Friday, March 7



Take a Breath, the End Draws Near

BY BRITANI BEASLEY As we approach the end of the school year, students find it difficult to maintain attendance, participation and interest in their courses. Here are some quick tips to help students stay motivated in the classroom, keep their minds sharp, and leave procrastination at an all-time low. Make a To-Do List: It is important, especially this late in the semester, to have a to-do list handy in your planner. Having a to-do list is much more effective to cross things off of the list and visibly see that you are getting closer to the end of the semester. Shut off All Electronics: Our generation cannot seem to comprehend what it is like not being connected to everything going on around us. A simple way to complete that list of final tasks is to turn off your notifications and ...

Earth Science and Astronomy: More Related than You & Your Mother

BY STEFANIE STRACK Many people think of Earth Science and Astronomy as two vastly different branches of science, and never give any thought as to how the two of them could be connected. They are actually more related than one might think. After all, Astronomy is the study of space and the objects in it, and Earth happens to fall into this category. By studying one of these branches, we can learn more about the other. For example, from knowledge we gain in Astronomy, the seasons we experience on Earth are explained. The Earth rotates around the Sun on an axis tilted 23.5 ° from the perpendicular (the y-axis of the plane in which Earth’s axis is measured upon). Because of Earth’s tilt, at different parts of the year, the portion of the Earth you live in points toward or away from the Sun...

Town Gown: Connecting With…Lebanon “Vs.” McKendree

BY BRITANI BEASLEY In a small community of 5,523 people, Lebanon, Ill. is a tight knit community full of hometown pride and yearly celebrations that draw people out of their historic homes. As you drive down the beautiful brick road and look at the worn storefronts, it is apparent each of these buildings are beautifully decorated with vintage clothing and homely antiques presented in storefront windows. With loosely-draped spider webs hanging in every corner, Lebanon’s historic architectures make the town very appealing to inhabitants and visitors alike. At the end of the road, there is a welcoming brick monument with a fountain reading “McKendree University.” Suddenly you feel like you are no longer in Lebanon. As McKendree continues to grow and overpopulates Lebanon, it’s apparent th...

Hidden Treasures: McKendree’s Archival Museum

BY ANDREW OLDEN Bothwell Chapel stands as an iconic piece on the McKendree campus, most often admired for its age and beauty.  When asking your everyday student what is located in the Chapel, most will reference the housing point of the oldest bell in the United States.  Upon further inspection within the chapel, one will discover there is a trove of historical wealth residing in the campus' museum. The museum is located across from Circuit Riders Hall on the north side of the Chapel’s first floor and can be identified by its white double doors.  Lining the walls of this historian's paradise are a variety of pictures highlighting McKendree's rich history.  These works range from portraits and photos of past presidents to political cartoons which once appeared in major area newspapers. ...

The Voices of Reason

Question:  Hello, I am graduating this semester, and still haven't found a job yet. Should I keep looking for one that goes with my degree or should I try and apply for other jobs like Walmart or McDonald's in order to have 'something' that will help me with my finances? Thanks, The Unemployed Answers: To: The Unemployed I have not graduated yet and I am sure I will be in the same position as you next year. I would say find a job that will suit you until you can get your dream job. Also, depending what your desired career is, a different job may be good experience for you, since you will be learning how to deal with coworkers and people in general. However, keep applying for jobs and looking online for openings. Maybe you should contact Career Services. Look into some internships. If...

“Native Son”

A Book Review BY KIMBERLY BENNETT At the beginning of 2014, 32 out of 50 states in America still sentence criminals with the death penalty. Lethal injection is authorized in 35 states (three states had abolished the death penalty, but according to the Death Penalty Information Center, the “law wasn’t retroactive,” leaving 18 people sentenced to death). While all 35 states have lethal injection as their primary method of execution, eight states still allow for electrocution. Three states, including Missouri, authorize the gas chamber death penalty. Three states allow hanging, and two allow firing squads. Most people never plan to end up in prison, and most certainly do not even begin to think that they will die on death row. Criminals are criminals, plain and simple. However, back in th...

“Captain America: The Winter Soldier”

A Film Review BY EMILY LUCIA In his first post The Avengers appearance, Captain America certainly returned with a punch. With twists and turns you will not expect, the latest addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe brings “The Winter Soldier” comic books alive in true Marvel fashion. Steve Rogers, A.K.A Captain America (Chris Evans) is still adjusting to life in the modern world. He keeps busy by working with the Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement Logistics Division (S.H.I.E.L.D.) on various missions under the orders of Director Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) and a mission here and there alongside Black Widow, A.K.A. Natasha Romanoff (Scarlet Johansson). In his spare time, Rogers can be found exercising, often running along the streets of Washington, D.C. where S.H.I.E.L.D.’s...

Recipe: Kimberly’s Sweet Italian Salad

I do not have a recipe because I make the salad based on pretty much whatever amounts of ingredients I want to put into it, but I thought I would share a taste of my favorite salad dish to make for my family. Ingredients (Serving Size: At least 5 People):  At least 1 Iceberg Lettuce Head (depends on size of family) At least 1/2 pkg. of Oscar Mayer Smoked Ham (lean) Red Onion Large Black Pearl Olives Sargento Shredded Mozzarella Cheese (low-fat if available) Croutons if desired Zia's Sweet Italian Salad (available in the St. Louis area) / Alternative: Olive Garden's House Salad Dressing Clean lettuce head. Shred lettuce into small leaves. Put lettuce in mixing bowl. Cut ham slices into squares; dimensions should be about an inch on each side. Put ham square-slices into bowl wit...


Solution to the last Sudoku Challenge: New Sudoku Challenge:   The solution to the latest Sudoku will be included in the next issue.