is affecting the rest of our friend group as well because they don’t want to go to...