Friday, March 7



Sudoku Answer to Sudoku #121 (Hard)

Thank you for participating in our last round of Sudoku for the year. There will be more next year so if you enjoy puzzles, look for them in the first issue of the fall.

Senior Exhibition at the McKendree University Gallery of Art

A message from Professor MacLennan of the McKendree Art Department: Featuring artwork by: Lauren Bouchard, Kelly Clapper, Meghan Dohogne, Emilye Duncan, Kayla Jenkins, Laura Kanyo, Andrew Kinnison, Kayla Morelan May 1-15, 2014 We are proud to exhibit the work of our graduating art seniors, our very own “group of eight”: Lauren Bouchard, Kelly Clapper, Meghan Dohogne, Emilye Duncan, Kayla Jenkins, Laura Kanyo, Andrew Kinnison, and Kayla Morelan. These artists present the fruits of their labors in forms of paintings, collage, sculpture, and installation. Their work is varied, reflecting individual interests and distinctive methods. Meghan Dohogne investigates the artistic expression of contemporary issues by blending American Abstract Expressionist gesture with limited color palettes deriv...

The Review Crew

Vol. 92, Iss. 5 Editors Kimberly Bennett Co-Editor-in-Chief Natalie VanBooven Co-Editor-in-Chief Mindy Allen Assistant Editor Emily Lucia Assistant Editor / Web Designer Editing Team Mindy Allen Kimberly Bennett Natalie Van Booven Emily Lucia In This Issue Mindy Allen Britani Beasley Kimberly Bennett Mehgan Dohogne Janelle Jankowski Emily Lucia Kati Melton Andrew Olden Stephanie Strack Christopher Streetman The McKendree Review is a student-run organization of McKendree University. The mission of The McKendree Review is to give students the opportunity to learn the news process and publish articles pertaining to their opinions and ideas. The staff does not agree with all statements and opinions, which rightfully belong to their writers. The McKendree Review Office can be found in Eisenma...

“Leditor” ~Letter from the Editors

Letter from the Editors Hello, As you know, the semester is coming to an end, but the McKendree Review will have one more issue after this one. The next issue will be published the day after finals (Friday, May 9th). Also, a few days after finals are over, look for an email about the Academic Excellence Day Video Project. We have sent an email out the other day concerning the details of the project, but if you would like another copy, email, and one will be sent to you promptly. Remember, to view the tab: McK Review Issues. Today's date will be listed as the first sub-tab. Make sure you click "Older Posts" on the bottom left corner of the website to view other articles within the latest issue. Don't hesitate to email us if you have questions (mckreview@mckendree....

Too Burned out for School?

BY KATI MELTON With finals week quickly approaching, McKendree students, who have procrastinated with their finals projects, papers and homework assignments, are frantically trying to get things done, while also studying for their final exams. The stress that McKendree students feel is common on the home stretch of the last few weeks of school, but the feeling of burnout is also something that is becoming increasingly more popular. Seniors, especially, but even freshman, have this overwhelming desire to be done with school. So how do students who experience this “burn-out” push past it, and complete and turn in all of their ending assignments on time while, at the same time,  finding ways to manage studying for their final exams? Most of the time, seniors realize things need to get don...

Mehgan Birdsong: A Woman Making a Difference

BY BRITANI BEASLEY St. Louis Native and McKendree University senior, Meghan Birdsong is a Speech Communication major, with a Public Relations emphasis, and has a minor in Spanish. When asked how many years she has been studying foreign language and which ones she has studied, she said, “My elementary school had us start taking French kindergarten through 6th grade, so seven years, but all I could remember was “Je ne sais pas” (I do not know) and “Parlez-vous anglais?” (Do you speak English?) which only helped me in Montreal. They also had us take Latin in 5th and 6th grade, but I barely remember the basics of it. In middle school I started taking Spanish until 10th grade. I absolutely hated Spanish in high school and learned nothing. It was definitely my least favorite class. I started...

Roszell Mosely: Born Again

BY JANELLE JANKOWSKI Even though women are stereotypically associated with having stress-related weight issues, this is most certainly not always the case. Roszell Mosely, a student attending McKendree, spent his freshman year worried about his health. After graduating high school in 2011, Roszell finally decided it was time to lose weight. He already viewed himself as being healthy, but unfortunately, this was not the case. Weighing in at 290 lbs., he described the feeling as if “he was slowly dying.” After 4 months of continuous exercise, a proper diet and the aid of nutritional supplements, he was able to reach a weight of 195 lbs. – a loss of 95 lbs. altogether. Roszell attributes the success to his weight loss to the help of AdvoCare. AdvoCare is an American multilevel marketing com...

The Act of Painting: Brian D. Smith

BY MEGHAN DOHOGNE In a recent exhibit at the McKendree University Gallery of Art, artist Brian D. Smith showcased the style of painting. Smith creates large abstract paintings using vibrant bold colors that strikingly impact the viewer.  Abstract painting is often misunderstood or discredited for the lack of recognizable subject matter. Understanding abstract art requires the viewer to take a leap from looking for an expression of reality to appreciating elements of color, gesture, and movement in a painting. For many audience members, this is an unnatural way to look at a painting, which causes confusion when evaluating an abstract work of art. Confusion is celebrated by those who work in abstract painting because it challenges viewers’ notion of art. Abstract painting is often much m...

E-cigarettes on McKendree Campus

BY MINDY ALLEN In March, a campus email explained that the smoking policy of McKendree University has been revised to include e-cigarettes, which are banned in campus buildings and dorms. Some people may wonder why e-cigarettes, which are odorless, are also banned in public buildings. This debate is raging beyond the McKendree campus. People are smoking e-cigarettes in restaurants and other public places as well. A CBS news article covered the debate in Los Angeles, where e-cigarettes were banned in the public; the LA city councilman, Mitch O'Farrell, explains why the ban was imposed: “What we're doing is taking a very sensible, fair approach to regulation that controls the second-hand aerosol exposure to thousands of employees in the work force, young people.” Thomas Glynn, a director...